Although Xiao Nuo saw that Lin Xiajin had almost recovered from his injuries, his face was condensed.

"There are two people hiding." Xiao Nuo said coldly.

There are two people hiding on the opposite mountain, both holding sniper rifles, just now Xiao Nuo used the sniper rifle to kill the enemy they saw before, unexpectedly there is a sniper hidden in the dark!

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, let's be more careful." Lin Xiajin said with a frown.

There are crises everywhere here, even if you are cautious and cautious, you may encounter danger.

Sometimes even when you are cautious, the enemy is more cunning than you!

Prudence is part of it, and so is luck.

That person didn't know where it was, and they didn't dare to show up.

Lin Xiajin took Xiao Nuo and teleported to where Zhang Yuan and the others were.

"Don't go out, there is another person hiding in the dark." Lin Xiajin hurriedly stopped Zhang Yuan and Wang Han.

They were also more cautious, even though Xiao Nuo just hit the sniper, they didn't run out immediately.

"They still have teammates." Xin Li frowned.

"They have more than one sniper rifle." Lin Xiajin frowned.

Xin Li asked Mu Xiaoguai to look at it, but Mu Xiaoguai shook her head and said that she would not be able to see it from a distance. After all, Mu Xiaoguai's ability is not yet level 4.

"It seems that the man is still hiding behind." Zhang Yuan frowned and said.

Everyone is not going out.

"The sniper rifle that man used had a wider field of vision than ours, and it was hidden in the dark." Wang Han said with a frown.

Neither Lin Xiajin nor Mu Xiaoguai can see that person now, so he must be hiding around.

If they want to find them, they can only check with sniper rifles.

Or Lin Xiajin teleported and sniped closer, and could be detected with detection equipment, but Lin Xiajin would be in danger if this was the case.

If the opponent finds out, they are likely to shoot immediately, and Lin Xiajin is likely to be injured.

The enemy is hidden in the dark, which is the most dangerous.

Now that they can't go out, Lin Xiaran condenses another robot.

As soon as the robot went out, it was headshot by a sniper rifle. The robot was embodied by Lin Xiaran with energy, so it disappeared immediately after being headshot.

"He's still looking at us." Xin Li said with a frown.

A hidden enemy, as long as they get out of this stone, they will be locked.

"It's just wasting time now, isn't he leaving? Why don't you hurry up and get into the security circle!?" Zhou Yingying said speechlessly.

Why do you want to assassinate others at this time? If you don't hurry up and enter the safety circle, they will all die when the time comes.

A thought flashed through Lin Xiajin's mind, but he didn't say it.

For the man hiding in the dark not far away, Lin Xiajin and the others would be very surprised, because the man's calf was seriously injured.

Their team was also attacked, but he was injured and chose to stay, letting the rest of his teammates go first.

He was injured and didn't intend to leave, but hid and hunted other team members to add points to his team.

This will also increase their team's chances of winning. They formed a team to allow their own planet to enter the galaxy.

The man thought of the family members of the parent planet, as long as their planet enters the galaxy, their lifespan will increase.

The man has hunted and killed no less than 10 people here! Their planet points also have more than 20 points.

Like Lin Xiajin and his team took so long to get 11 points, like the men got 10 points in just one or two days.

The man's ability combined with the sniper rifle is perfect, most people can't find him at all.

He hasn't missed a shot in the past few days, but he just missed twice in a row.

On the other side, Lin Xiajin and the others had some headaches.

"It seems that that person is not going to leave!" Lin Xiajin said in a deep voice.

Their position is only blocked by such a big rock, as long as they show up, they will be locked and found.

Now the only one who can leave without anyone noticing is Lin Xiajin.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo looked at the surrounding environment, only the breakthrough just now could hide the two of them, but they were also discovered just now.

There is not enough room for people in other places, otherwise Lin Xiajin could teleport away with them one by one.

"Now we can only get rid of the hidden enemy." Xiao Nuo said coldly.

"I looked at the terrain. I can hide it by teleporting alone. He shouldn't be able to find it. When I get close to him, the detection instrument will be able to detect it." Lin Xiajin whispered

There is no other good way now, and other people will be targeted as soon as they appear.

If Lin Xiajin teleports with Xiao Nuo, there is no place to hide in front of him, it is better to hide alone than two people.

Hearing this, Xiao Nuo and Lin Xiaran both frowned slightly, but both of them knew that there was no better way now.

"Don't worry! I'll be fine. Even if I'm injured, I'll be fine with the recovery fluid and my physique." Lin Xiajin said in a harmonious voice.

Her strength is easy for everyone, and it was Lin Xiajin's amazing intuition that she was able to dodge the previous few sniper attacks.

"I will protect you." Lin Xiaran said solemnly.

Lin Xiaran will continue to interfere with the concrete robot, but there is a high probability that the other party will not be deceived.

"Be careful." Xiao Nuo warned.

Lin Xiajin nodded heavily, as soon as Lin Xiajin found the enemy, Xiao Nuo would use a sniper rifle to kill him directly.

"I'm leaving." Lin Xiajin disappeared from the spot as soon as he finished speaking.

Others couldn't see what was going on, they could only check Lin Xiajin's situation through the participating equipment.

Lin Xiajin teleported to the hillside above, and the participating equipment did not find the shadow of the enemy.

Lin Xiajin frowned slightly, then continued to teleport forward, but there was still no sign of the enemy on the participating equipment.

Suddenly, Lin Xiajin felt that there was no second, and quickly teleported away from this place.

In less than a second, Lin Xiajin was shot at the place where Lin Xiajin had just teleported to hide, leaving a pool of burning marks on the ground.

"It's dangerous!" Lin Xiajin felt nervous.

It seemed that the person could see where she had teleported just now.

When Lin Xiajin found himself teleporting to the top, that person would be able to spot it.

Lin Xiajin probably calculated the distance in her head, and she would be spotted soon when she teleported to the upper right.

But when teleporting to the lower left, it will not be found.

Lin Xiajin probably guessed where the man was.

There is no spark when the laser sniper rifle shoots, so you can't see it at all.

Lin Xiajin took out a laser pistol from the space, as long as she found that person at the first time, she would shoot directly. At this time, a pistol is better than a knife.

Lin Xiajin continued to teleport three times, about 500 meters each time, and finally saw the person's location information on the participating watch.

The information of the team members was shared, and other people also saw the location of that person, but they were too far away and only had an approximate location. It was not like Lin Xiajin could directly lock on it.

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