Prehistoric: Daughter, Are You Actually The Dao Of Heaven?

Chapter 217 Poem on the Temple of Our Lady! Nuwa is furious! Loli: Go! The Kunlun Mountains are demo

human race.

big business.

The new emperor made great efforts to govern and carried out drastic reforms.

Big business is booming.

There are many disciples of the three generations of Intercept Cult, such as Wen Zhong, who is an official in the big business.

This also makes the big business more and more powerful.

Of course, the world under the rule of the Great Shang was more prosperous.

The worldly life of mortals is also more lively.

Sanxian Island.

Little Loli sees the mortal world becoming more interesting and fresh.

very interested.

Jiyang's own father went to play in the world.

Gu Changqing dotes on his daughter and is also interested in reliving his life on earth.

They often accompany the two little guys to play Chaoge.

Hou Tu and other women will often accompany her.


on a lively street.

Two beautifully dressed little Loli dashed around, shouting and looking very excited.

"Father and mother, this way!"

"Someone's breathing fire here!

Fire-breathing acrobatics are being performed on the street.

Seeing Gu Changqing's family coming around, he was full of fighting spirit.

Everyone, "Look at the officers!"

The acrobatic man laughed and lit several torches, threw them up, and then spewed out the mist of alcohol, and with a bang, the torches burst into flames.

Then hold the mouth in hand and catch the torch.

Exaggeratedly began to dance, performing torch acrobatics.

The flames connected into fire dragons and danced together, which was very novel.

Xiao Yin Yin and Xiao Mengmeng's big eyes glow.

Bouncing cheers.

"Wow! So cool!"

"Good-looking! It's amazing!"

Houtu Nuwa and other women couldn't help laughing when they saw this.

What big scene have you never seen these two Loli?

Not to mention the divine powers of saints, the various visions of Sanxian Island are not much more shocking than this.

Was actually attracted by a torch acrobatics.

Truly a child at heart!

However, when the girls turned their heads, they saw Gu Changqing also smiling and cheering.

"good job!"

Also rewarded with a few coins!

The two little Loli also learned the way of their father.

Clap your hands and applaud, and reward you with coins.

"come on! Come on!"

"Bonus reward!"

The acrobatic man was excited when he saw this, and he performed even more vigorously.

The girls were dumbfounded.

"Is Changqing still a child at heart?"

Gu Changqing said with a smile.

"This world is prosperous, and the lights of thousands of homes are far better than those of immortals."

"But you have to integrate yourself into the mundane life to feel its charm.

"You might as well try.

Nuwa was stunned when she heard the words, and then she couldn't help feeling emotional.

I see."

"As expected of Changqing, he can maintain such a normal mind."

Nuwa often looks at the human world, after all, the human race is like her children.

But Nuwa is in the form of a Virgin, and she never imagined how she would integrate into the world with a normal heart.

Now it is awakened.

Naturally, the other women were also deeply moved.

Changqing's idea is really unusual!

Soon the girls tried to let go of all thoughts and follow in the footsteps of Gu Changqing and his two daughters.

So I also feel that the world is fresh and interesting.

Can not help but feel very interesting.

"The world is really interesting!"

"The lights in this world really have a unique charm.

Especially Yihe Changke was deeply moved.

They are the goddesses of the independent sun who left the world. Even if they leave the lunar star, they will live on Sanxian Island for a long time, and they have hardly ever been in contact with the prosperity of the world.

It is really fun to be integrated into the world at this time.

The two little Loli were even more happy when they saw that their mothers and relatives were also integrated.

Daddy, "Mother, let's go see the lion dance!"

Gu Changqing's family is like a mortal family.

Just playing in Chaoge.

Very laid back.

In the process of playing Chaoge.

The Sanxiandao family also met the interceptor Sanxiao.

It turned out that after the Conferred God Conference, Tongtian decided to attach importance to the human world.

He has sent many disciples to walk in the human world, and even the eight great direct disciples often appear in the human world.

Always pay attention to the human race, and also look for suitable disciples who can earn income to teach.

During this time, it was San Xiao's turn to walk in Chaoge.

Met Gu Changqing and two Loli.

San Xiao was naturally very excited.

"I have seen Immortal Venerable and all the empresses."

Gu Changqing and the girls responded with smiles.

"Don't be restrained.

The two little Loli are more excited to see more playmates!

"Third sister, come play with us!

"Those acrobatics are fun!"

San Xiao is naturally willing!


