For a long time, the monster didn't come out. Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Lin Xiajin's eyes darkened and he fainted.

"Xia Jin!"

"younger sister!"

Xiao Nuo and Lin Xiaran ran over in a hurry, and everyone behind them also quickly followed.

Xiao Nuo's eyes were cold, he was afraid that something might go wrong, at this moment a strong fear welled up in his heart.

Xiao Nuo's hand stopped in mid-air, not daring to touch Lin Xiajin's breath, Lin Xiajin's whole body was red like a fire.

"Painted out." Lin Xiaran quickly helped Lin Xiajin up, but her body was extremely hot.

At this moment, all the cells in Lin Xiajin's body were excited.

When Xiao Nuo heard Lin Xiaran's words, his whole heart seemed to come back to life, and he immediately hugged Lin Xiajin.

"Let's find a safe place first!" Now that the circle has been drawn for the last time, there is no longer any danger in this regard.

But the crisis is still there, and you will meet other people, so find a hidden and safe place first.

Xiao Nuo hugged Lin Xiajin, who was alive and hot, like a scorching furnace, even very hot.

Mu Xiaoguai used the perspective ability, and they finally found a fairly hidden house.

"I'll go outside and watch." Wang Han said heavily.

Zhang Yuan and Wang Han also stood guard around the house, monitoring the surrounding situation in case other enemies broke in.

Lin Xiaran wanted to touch Lin Xiajin, but the temperature on Lin Xiajin's body was too high, which directly scalded Lin Xiaran.

"Why is the body temperature so high?" Lin Xiaran was nervous and looked at Lin Xiajin worriedly! This is his only sister can't have an accident!

"Xia Jin's body is so hot." Xin Li stroked Lin Xiajin's body, and before he could touch it, a wave of heat came over his face.

Not to mention Xiao Nuo who was holding Lin Xiajin, his hands and chest were all burned.

"Sister Xia Jin's body energy is too much." Mu Xiaoguai used a supernatural power to check Lin Xiajin's body, and the whole body was running with explosive energy.

Now there is no recovery liquid, and there is no way to enter Lin Xiajin's space to get the supernatural water.

"Cool down first, Lin Xiajin's body temperature is too high." Xiao Nuo looked at Lin Xiajin's body temperature so high, calmed down, he can't panic now.

"I'll do it." Hearing Xiao Nuo's words, Xin Li wanted to cool down, but now the only way is to condense water into ice to help Lin Xiajin cool down.

Xiao Nuo put Lin Xiajin on the flat bed, Xin Li quickly condensed water to freeze, covering Lin Xiajin's body.

But Lin Xiajin's body temperature was too high, and Xin Li condensed into ice and was instantly turned into water droplets.

Xiao Nuo, Lin Xiaran, and Zhou Yingying at the side kept helping Lin Xiajin wipe the water.

"Mom, wake up." Lucky Star also lay on Lin Xiajin's bed and looked at Lin Xiajin obediently.

Xin Li kept condensing into ice, and an hour later, Xin Li's face was pale.

"Xin Li, your energy is exhausted. Do you want to stop for a while? Xia Jin's temperature has dropped a lot." Zhou Yingying saw Xin Li's face turn pale.

This is obviously an overdraft of energy.

"I'm fine." Xin Li's voice was slightly weak but his tone was very firm.

She can't give up! Just like Lin Xiajin didn't give up on her back then.

"Xin Li, thank you." Lin Xiaran said gratefully.

Xin Li didn't speak, still overdrawn energy and condensed ice to help Lin Xiajin cool down.

"It's coming down, it's coming down!" Zhou Yingying silently wrote about Lin Xiajin's body, and the body temperature dropped at this moment.

Not only that, Lin Xiajin's originally flushed body also gradually returned to normal, but the body seemed to have condensed a layer of ice beads, wrapping Lin Xiajin's whole body like a cocoon.

Xin Li was overdrawn with energy, feeling a little dizzy and weak at the moment, so he could only sit by the bed and rest.

"What's going on?" Zhou Yingying saw calluses on Lin Xiajin's body.

"Xia Jin's breathing is normal, and her body temperature is also normal." Xiao Nuo's tense heart seemed to be relaxing a little bit, but Lin Xia Jin didn't wake up all day, and his heart was still in suspense.

"Maybe it's an upgrade? I remember when I was in Chenlanxing, every time Lin Xiajin fainted, it would be urgent." Xin Li said a little weakly.

Hearing Xin Li's words, Xiao Nuo stared at Lin Xiajin's face again, although his body temperature returned to normal, his face was still slightly red.

Xiao Nuo held Lin Xiajin's hand, it wasn't so hot anymore, but the temperature was still higher than that of ordinary people.

It is estimated that it also looks like 38.39 degrees.

"Xin Li, you should rest first." Lin Xiaran heard Xin Li's voice was a little weak, knowing that she had exhausted a lot of energy to save her sister, she was very grateful in her heart.

Xin Li didn't refuse either, she had indeed exhausted her energy, she was very exhausted and wanted to sleep.

Xin Li went to rest, Zhou Yingying went to take care of the two young ones, Xiao Nuo and Lin Xiaran stayed behind.

The two men stood in front of Lin Xiajin...

The two looked at Lin Xiajin silently and didn't speak, but their expressions were concerned and dignified. After nearly two hours, Lin Xiajin's fingers moved slightly.

The two men got up instantly, looked at Lin Xiajin, Lin Xiaran said softly: "Sister..."

"Xia Jin..." Xiao Nuo also said gently.

Neither of them dared to speak too loudly, and both looked at Lin Xiajin nervously.

Unlike other people, Lin Xiajin only felt indescribably comfortable, as if her whole body had been replaced with fresh blood.

Lin Xiajin's entire body cells seem to have been replaced from the inside to the outside!

A thin skin formed on Lin Xiajin's body, which slowly hardened, and then crackled as Lin Xiajin got up, and the whole body began to fall off.

Lin Xiajin's originally flushed skin was now like a baby's skin.

Xin Li and Zhou Yingying both opened their eyes when they heard the movement, and all the room looked at Lin Xiajin quietly for a while.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Xiajin frowned and looked at everyone in doubt, why did they all look at her in shock?

Lin Xiajin only felt comfortable all over, and there was nothing to delay. She stood up slowly, and the shaking all over her body was the crystallization of hardness.

"My God, why are there so many of these on my body? Why is my skin peeling off?" Lin Xiajin muttered to herself, frowning.

Lin Xiajin touched her face in horror and found it was smooth!

"Your skin has become white and tender, almost like a lucky star!" Zhou Yingying couldn't help but said.

Lin Xiajin is almost like a butterfly out of a cocoon, rejuvenated?

"Ah..." Lin Xiajin was a little puzzled, she didn't have good skin all the time.

"You can take a mirror from the space and look at it." Xin Li said looking at Lin Xiajin with a look of disbelief.

Lin Xiajin took the mirror from the space and found that her skin had really become tender again.

"Xia Jin, do you feel unwell?" Lin Xiaran asked with concern.

Although Lin Xiajin looked very normal now, she was still in a coma a few minutes ago!

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