When Lin Xiajin heard the other party's words, although everyone didn't act immediately, their abilities and weapons were ready at any time.

Once there is a situation, war is on the verge of breaking out.

"You want to cooperate with us?" Lin Xiajin asked suspiciously.

"That's right, the top three planets have already cooperated, so their rankings won't drop, and you can see that too," the man said.

Otherwise, with so many people besieging them, they would have been overwhelmed.

It turns out that the top three have already united. No wonder they have been besieged by so many people after being able to support them for so long. Don't think about how many people there are in the top three.

"We have no sign of joining forces." Lin Xiajin directly refused.

They're ranked 65, working with a No. 5?

"Our points are enough. As long as we hold on for a few hours, we will be able to enter the galaxy. Now that they are attacking us wildly, our alliance is the best choice." The man obviously didn't want to give up, and continued.

"You didn't realize that now that our two groups are here, there are already fewer people attacking us." The man said unwillingly.

That's right, the two planet players are here, and there are indeed many people who did not come to attack them directly.

Still has a certain deterrent effect.

"Let's think about it." Lin Xiajin thought for a while and said.

"Okay!" The man did not continue to urge Lin Xiajin.

The two sides were separated by a street, and they were on guard against each other, but neither of them made a move.

"Cooperate?" Lin Xiajin asked Xiao Nuo.

"The opponent's equipment is similar to theirs, but their defensive suits are only of ordinary level." Lin Xiajin said.

Ordinary-level defensive suits consume weapons and equipment very quickly, but Lin Xiajin is different from them in that Lin Xiajin can quickly collect supplies and store them in the space.

"But I don't know what their strength is." Lin Xiajin said with a frown

Lin Xiajin discussed with Xiao Nuo and the others and decided to cooperate temporarily.

The two teams do not harass or attack each other. The two teams live in peace on this street for a while. If someone comes to attack them, they will fight against the enemy together.

Lin Xiajin told the other party his final decision, but he didn't expect the other party to think the same way.

It is impossible for the two teams to trust each other. Now they have temporarily reached a truce agreement. The two streets will oppose each other and will not attack each other. At the same time, it will also act as a deterrent to others.

"Although we agreed not to attack each other, we still have to be careful. We can't relax our vigilance at the last second." Lin Xiajin said heavily.

Everyone nodded, but Zhou Yingying frowned and said, "Who knows if they will kill me in the end."

They have experienced a lot of this kind of thing in Chenlanxing.

"So we have to be more careful, our biggest enemy may be them." Lin Xiajin said coldly.

Lin Xiajin counted the points and ranked the top five points. If they are hunting their points, it is very likely that they will be ranked in the top three?

The point gap between fourth place and fifth place is very small, only 10 points difference.

But now there are still 10 hours before the end, and it is good for them not to attack each other for a few hours.

At least fewer people actually attacked them.

Lin Xiajin was observing them, and Tu Yaoxing's six people were also observing Lin Xiajin and the others.

Almost everyone who came to attack them was targeting Chen Lanxing, while Tu Yaoxing's people chose to stand by and watch.

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