Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

There are some words to say (definitely not selling badly)

As the title suggests, Xiaoguang is not selling miserably!

Today is another explosion of 15,000 words in the fifth edition.

The Great Desolation of Luo Hu asked for being able to persist in writing until now, thanks to the editors and book friends for their support.

It was put on the shelf last Friday, and the starting point ordered 789 for the first time. It can be said that the results are terrible.

But Xiaoguang did not give up on this book, because there are at least 789 book friends who support Xiaoguang.

Seven chapters were updated on the day it was put on the shelves, and they were all 3000-word chapters, to repay the support of book friends.

Every day after it was put on the shelves, Xiaoguang broke out at the fifth watch, with 15,000 words every day.

Xiaoguang's hand speed is very slow. It takes nearly two hours to finish writing one chapter. It can be said that he sits in front of the computer and codes all day.

It's not that the tentacle monsters want to be updated every day, it's very difficult, really difficult.

In the book friend group, many book friends are worried about Xiaoguang's body, and let Xiaoguang update it appropriately, as long as it keeps updating.

Xiaoguang would like to thank those book friends who care about it, and Xiaoguang will do what he can.

Old readers know that Xiaoguang is a full-time writer, and his family's source of income depends entirely on books.

No update, no income, poor grades, and need to update to maintain.

Yes, the results of this book are not ideal, but Xiaoguang firmly believes that this book will eventually gather a large number of book friends. Xiaoguang has this confidence because Xiaoguang is writing with his heart.

In two months, my child will be born. At present, the income from this book is really not enough for milk powder.

I really want to continue to explode, but I also have to think about finding a job.

Some book friends told Xiaoguang that the income will be very good after the explosion.

Xiaoguang also thought so at first, but what happened?

The explosion of 15,000 words continued every day, but in exchange for wave after wave of pirated copies.

Xiaoguang does not discriminate against watching pirated copies.

But Xiaoguang really needs the subscriptions of book friends. Perhaps this is the sorrow of full-time writers, everything is restricted by subscriptions.

Even if Xiaoguang updates 15,000 words a day, it is only a subscription of a few cents, which is the money for a cigarette.

I hope that book friends can support Xiaoguang and write another novel with Xiaoguang.

Finally, I beg all the book friends to take pity on Xiaoguang, and support Xiaoguang with the genuine version, thank you Xiaoguang!

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