The strength of these slaves is generally no match for Lin Xiajin and the others even if they have weapons.

Xiao Nuo and Wang Han, the two of them are level 6 supernatural beings, and their supernatural powers can instantly kill them.

Soon several slaves who rushed up died, and the slaves who followed behind hesitated, and one of them turned around and ran away.

These people's strength is too strong, they are simply sending them to death when they rush over.

It's better to die than to live, and they also found the black ironwood leaves here, and with food, they can live for a while.

Xiao Nuo and Wang Han saw a few people running away, so they didn't choose to chase them down, they were nothing to worry about.

"They sent these slaves here just to consume us." Lin Xiajin said in a deep voice.

"These slaves were also captured from other planets. There were quite a few of them who were captured here from Chenlan Star with us," Xin Li said.

In addition to their Asians, there are also some Europeans. I don't know what happened to those people.

"The longer the black iron star stays, the more damage it will do to the human body." Lin Xiaran said.

Lin Xiajin nodded. She saw her brother, Xin Li, and Zhou Yingying's skin, and they knew it. They were dry-stirred and blackened without any luster.

"There are less than two months left for the competition, we only need to pass these two months before we can leave here." Lin Xiajin said.

The next level is the ultimate level, no one knows what it will be, but the previous levels are so dangerous, this ultimate level may be even more dangerous, what can be done now is to quickly improve the strength.

It is very difficult to quickly improve strength on Black Iron Star.

Lin Xiajin and the others left the cliff, and they would be found if they stayed here. They couldn't stay here forever.

Lin Xiajin and the others wandered on the Black Iron Star for a whole month. During this month, they encountered three waves of assassinations of slaves, not only slaves, but also groups of Black Iron beasts, but these had no impact on them. not big.

This month, they drank Lin Xiajin's space spring water every day and ate energy fruits. Although their strength had not improved yet, their physical fitness had basically returned to before.

Xin Li, Zhou Yingying and Xiaoguai, their skins are not in the state of dry frying, and the energy in their bodies is gradually filling up.

Xin Li was still slowly absorbing the cold water beads, which made Xin Li's water system ability even cooler.

The water that Xin Li releases is ice-cold, and she doesn't dare to absorb it all at once, she just absorbs a little bit every day.

Last time she absorbed a drop of cold water at once and was almost frozen. Fortunately, Lin Xiajin helped her, otherwise she would have died.

"There are 28 days left before the end of the second level." Zhou Yingying said after looking at the time of the participating equipment.

"We have been hiding for so many days, and those people should come soon." Lin Xiajin guessed.

In fact, just as Lin Xiajin guessed, Nicole and Barton worked together to solve many contestants.

However, the medals of the two are still a few short.

Because some participating team members, before they passed, some contestants were attacked by the black iron beast and died.

"This target position has killed most of our slaves." Nicole said with a frown.

They had killed a lot of team members before, most of the team members had been consumed by slaves, and of course there were some powerful teams, they would attract the black iron beasts to consume them.

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