The aircraft are all automatic pilots, as long as you enter the specified location on the aircraft after the lease is complete, the automatic pilot mode will be turned on.

Lin Xiajin and the others rented only the most common aircraft. There were also some more spacious and comfortable ones but at a higher price. Seeing that the interstellar coins were getting less and less, they still chose the most common ones sparingly.

For the remaining tens of thousands of interstellar coins, they have to find someone to tell them, and then they have to pay for the trip back!

Yueshaxing's long wavy hair, regardless of men and women, has big wavy hair.

Although Lin Xiajin and the others formed an aircraft, they could still feel that the Yuesha people looked down on others.

However, everyone who entered Yuesha Star would be graded. Xiao Nuo got a level 7 ability, Wang Han got a level 6 ability, including Lin Xiajin who got a level 5 ability, which made these people put down their contempt.

The strong are respected no matter where they are.

When they participated in the Shining Star Competition, Lin Xiajin and the others had a good level of abilities, but the equipment was not good enough.

Sitting directly in the aircraft, Lin Xiajin turned on the holographic projection screen, so that they could see the scenery beyond the Moon Sand Star.

The buildings in Yueshaxing are very tall, and each building has dozens of floors, or even hundreds of floors.

The appearance of the Yuesha Star people is the same as them, except for their hair, regardless of men and women, whether they are old or young, they are all wavy.

Lin Xiajin looked at the general introduction of the planet. Although Moon Shaxing is only a two-star planet, the status of this planet is still very high.

Because Yueshaxing's awakening is mainly based on the recovery system, no matter where it is, the status of doctors and policemen is relatively high.

Lin Xiajin also discovered a phenomenon, that is, every planet seems to have a common ability.

In other words, most of the awakened abilities of a planet are the same.

For example, on the Saturn she used to stay on, most of the awakening of supernatural powers are related to the earth system, and the same is true of other planets they encountered later.

This month, most of Shaxing's abilities are awakened in the recovery system, and Lucky Star's hometown, Pink Star, is also mostly awakened with the same abilities.

But Lin Xiajin and the others are on Chenlan Star, could it be that their planet has turned into zombies? So most of the awakened abilities are different.

As far as these few of them are concerned, everyone's awakening is different.

Zhang Yuan's fire, Xin Li's water, Wang Han's wind, Xiao Nuo's tiredness, her space, and her brother's strange manifestation.

Including that her son is now a copying ability, it seems that the viciousness is different, is this also the characteristic of their planet?

For the time being, Lin Xiajin couldn't figure out why every planet is different? Still have any influence?

One side of water and soil supports one side of people?

They fly the aircraft directly over the moon sand star, and they will also encounter other aircraft, most of which are heading for the hospital in the moon sand city.

Five days later, they were about to arrive at Yuesha Hospital, and they had already seen the entire city below.

"Let's go." Lin Xiajin said!

Wang Han was a little excited, after all, he would be able to find Zhu Jingjing when he arrived at Yuesha Hospital.

The aircraft descends slowly, the three of them get off the aircraft, and the aircraft will return.

The entire Yuesha City is a modern high-tech city. Lin Xiajin once vaguely lived in the cold water city under the cold water star, a city in the galaxy.

But it would be broken, and Lin Xiajin was a little shocked to see it with his own eyes.

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