So Sanxiao followed the Sanxiandao family around to watch the fun.

Forget the task that Babel had given him.

Especially after Sanxiao knew that Gu Changqing's family actually merged into the mortal world and walked in the world in an ordinary mortal attitude.

Even more admiration.

"Xianzun, such an extraordinary and refined state, can still maintain a common and ordinary state of mind. It's really amazing!"

"This should be the avenue to simplicity, returning to nature!

"Xianzun is really admirable! Masters can't compare!"

Golden Sign Island.



These three traitors!

Even if you praise Immortal Venerable, why do you have to step on it as a teacher?

Tongtian has some taste in his heart.

Why don't you just eat and watch the show, you should praise it?

Co-authoring with Immortal Venerable is amazing, right?

Kunlun Mountains.

Jade Palace.

Heavenly secret revealed, Fengshen opened.

With Di Xin ascended the throne, the Shang Dynasty prospered.

Yuan Shi couldn't sit still.

They have to take the lead in Fengshen!

Yuan Shi soon sent a voice transmission to Laozi and Jie Yin Zhun offered to discuss.

Inside the Yuxu Palace.

The four saints gather together.

Yuan Shi opened his mouth.

"Everyone, now the big business people of the human race are in full swing, how can we take the lead?"

Laozi pondered for a moment.

"This big business is in the line of the emperor, and it has nothing to do with us no matter how prosperous it is.

"But if we can support a great dynasty to replace it, this luck will definitely favor my Xuanmen!"

The eyes of the three saints lit up.

"So good!

However, new questions were soon introduced.

"This big businessman is in full swing, and Di Xin is even more of a human emperor. How easy is it to replace him?"

Junti also sighed.

"Yeah, with Sanxiandao here, it's even harder to move the emperor."

Yuan Shi's Dao heart suddenly moved, and he received and pointed at the Dao.

"Two brothers and sisters, you Westerners are good at beetles.

"You can confuse Emperor Xin and make him take the initiative to make a big mistake!"

"Don't we have a chance?"

Laozi was also inspired by hearing the words.

"Yes! For example, let Nadi Xin do some absurd things in the Temple of Our Lady.

"This can irritate Nuwa and make the emperor and Nuwa separate!

"This is a great opportunity for my Xuanmen!"

Hearing the words, Jie Yin Zhun Ti's eyes lit up, and he praised them all.

"Brother good plan!"

If this happened, it would not only alienate the Emperor and Nuwa.

There is even more chance to split Sanxian Island and the human race!

You must know that Nu Wa and Gu Changqing are Taoist couples.

The emperor insults Nuwa, can Gu Changqing ignore it?

When Sanxian Island and the human race split, they have a better chance to take the fate of the human race!

This is literally killing two birds with one stone!

The four saints all felt that this strategy was very wonderful.

After discussing the details, the action started quickly.

human race.


Di Xin decided to visit the Temple of Notre Dame.

Demonstrates the martial arts of the great merchants.

The emperor's visit to the Virgin is a major event for the human race.

The human race is also happy to publicize it.

Of course, the two little Loli who ran to Chaoge every day also noticed it.

The glazed divine light flashed in Xiao Yin's eyes, and he immediately understood the calculations of the Four Sages.

Shout out unhappily.

"These shameless guys are so suspicious!"

Mengmeng "Let's go, let's clean him up!"

Mengmeng said happily while eating the snow lotus root.


(bfdd) Negative saint or something, the funniest!

in the Temple of Our Lady.

Di Xin suddenly Shi Lezhi.

We must ask people to lift the veil of the Virgin Mary to see the true face of the Virgin.

Also planning to write a poem!

A frenzy appeared on Di Xin's face.

"Come here, take a veil of the Virgin Mary for this emperor!"

Sanxian Island.

Nuwa's eyebrows changed and she looked at Chaoge.

And at the same time.

In the Yuxu Palace.

The Four Saints saw this scene.

All are overjoyed.

"The plan is done!"


Our Lady of the Temple.

Di Xin shouted for a long time, but no one responded.

Looking around, the Notre Dame Temple was empty.

Di Xin pity.

"What about people?"

At this time, two voices were heard.

"This new emperor is really not good, such a simple confusion has been caught?"

"It's really stupid, it's not comparable to Fuxi Shennong at all.

"Yeah, it's far worse than Junior Brother Xia Kuang.

Two pink and jade-carved Loli appeared next to the statue of the Virgin, eating ice-sugar snow lotus root and looking at Di Xin, commenting with disgust.

