If the supply airdrop really landed outside the safety circle, no one would dare to take it in the face of bloodthirsty monsters.

Of course, it is not 100% sure, there will also be some extremely special abilities, such as Lin Xiajin's teleportation, and some special abilities such as earth escape and so on.

Everyone took a comfortable bath in the thatched hut, and Lucky Star and Xiaoguai also fell asleep after playing in the room.

Lin Xiajin also slept for a few hours to replenish her energy.

The base enchantment is safe for a few hours, and there are still 10 hours before the fourth wave of attacks, and everything is still stable.

With three hours left before the fourth wave of attack, they had already eaten and drank enough.

Lin Xiajin looked at the competition screen, where the supply location would be announced an hour in advance.

"Release the location an hour in advance, let everyone grab it!" Zhou Yingying frowned.

Although everyone somewhat expected this kind of routine, after all, it could cause conflicts and eliminate more people.

But in this case, they also need to consider if they want to get supplies. Under such circumstances, it is always right to be cautious.

"I don't know what will be in the supply?" Xin Li asked curiously.

"It's written on the competition equipment to see luck!" Zhou Yingying said.

"Although it depends on luck, you can probably guess the size of the package, right? Some energy liquids are probably small packages." Zhang Yuan guessed.

"I see there is a land off-road vehicle on it! It is suitable for driving on this planet." Zhou Yingying said excitedly

With this car, they will run the safety circle faster, right?

"This is really a good thing." Lin Xiajin nodded in agreement.

This kind of car is definitely not an ordinary car. Since it can appear in the supply information, it must be suitable for driving on the planet Camille.

They can't understand how difficult it is to get on Camille's planet, so everyone is very excited about this car. After all, aircraft cannot be used on Camille's planet.

"There is also a level A weapon, the laser gun! This should be the most advanced weapon in the supply." Zhang Yuan said

Lin Xiajin didn't expect that there would be A-level weapons in the supply. This last level is not about the power of light, and the equipment must keep up with it!

If the opponent has a level 5 ability, you are level 6 or even level 7, but the opponent with a level 5 ability is equipped with a high-level defensive suit, plus a level A laser gun, even a level 6 ability person can only die. Unless your ability is very special.

"Strength is equal to power, plus equipment!" Zhang Yuan couldn't help but conclude.

"So equipment is also very important to us, and it's worth our risk." Lin Xiajin said solemnly.

No one else said anything, just looking at the supply equipment, you can tell that if others have it and you don't, it will be dangerous.

But their ability is limited, like Xin Li and Zhou Yingying who are going to grab supplies are simply sending themselves to death.

But they are a team, everyone in the team has a different role, as long as they play perfectly, their team will become stronger.

Lin Xiajin thought of Zhu Jingjing at this time, if she was there, they would be more at ease in the follow-up treatment.

In their team, Xiao Nuo, Wang Han, and Zhang Yuan attacked from a long range, Lin Xiajin attacked in close combat, Zhou Yingying assisted, Xin Li interfered from a long distance, and brother Lin Xiaran assisted and added mobility.

Xiao Nuo's second skill can be regarded as their ace skill, after all no one can escape the control of his second skill.

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