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A realm called a sage appeared in the minds of every Almighty, and every creature in the prehistoric world.

Saints are immortal, heaven and earth are immortal but saints are immortal, heaven and earth are immortal but saints are immortal!

Such news appeared in the minds of all the powerful in an instant, which shocked all the powerful.

One Immortal is enough to tempt all the powers!

There is another message, that is, all saints are ants!

In an instant, all the powerful people felt a kind of fear, a kind of awe, and these were all directed at Luo Hu!

"Who is sanctified?"

A doubt appeared in the hearts of all Almighty!

A sage is omnipotent, where the mind can reach, it can be reached with one thought!

These great powers all want to keep the saint's thigh tightly at this time, so that they can survive the calamity in the future!

In the starry sky, Dijun who was going to the Taiyin star, and Taiyi who was above the Sun star were worried for a while, this is sanctification!

It's not becoming a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, so it must not be their master!

The rest is Daoist Hongjun and Luo Hu. If Daoist Hongjun is okay, if it is Luo Hu, if it kills the starry sky, so what?

For a while, even the great power of Kunlun Mountain was silent, Taiqing and Yuanyuan both had deep expressions, because the terrifying coercion did not emanate from their Kunlun Mountain.

There is only one possibility, and that is who from Mount Sumeru became a saint!

In the Great Freedom, it took Luo Hu more than 10,000 years to recover from his injuries, and more than 40,000 years to cut out the sixth desire!

this moment!

He cut out the sixth desire, and his cultivation became the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in an instant, and at this time, his primordial spirit was connected with the Primordial Purple Qi.

From Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to a prehistoric saint, he became the first saint in the world!

Luo Hu is in Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​he doesn't know what's going on outside, but he feels the power in his body, this kind of power gives him an illusion, as long as he is willing!

Then he can break the prehistoric world with a wave of his hand, reopen the world, and continue the cycle of reincarnation!

Of course, Luo Hu can't do this, it's just an illusion, but if the current Luo Hu tries his best to trigger the Great Mill of Extermination, he can die with the prehistoric people if he doesn't want to die!

The strength of the saint made him feel that he was like an ant in the past, he could wipe out the former him at will, and he had no resistance at all!

This is the current Rahu, a power that is beyond words!

Step out!

Luo Hu appeared on Mount Sumeru. At this time, all the great powers of Mount Sumeru were waiting for Luo Hu before the formation.

"Congratulations to Master (big brother, ancestor, lord, master) for proving to be a sage, enjoying boundless enjoyment, immortality from now on, eternal immortality!"

These great powers of Mount Sumeru all knelt down and saluted Rahu respectfully.

Luo Hu looked at Honghuang, in Luo Hu's eyes, the infinite space seemed to be no different from what was in front of him, even if the distance was far away, Luo Hu could see it.


As long as Luo Hu is willing, as long as there is no special formation on the prehistoric land, Luo Hu can see it on Mount Sumeru if he spends a little time!

"Get up!" Luo Hu said lightly.

All the great powers of Mount Sumeru stood up.

At this time, nearly a hundred mu of meritorious deeds from the sky descended towards Mount Sumeru!

At this moment, all the great powers knew that this was the sanctification of the demon ancestor of Mount Sumeru.

The coercion of sanctification has been withdrawn by Rahu, and all the creatures can stand up, and there are many powerful people rushing to Mount Sumeru in this one!

They all want to make a pilgrimage.

After all, hugging a saint's thigh at this time, not only can get the guidance of the saint, but also may become a saint in the future!


above the prehistoric,

Who can bear this temptation!

With a big wave of Rahu's hand, all those meritorious blessings entered his body. These meritorious blessings are all given to the disciples. After they become quasi-sages, they can help them become saints!

Of course, Rahu can also refine a treasure. With these merits, Rahu is absolutely sure to refine the treasure of acquired merit.

Do not!

It is not the treasure of acquired merit, but the treasure of innate merit!

Because Luo Hu has the universe cauldron in his hand, he can turn the acquired into the innate.

An acquired treasure is comparable to a congenital treasure, but what if it is a congenital treasure?

The power of this treasure is unimaginable!

Gradually, the vision of heaven and earth gradually dissipated, and this heaven and earth was a celebration for Rahu.

Luo Hu is the first saint in the world, with the blessings of the heaven and the earth, and the merits of the heavenly generals, and even countless auspicious celebrations!

Only the first saint can have these!

Now, Luo Hu has been sanctified, but Hongjun Daozu has no sign of sanctification. Obviously, this proves one thing, that is, Hongjun Daozu will not be able to become sanctified in a short time!

