Everyone dare not think about what will happen in the future. As the distance between the central sand city is shrinking every day, they are migrating in every day.

"Why don't we rush to the central sand city in one go, it's also very dangerous to migrate on the edge like this." Zhou Yingying couldn't help complaining.

"It's really like the chicken eating game I played! But it's terrible! I doubt that the organizers of this competition are not going to copy our Chenlanxing game?" Xin Li complained.

"We are now, maybe we are really treated as a real-life game by those people! It's just that a game is a real person's name!" Xin Li said with a cold face.

However, being able to enter the galaxy and increase the average lifespan by 500 is too tempting.

Although they don't know why the galaxy is so powerful, they can't reach that height yet so they don't know!

They can't decide the future that is too far away. As the saying goes, stand high and look far away. Now they have not reached that point, and they can only walk the road in front of them.

"This is much crueler than the game world. At least cheating will be reported, but not here!" Zhou Yingying said.

That's right, everyone here is equipped with supernatural powers, and they don't understand all kinds of supernatural powers, let alone all kinds of equipment.

Lin Xiajin always feels that although this kind of competition ability is very important, luck also accounts for a large part!

"There is still half a year left, we can't break our spirits." Wang Han said in a deep voice

"Xiao Nuo, what do you think?" Lin Xiaran asked Xiao Nuo who had been silent all this time.

Everyone heard Lin Xiaran asking Xiao Nuo, so they all looked at Xiao Nuo.

Xiao Nuo's eyes were sprinkled with dust, and it took a long time for Xiao Nuo to say in a deep voice: "Collect supplies, especially laser cannons or large weapons."

Large weapons?

"Our points are so low. If we want to be promoted in a short time, we can only collect large weapons. We have obtained laser cannons before, and you have all seen its power."

Thinking of the laser cannon, the bloodthirsty monsters in that area instantly turned into fly ash.

They also got the grenade effect before it was good.

"Although personal strength is very important, but now it is a group battle, and equipment is more important than personal strength."

Xiao Nuo who has not opened his mouth has said a lot.

"That's right. Now our abilities are basically auxiliary functions, and the basic hunting and killing are laser sniper rifles, which are safer for long-distance attacks." Wang Han said.

Because the houses in the center of Shacheng are almost all next to each other, and the streets in the middle are relatively narrow.

Most of them seldom attack face-to-face, just like Lin Xiajin also relies on supernatural powers to make surprise attacks.

It doesn't mean that the ability is useless, if the two sides confront each other, it will be the strength of the ability.

But now most of them will not show up, most of them are sniping, and they can earn a point if they can sneak attack and kill a person.

"Hurry up and collect supplies, and then we will slowly move towards the central sand city." Lin Xiajin said.


In the next few days, they continued to search every house, and searched every corner of every house.

While most of them are fruitless, it's impossible that so many houses are hiding good things.

There are even some houses that have been searched.

Almost every day, the circle of the central sand city will shrink a little bit, as long as it is not within the safety circle, it will be eliminated.

"Damn it...we were almost eliminated!" Zhang Yuan couldn't help exclaiming!

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