Lin Xiajin and the three of them continued to walk within the range of the giant dark tree, but they only dared to walk outside.

"The giant trees here were devoured a few months ago, and now there are no traces." Lin Xiajin sighed.

The plant recovery ability of Green Plant Star is amazing. If this forest is on other ordinary planets, it would take decades or even hundreds of years, but it can grow like this in just a few months on Green Plant Star. of a forest.

"Let's go, the people behind are about to catch up." Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice

After the words fell, Lin Xiajin heard movement behind them, and the three of them stopped talking nonsense and continued to walk towards the periphery. They originally wanted to drive a land vehicle, but in the Great Dark Forest they realized that the entire Great Dark Forest was one Powerful mutated plants, driving land vehicles will cause movement instead.

Facts have proved that Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo's concerns are correct, because those who drove into the giant dark forest without exception were attacked by the giant dark forest, and now the giant dark tree sees the aircraft and these technological products are directly classified as aliens.

At night, everyone had a tacit understanding and did not choose to attack Lin Xiajin, because the night in the giant dark forest was pitch black, and no light could penetrate.

There are still 6 days left before the deadline, and the less time there is, the crazier those who haven't got the heart of grass and trees will be. In the middle of the night, someone has already attacked Lin Xiajin and the others. In the past few days, they have taken turns to rest at night. They are also in a light sleep state.

"Be careful!" Lin Xiajin quickly reminded Wang Han that Wang Han escaped a shot, and Lin Xiajin had already teleported behind the man holding the lucky star, and she also had the captured laser gun in her hand.

Lin Xiajin didn't shoot at such a short distance. She had never practiced guns before, and this laser gun was completely different from the guns they had in Chenlanxing. This laser gun was very similar to a toy gun, very Lightness.

A shot missed, and the man reacted immediately, but Lin Xiajin teleported again and again.

Lin Xiajin didn't know which planet this group belonged to, but visually, there were eight or nine people in this group, which was the largest number of contestants Lin Xiajin had ever seen.

Generally, the participating groups are two people, or a group of five or six people. A small group of people is also convenient and easy to manage.

These people's abilities are all speed-type abilities, and their skills are very good. They are fully equipped and also wear night vision goggles, even high-end versions.

Lin Xiajin teleported to Xiao Nuo holding the lucky star, Xiao Nuo, Wang Han, and Lin Xiajin were all hiding behind the big tree at the moment.

"These people are special forces trained intensively." Wang Han said with a frown

Not only skill, these people are very fast! Unless they have speed abilities, they can't be caught at all, or Lin Xiajin's teleportation can be avoided, but Xiao Nuo and Wang Han are also very powerful, so they were just trying.

"After the trial, I'm afraid we will go up together."

"Don't separate." Xiao Nuo said very solemnly

If they were separated, it would be dangerous to break them individually. Their equipment is advanced, and they are speed-type abilities. Even if their abilities are powerful, they will be slowly consumed to death.

The three leaned back against each other and looked around vigilantly. Lin Xiajin frowned slightly and thought of something. There were so many of them, and Lin Xiajin also had foreign aid.

If Hong Xuan, who has a good combat power, has their equipment, his combat power will not be improved by a single bit!

Thinking of this, Lin Xiajin summoned from the space, Hong Xuan and Gale, the elves in the current space can still take action based on their attack power.

The three of them, together with Hongxuan and Haifeng, barely made up five of them, but she was still holding a child in her arms, which somewhat restricted her movements.

"Hongxuan, hold the lucky star and protect her." Lin Xiajin handed the sleeping lucky star to Hongxuan.

As long as Hongxuan is within the range covered by her space, she can sense her position immediately.

"Don't worry, master!" Hong Xuan said seriously.

"En." Lin Xiajin replied, she knew that as long as it was something she explained, these space elves would definitely obey 100%.

Lin Xiajin glanced at the sleeping Lucky Star, and handed the laser gun to Hongxuan.

Lin Xiajin asked Hongxuan to find a place to hide first, and he fought against them with Xiao Nuo and Wang Han.

In the dark night, laser sparks appeared from time to time, flying in all directions, and Xiao Nuo's lightning ball also flashed a blue lightning in the air.

The speed of these people is very fast, one shot to change the place, Xiao Nuo and Wang Han's abilities are really powerful, but they can evade their abilities if they are too fast.

But Xiao Nuo quickly predicted the position of the opponent, and the lightning ball struck accurately, but that person still fled quickly.

"That person has a defensive suit!" Xiao Nuo quickly guessed that they were wearing defensive suits like bulletproof vests after being injured by his lightning ball but not knocked down!

the other side.

"70% of the defensive functional suit is lost." A teenager said with a pale face.

"Idiot, what's going on!" The curse came from the man's earphones.

The boy didn't speak, that lightning ball was really powerful, if he was hit without a protective suit, he might have fallen to the ground and died.

"That person predicts the position of my speed movement." The young man said with a pale face. He didn't expect that under his level 4 rapid movement, there would be someone who could predict his position.

After the boy finished speaking, there was no sound coming from inside, but the voice of another person.

"Don't complain, our task now is to snatch the heart of grass and trees. Let's focus on killing the lightning-type superpower who can predict."


The voices of several team members came from the earphones.

"Suddenly there were two unknown signals. One imaging showed that it was a humanoid creature, and the other was a pet beast." A voice came out of the headset.

"There is no registration for humanoid creatures, that pet beast is level 4!"

"Attention, attention! The pet beast is rushing over." A hurried voice came from the earphone.

"That woman can teleport, she killed the Ai family!"

Lin Xiajin didn't kill the person just now, the speed was really fast, if she hadn't teleported, she wouldn't have been able to catch up! She missed just now. Although he didn't kill him, he was also injured. Lin Xiajin picked up the mini earphones on the ground, and Lin Xiajin heard the conversation inside.

However, the sound from the earphones soon disappeared. After the man fled, he found that one of his intercom earphones was missing. He immediately told the account control to turn it off, otherwise the enemy would pick it up and their conversations would be heard by them.

But it was still a bit late, Lin Xiajin had heard something.

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