
Zixiao has an air mass suspended in the palm.

The air mass is nothing else.

It is the reason why he visited Buzhou Mountain, innate turbidity!

“From the land of incarnation to the present, it has taken more than a hundred yuan meetings before and after!”

“It’s done!”

“But then again, is that a long time?”

“It’s definitely not short!”

Thought about it.

Zixiao put this question aside.

Because it doesn’t matter how long it takes.

Just get what you want.

Innate turbid qi is a key thing for him to break through the realm!

It’s not that without this, there is no way to break through.

Instead, it may be much slower.

Even the breakthrough opportunity is difficult to feel.

For this.

No amount of effort is worth it.

Speaking up.

Don’t look at Zixiao got the innate turbid gas, in fact, the process of obtaining it is not easy.

It still took a lot of effort.

The hardest of them.

There is nothing better than finding the location of the innate turbidity.

Buzhou Shan has innate turbidity, Zixiao knows.

But exactly where, it is not clear.

He only knew that it was related to Zuwu.

Where is Zuwu?

In the Pangu Shrine, which is transformed by the heart of Pangu.

It is precisely because it is transformed by the heart that the location of the Pangu Temple is almost in the middle of Buzhou Mountain.

But this place, even the Heavenly Dao can’t enter!

It is not only the source of the birth of the Wu clan, but also the source of the power of Buzhou Mountain.

Heaven’s Dao is still like this.

Zixiao is even worse.

But the good thing.

With the blessing of Hong Huangweili, his perception ability was much stronger.

Some people read him, think about him, talk about him.

can generate induction.

So, while the Zuwitches discussed him.

He followed the vine and found the approximate location of the Pangu Temple.

Although not accurate enough.

But also enough.

Because around the temple, there is a congenital turbid gas circling.

Then, they were lured out by Zixiao.

It must be said that this step is actually a “chance” to cut off the ancestors.

Why the quotation marks?

Because it can also be a catastrophe.

This part of the innate turbid gas, in the long years, has been seriously eroded by the gas and has become extremely dirty.

Don’t talk about touching.

If you can’t cultivate it, just perception can make people confused.

Even Zu Wu can’t escape.

Lian Yuanshen was contaminated.

So much so that it is impossible to use the Lingbao, and even…

It’s a bit similar to a ferocious beast.

From this, it can be seen how terrifying this innate turbid gas is!

But now.

These congenital turbid gases, which were seriously polluted, fell into Zixiao’s hands.

Although Zu Wu will still be affected by anger.

But not so seriously.

After the transformation, maybe the Yuan God is not damaged, and the spirit treasure can be used?

Even if it doesn’t work.

The mind is affected by anger, and it is much smaller.

But the price is…

Physical strength dropped a little.

Not much.

Not too little.

But overall, it’s still earned!

Zu Wu’s physique is already strong, and the loss is a little, and the impact is limited.

But if you can use Lingbao.

That’s a lot of improvement!

What’s more, the mental influence is not so great.

However, other witch races other than Zuwu do not have such treatment.

After all, they were born and were not born with turbid gas.

It’s an acquired turbidity.

There are changes, just Zuwu.

Coming down from Mount Buzhou.

Zixiao sighed a little.

After some operation, there was a causal connection with the Wu clan?

This is also counted as….

It’s a mistake!

Then, Zixiao’s mind moved away, put away the innate turbid qi, and no longer thought about Zu Wu’s affairs.

It’s the next goal.

“And then, it’s innate qi!”

“If I can obtain it, when the time comes, the two qi will be united and the great heaven and earth will be born, I should be able to break through!”

“So the next stop…”


After adjusting his breath, Zixiao adjusted his state to perfection as before.

Then set off again.

Kunlun, further west of Mount Buzhou.

It is known as the vein of ten thousand mountains.

It is second only to Mount Buzhou, the second sacred mountain in the flood barrens.

At the same time, it is also the place where Sanqing takes shape, and the common dojo before sanctification.

Not only that.

Like Mount Buzhou, there are other innate gods.

Of course, it’s a relatively peripheral place.

The location further west of Kunlun.

Or West Kunlun.

That is, the place where the Queen Mother of the West took shape.

And if you continue west from West Kunlun, you will reach the western boundary of the flood wilderness.

That is, the place where the gods such as the introduction and the quasi-mention were born.

But Zixiao’s destination is not here.

It will end in Kunlun.

The reason why he wanted to mention it was because the induction told him that this trip to the west might be dangerous!

The monk has six senses.

See, hear, smell, taste, touch.



The induction in the underworld is this mysterious premonition.

In this way, the monks can sense chance.

There is a perceived crisis.

At this moment, Zixiao’s heart moved, and Yuanshen trembled slightly.

The pace of going to Kunlun suddenly stopped.

His expression also became puzzled.

Even dignified.

Because this feeling has never been felt since its own form.


“My cultivation, even if there are thousands of chaotic beasts, they can’t hurt me in the slightest!”

“The only thing that can allow me to sense automatic warnings is a more terrifying existence than the Mixed Element Fierce Beast!”

And such an existence, there are not many floods.

Even if all the eras combined, there is not much.

In terms of the amount of ferocious beasts alone, it is even less.

So, the answer is on the horizon.

For Zixiao before, he did not want to mention the existence.

The king of fierce beasts.

The Beast Emperor is rebelled!

In other words….

“Going to Kunlun, is it possible to encounter him?”


Zixiao knew it in his heart.

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