The boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge, and now they have no good way but to continuously improve their strength.

"I'm already asking Green Star to study the things in Hanshui City. After entering the galaxy network, Green Star can transform faster." Lin Xiajin said.

Fortunately, we bought a lot of high-tech things in Cold Water City back then, but Green Star didn't have the knowledge of galaxies and some things didn't understand.

After they enter the galaxy and understand the star network, they will be able to understand.

When Lin Xiajin was discussing with Xiao Nuo, they heard a knock on the door.

"Brother Xiao, there is something urgent." Zhang Yuan's voice came from outside the door.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo exchanged glances, then left the room.

"Someone actually found this place after receiving our message, it's Ding Yunxuan!"

Lin Xiajin was greatly surprised, it could be Ding Yunxuan? Wasn't he taken away?

"I was also very surprised. I remember that he was also taken away at that time." Zhang Yuan was also very surprised.

"He not only found here, but also brought a group of people with him."

When Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo heard Zhang Yuan's words, they immediately followed them out, because the entire island had a barrier, even they couldn't get in.

Zhang Yuan didn't immediately open the barrier, but first told Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo about it.

"They are outside the barrier right now. There are two big boats in total, and there are probably one or two hundred people." Zhang Yuan said.

He also didn't expect that Ding Yunxuan not only escaped, but also survived.

Zhou Yingying was so excited when she saw that it was Ding Yunxuan, she was her senior brother after all.

So Lin Xiajin agreed to open the barrier opening and let Ding Yunxuan in temporarily.

Lin Xiajin's space is currently closed, and their food cannot be used by so many people.

"Brother, it's really you!" Zhou Yingying said excitedly when she saw Ding Yunxuan.

"Senior Brother! Yingying!" Ding Yunxuan's voice was hoarse and had already changed.

Although Ding Yunxuan survived, it was not easy in the last days. Food was scarce, plants could not be grown, animals mutated, and most of what they ate was expired food.

"I didn't expect it to be you! How did you escape?" Ding Yunxuan couldn't help asking, and when he saw living on such a small island, he even sent a message.

"Is the news you sent true? What kind of galaxy will increase our lifespan after we enter?" Ding Yunxuan wanted to know the most.

"Of course! This is what we earned desperately!" Zhou Yingying said with certainty.

"Great!" Ding Yunxuan's sad face finally brought a smile.

It turned out that after she and Zhao Rui escaped, Zhao Rui became pregnant and gave birth to a child. At the beginning, she was able to escape by relying on Zhao Rui's interference ability. Unfortunately, she was seriously ill recently and feared that she would not live long. If she could last for 10 days, then he children will be saved.

After Ding Yunxuan escaped, he has been living and wandering on this island. There are too many zombies in the city, and his evolution is too fast. Ding Yunxuan is their strongest level 3 ability, so he is also the boss today.

There are only so many people gathered by going around. In fact, there were more than 300 people at the most, but now there are only about 100 people left.

"Yingying, can we live on your island? We are the only people left on the planet now..." Ding Yunxuan said directly.

Zhou Yingying did not answer immediately, but looked at Lin Xiajin, as if she was waiting for Lin Xiajin's answer.

"You can, but the people on your boat can't, but there is an island next to us, you can arrange them there." Lin Xiajin said in a deep voice.

Ding Yunxuan nodded, knowing that he was already very good if he could come in.

"Zhao Rui still has a child..." Ding Yunxuan just said Zhao Rui's name, Lin Xiajin's face turned cold instantly.

"Zhao Rui can't!" Lin Xiajin directly refused.

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