Lin Xiajin suddenly appeared in front of him and hugged Tuantuan. Her appearance blinded everyone.

"Lin, Lin Lin Xia Jin..." Zhou Yingying was the first to react and stammered.

The others couldn't believe it either, thinking they had hallucinations, not only the giant panda suddenly appeared, but Lin Xiajin also appeared?

The Lin Xiajin in front of her looks the same, but her hair color is Barbie pink, but her eyes are the familiar pupil color, lavender.

"Brother!" Lin Xiajin's eyes were flushed, and her eyes fell on Lin Xiaran first.

Lin Xiaran's clothes were full of holes, especially the top half of her body was exposed, and she looked much thinner than before.

The others were not much better either. Most of their men's clothes were given to the three girls, Zhou Yingying, Xin Li, and Xiaoguai.

Let the men expose their upper body as much as possible, girls can't do it!

It can be said that they came out of the beggar's den. Fortunately, Xin Li is a person with water abilities, so they don't lack water, and they don't get dirty.

For the slaves staying on Black Iron Star, not to mention bathing, even drinking water is a very tight resource.

They are not bad, they are clean and have water to drink, but there is no food other than leaves.

Like other supplies, clothes and shoes are not even available. If you want it, you have to go to other people to grab it.

The slaves here are dead and stripped naked from head to toe.

"Xia Jin..." Lin Xiaran was also a little shocked, but quickly calmed down. Seeing that Lin Xiajin was safe and sound, he felt relieved.

Lin Xiajin put down the ball and fell directly into Lin Xiaran's arms.

Lin Xiaran frowned slightly, and quickly hugged Lin Xiajin again.

Xin Li next to him wanted to say something but held back, but looked at Lin Xiaran's back with a little more worry.

Without Zhu Jingjing's healing ability, Lin Xia's back injury would be difficult to recover from!

"Brother, it's great to see you! I almost thought I would never see you again! The universe is so big! There are so many planets, I don't even know where you will be!"

I didn't know the vastness of the universe if I didn't touch the planets before. After participating in the Shining Star Competition, I saw planets ranked tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of planets.

How difficult it is to find someone in such a world.

"Do you know how much I miss you!" Lin Xiajin said with red eyes.

She has always been a strong person, whether it was facing the zombies alone in Chenlanxing, or the various things that happened later.

She has encountered several life and death crises, and she has never been nervous or afraid, nor has she shed tears.

But when she saw Lin Xiaran, she couldn't help crying, because this was her relative, her brother.

"Brother is here." Lin Xiaran said softly, and the moment he saw Lin Xiajin, his heart was even more excited.

Lin Xiajin listened to her brother's familiar voice and her body temperature. No matter how old she is now, she is a strong mother in front of her children, and she is strong in front of others. She will put down the outer wall in front of Xiao Nuo, But only in front of her brother, she will be just a little girl.

Lin Xiaran looked at Lin Xiajin. She was still the same as when she was a child. Before that, he had made a psychological oath that he must find Lin Xiajin.

The others were silent and did not disturb Lin Xiajin and Lin Xiaran brothers and sisters.

After a long time, the two people's emotions stabilized, and then they talked to other people.

The separation time was quite long, and everyone experienced a lot of things in the middle, so it will be unclear for a while, such as this little panda.

The chapters are wrong, the order is wrong and have been revised

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