Di Xin: "???"

Who is stupid!

This emperor is a human emperor with outstanding achievements!

The two little Loli rolled their eyes as if they knew what he was thinking.

"Look at what?"

Stupid "It's you who said it!"

Dixin vomited blood.

"who are you?

Di Xin was actually shocked.

When did these two little girls appear?

Moreover, they also said that Fuxi Shennong knew about the Emperor Xia's condition!

How can this be?!

To know that the prehistoric times are fleeting.

The human race has flourished for countless years, and the years have been repeated. The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors have long since disappeared, and the first generation of Human Sovereigns, Xia Condition, has become a legend.

Although there are many human emperors in the world, Di Xin has never seen human emperors in all dynasties.

I only know that the Eight Great Human Sovereigns once swept through the floods and shook all clans, causing them to have psychological shadows.

It was the most prosperous era of the human race.

How would these two little Loli know?

However, how could Di Xin know that these two little princesses know more than the emperor, who was taught by them!

The psychological shadow of the prehistoric tribes being beaten is the source of the two little princesses.

at this time.

The emptiness of Notre Dame Temple suddenly fluctuated.

Nuwa has arrived!

She sensed the fluctuation of human air luck and appeared directly.

He was stunned at the moment.

Where is Yin Mengmeng?

And what is Di Xin doing?

Xiaoyuan and Xiaomeng immediately shouted happily.

"Second Mother!"

"You're here!"

Nuwa smiled softly.

Rubbed the two little Loli heads.

"Why are you here?"

| Xiao Mengmeng replied.

"We helped Erniang catch the bad guy!"

Xiao Yin hummed angrily.

"Another idiot!"

The two little Loli pointed at Di Xin, who looked confused.

The Dixin people are all stupid.

"Our Lady of the Mother?"

Nu Wa frowned and glanced at Di Xin.

But see Di Xin Lingzhi hazy.

Nu Wa take it easy.

The confusion in the island of Di Xin's place dissipated immediately, and his mind was clear.

Di Xin instantly realized the identity of Nuwa in front of him, and understood what he had done before.

He was drenched in sweat on the spot.

Quickly kneel and admit your mistake!

"I have seen the Virgin Mary!"

"Di Xin deserves ten thousand deaths!"

Today's Mother Nuwa is extremely beloved in the human race.

Far from being comparable to the original name of Our Lady of Desolation.

So knowing that he almost made a big mistake, Di Xin was terrified.

If he did something insulting to the Virgin, he could directly kill himself.

Nuwa also saw the truth at this time.

Cold anger appeared on the pretty face.

"These four saints are really shameless!"

Again to Di Xindao.

"It's none of your business, get up.

Xiao Yin and Xiao Mengmeng also said.

"Little Dixin, don't worry, this is what Yuanshi and the others did.

"Second Mother, let's go clean up those shameless guys!

"Demolish their dojo! Let them sleep on the street!"

Nuwa nodded directly when she heard the words.


Today, I must ask Xuanmen for an explanation!

Otherwise, the Four Holy Dojos will be levelled!

Nuwa walked away with two little Loli.

Di Xin finally reacted.

It turned out that he was calculated by the saints of the three religions!

Simply Damn it!

Di Xin was very angry.

After returning to the palace, the national policy was directly promulgated.

"Send the order down!"

"The human race must never worship the three Western religions!

"When you see a disciple of the Three Sects, you can kill him!"

As a result, some disciples of the three religions who were originally in the human race were expelled one after another.

And most of the human disciples who have worshipped the three religions are out of Taoism.

To assassinate the emperor, to plot against the Virgin, is that worth it?!

The human race rejects the three religions of the Xuanmen!

Air Sensing!

The luck of the three religions began to plummet!

Kunlun Mountains.

Jade Palace.

The Four Sages of Yuan Shi frowned.

"Why did Di Xin visit the Notre Dame Temple for a long time without any results?"

At this time, Ying Yin suddenly exclaimed.

"Not good! The luck of the West is falling!"

When Laozi heard the words, his expression changed.

They also found out that their daoist luck had fallen!

"How can this be?!

The Four Saints exclaimed in surprise.

Right now.


The void roared, and the sound of the collapse of the great formation sounded.

Yuxu Palace was shocked.

A shadow appeared.

Nuwa is coming!

"Four, do you want to give this palace an explanation?"

A cold voice sounded.

The complexion of the Four Saints suddenly changed.

How did Nuwa come?!.

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