It was unusually calm before the storm, and Lin Xiajin and the others spent a few days quietly hiding in the underground tunnel.

"Tomorrow our position will be exposed." Zhou Yingying's face was pale, and she was obviously nervous when speaking.

Although everyone has done enough psychological construction, the psychological pressure they will face is still very huge.

"We can't hide here today." Lin Xiajin said in a deep voice.

If they continue to hide here, their location will be exposed as soon as tomorrow's time comes, and they will be discovered soon after hiding underground.

Now they can only choose to wander, as far as possible.

They can only be within the scope of the circle. If so many people gather in one city, it is tantamount to letting the people of the whole city kill each other.

Tomorrow this city will be full of blood and blood, just like Chen Lanxing's last days.

"Well! The equipment has been packed." Xin Li said.

Everyone also put on a new set of defensive suits, except for the two children whose level is relatively high. Although their defensive suits are of average level, having them is better than not having them.

"We are outside the circle now, and the geographical location is not bad, at least we won't be surrounded by groups." Lin Xiajin said with a frown.


This can be regarded as luck in misfortune!

"We'll go up in an hour." Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Everyone responded.

An hour later, their geographical location will be exposed to everyone, and hiding here will not help.

They've been pretty good, hiding here for so long, but the last three days of the game won't let you pass like that.

An hour later, everyone was ready to go up the passage, but no one else was found around.

They also temporarily hid here and as the time counted down, everyone's hearts were raised.

3.2.1 When the countdown is over, the geographic locations of the top 100 participating watch devices are all exposed.

"There are 3 people who are closest to us, and one of them is 34 people who are only 3 kilometers away from us." Zhang Yuan said looking at the competition screen.

"Sister Xia Jin, I saw someone coming in our direction over there." Mu Xiaoguai used his power and pointed to the house in front of him.

"So fast!" Xin Li couldn't help frowning and said.

Just after releasing the location information, someone rushed towards them.

"Everyone be careful." Lin Xiajin said in a deep voice.

Now it is impossible for them to hide, the geographic location is exposed, no matter where they hide, they will be found.

Fortunately, these were small shrimps, and Lin Xiajin and the others easily solved them, and also won a lot of points by the way.

"It's fine if everyone in the back is like these people, and they're here to give us points for free." Zhou Yingying said in a relaxed tone.

The strength of these few people is average, and the equipment is not bad. In the last three days, everyone can only work hard.

Elimination is also death, it is better to fight hard.

On the first day, Lin Xiajin and the others encountered 70 waves of assassinations, and they had just solved the wave just 5 minutes ago.

Fortunately, there are energy eggs to replenish them, otherwise they would not be killed after waves of fighting, and they would be exhausted and die of energy.

These hunting them down also allowed them to obtain a lot of supplies, at least for now there is no shortage of defensive suits.

When they first arrived in Shacheng, it was still a city, but now there are explosions everywhere, and the defenses have collapsed into pieces of ruins.

Thick smoke can be seen almost everywhere, and the few of them are now shuttling here.

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