Lucky star cried when he saw the big apple he was gnawing on fell to the ground.

"The apple fell." Lucky Star said aggrievedly, pointing to the place, with tears in his eyes.

Lin Xiaran was observing her surroundings, when she heard Lucky Star's cry, she lowered her head and saw Lucky Star's apple fell into the corner.

Lin Xiaran lowered her head and touched Lucky Star's head, then comforted in a low voice: "I'll help you pick it up."

So Lin Xiaran put down the lucky star, and it was very safe to be surrounded by his own people.

Lin Xiaran walked a few steps, bent down and picked up the apple, but there was a strange mark on the place where the apple hit.

"Come and see, what is this!" Lin Xiaran said in surprise.

Everyone gathered around when they heard brother's voice...

What Lin Xiajin saw was a mark in the shape of a drop.

Lucky Star was suddenly surrounded, but the apple hadn't been picked up yet.

With a slightly wrinkled face, she pouted and said, "My Guoguo, Guoguo."

Lin Xiaran hastily handed the apple in her hand to Lucky Star.

The lucky star who got the apple smiled happily...

"Lucky star is really our lucky star!" Lin Xiaran said shallowly.

Just drop an apple and you'll find the clue.

"Let's look for other people's places." Lin Xiajin said.

So everyone tapped in the corner, and found a lot of marks of these small water droplets.

"What's the use of these marks?" Lin Xiajin frowned slightly and was thinking.

"Do you think these imprints are a bit like the gray eggs we saw before?" Xin Li frowned and muttered.

"It seems to be!" Zhou Yingying replied.

"Isn't it to put those gray eggs on this mark?" Zhang Yuan asked without thinking.

"We'll know if we try it? There are no other clues now." Lin Xiajin said quietly.

"Looks like we have to go back." Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.

It's just an egg, it's enough for Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo to go, and the rest will stay here.

After all, if the circle is shrinking, Lin Xiajin can teleport and take Xiao Nuo to escape.

The way back for the two of them was relatively smooth and did not encounter any danger, but when they passed by this huge egg, Lin Xiajin's pupils shrank.

"Xiao Nuo, when we first saw this egg, there was no crack, right?" Lin Xiajin said with a feeling of chills.

Following Lin Xiajin's gaze, Xiao Nuo saw a gap in the two-meter-high giant egg, and his brows furrowed even deeper.

There was also a look of uneasiness in his eyes.

"Let's go back quickly!" Xiao Nuo said calmly.


Lin Xiajin looked at the giant egg and thought that they needed to open the door just now. If they couldn't open that door, would this giant egg hatch any strange monsters?

It seems that there is no time limit, but it is very dangerous! Lin Xiajin faintly felt that something was wrong, but now there was no time to think carefully.

"Go!" Xiao Nuo said.

After they went back, they picked up 32 eggs in a hurry. In order to avoid missing them, Lin Xiajin got two more eggs.

Lin Xiajin didn't know that it was a variety of eggs, so she wouldn't throw it into the space after it was used up!

Who knows what will hatch out.

When Lin Xiajin came back, he encountered that giant egg again, Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo's eyes fell on the giant egg.

When they passed by just now, there was only one crack, but now there is another one!

Lin Xiajin frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy.

"Let's go back soon." Lin Xiajin said after a moment's pause.

This time Lin Xiajin teleported back with Xiao Nuo to save time.

Lin Xiajin didn't have time to tell everyone about the crack in the giant egg just now, and quickly took out the small eggs carefully from the space.

"Let's hurry up and put this water drop mark on it." Lin Xiajin's tone was a little hasty.

When they just left, they were still very calm, but when they saw the expressions of Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo, they seemed a little abnormal, so they didn't ask any more questions.

We put these eggs on the water drop mark in a few minutes.

As they guessed, these water drop marks are where these eggs are placed.

A warm glow from the water drop imprint on the top shines on the eggs.

"Isn't this about hatching these eggs?" Xin Li guessed.

She knew that when eggs were hatched, there would be warm light.

Didi Didi…

The screen that hadn't appeared for a long time finally came on.

Zhou Yingying excitedly looked at the font on the screen...

But it's not the font but the countdown.

"Three hours."

After three hours the gate will open and the eggs will be hatched at the same time.

"Three hours? That's okay! Just wait for three hours." Zhou Yingying seemed relieved.

But when Lin Xiajin thought of the gap in the giant egg before, he faintly felt something was wrong!

Is it really that simple?

"These eggs won't hatch anything, right?" Xin Li was not as optimistic as Zhou Yingying, but rather worried.

It's a pity that Mu Xiaoguai's ability seems to be blocked here.

These three hours were very long, and no one dared to take it lightly.

The time counted down every minute and every second. In the tense atmosphere, everyone leaned against the door, and no one spoke.

Lin Xiajin was resting with her eyes closed, when suddenly Lin Xiajin opened her eyes.

"Everyone, be careful." Lin Xiajin's expression was serious, with a hint of nervousness in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yingying suddenly became a little nervous when she heard Lin Xiajin's tone change.

But the eggs around seemed to have not changed much.

Although there seemed to be no danger around, everyone nervously took out their weapons when they saw that Lin Xiajin had already drawn out their weapons.

As the time passed bit by bit, Lin Xiajin glanced at the display screen and there was still an hour left in the three hours.


A thin piercing sound came from far and near...

"What's that sound?" Zhou Yingying whispered.

The others didn't reply to Zhou Yingying, but they all held their weapons tacitly.

Zhang Yuan, Xiao Nuo, and Wang Han also gathered their abilities.

As the sound got closer, the white giant appeared slowly, little by little in front of everyone.

"What kind of monster is this!" Zhou Yingying said with horror, her tone was a little terrified.

This is even stranger than the bloodthirsty monster! It is even more frightening, because its whole body is white, and the road it walks on will form a layer of ice crystals.

Not only that, its figure is very human-like, but it is more than two meters tall, and its arms are not human hands, but like illuminated weapons!

Humanoid Fighting Machines! This is what hatched in that egg!

Lin Xiajin knew it would not be so simple, the last one hour is to solve this guy!

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