Luo Hu calculated that his omen of sanctification, when he became sanctified, it can be said that the omen was ten breaths ahead of time!

In other words, Taoist Hongjun cannot become holy within ten breaths, or even within ten thousand years!

Anyway, the fastest sanctification would take ten breaths, which gave Luo Hu a chance!

The current Luo Hu is different from before. He used to need to fly to Kunlun Mountain, which took at least a thousand years, but now it is different.

On the Great Desolate Continent, he can reach the place he wants to go in an instant, even if he encounters space chaos, he only needs three breaths at most!

This means that Hongjun Daozu will undoubtedly die!

"Go to Kunlun Mountain in poverty!" Luo Hu said lightly.

Then disappeared on Mount Sumeru.

Wherever the mind reaches, Rahu can arrive instantly!

This is the sage, with the help of the mighty power of heaven and earth, to cross space!

The next moment, Luo Hu appeared in Kunlun Mountain!

A huge coercion descended on Kunlun Mountain, both Taiqing and Yuanyuan were stunned, and then they knew who was coming, and they all walked out.

Seeing Luo Hu, I was terrified in my heart. No matter how high their heels were, it was useless, because standing in front of them was the first saint in the wild!

"The younger generation has seen the Demon Ancestor, may the Demon Ancestor live forever." Both Taiqing and Yuan Yuan bowed down to Luohu.

Facing a saint, no matter how proud you are, you must lower your proud head. When you meet a saint, you must bow down!

This is a factor that cannot be changed!

Luo Hu ignored them, but with a wave of his hand, the mountain in front of him became transparent, and Hongjun Daozu was using the fortune jade plate to cultivate.

With a cruel smile, it's time to know the life of Daozu Hongjun!

Just when Luo Hu was about to strike, an irresistible power descended, even if he was sanctified, he couldn't resist this power!

This is not the power of heaven, the prehistoric heaven has only experienced two calamities, and it is far from being so powerful!

"The Demon Ancestor has left?" Yuanyuan looked suspiciously at the place where Luo Hu appeared, but now it is empty!

"How could the Demon Ancestor leave suddenly? Could it be that he didn't kill Master!" Taiqing couldn't believe it.

If it is said that the enmity between Luo Hu and Daozu Hongjun is resolved, unless immeasurable calamity comes, otherwise, there is absolutely no possibility of reconciliation!

The supernatural powers that Luohu displayed gradually disappeared, and the transparent mountain returned to its original appearance. Hongjun Daozu didn't wake up, and was still practicing deeply!

It is obvious that he has great determination, and he will not leave the customs if he is not a saint!

Another moment passed!

Suddenly, the prehistoric world once again had a great vision, golden lotuses gushed from the ground, and purple air came thirty thousand miles east.

A powerful coercion appeared on the prehistoric land, causing all the great powers to kneel on the ground again, and the creatures with low cultivation bases lay on the ground and trembled.

This time, all living beings knew one thing, that is, another saint was born!

But this time when the sage was born, it was just a golden lotus springing from the ground, and the purple air came thirty thousand miles east, without the auspiciousness of the dragon and phoenix, or the auspiciousness of the unicorn.

Not to mention that there is no merit of heaven and earth, and the previous sanctification is simply a sky and a bottom.

The vision of heaven and earth appears, which means that the saint is coming out!

Immediately afterwards, three figures appeared on the good fortune jade plate, which were the three corpses of Daozu Hongjun, and then a mysterious force merged these figures with Daozu Hongjun!

Hongmeng Ziqi appeared and merged with the primordial spirit of Hongjun Daozu. At this moment, Hongjun Daozu became a saint.

From then on, under normal circumstances, immortality!

Daoist Hongjun withdrew his coercion, and his divine sense used the good fortune jade plate to spread all over the whole prehistoric area in an instant. He wanted to see if Luo Hu was sanctified. If he was not sanctified, he would kill Luo Hu immediately!

This is the best opportunity to kill Luo Hu, and it must not be missed.

However, under the divine thoughts of Daozu Hongjun, there was no sign of Luo Hu!

"Congratulations to Master for becoming a saint, you will be immortal from now on!" Both Tai Qing and Yuan Yuan were overjoyed!

Although Hongjun's sanctification did not have the pomp and pomp of Luo Hu, Daozu Hongjun was also sanctified. From now on, their backing became stronger again, and their chances of becoming saints increased a lot!

"Get up!" Daozu Hongjun said lightly.

At this time, Taiqing showed a look of embarrassment, and finally said: "Master, just now the Demon Ancestor came, but left again."

Daoist Hongjun's face was startled, and he pinched his fingers and began to calculate. Although the current heavenly secrets are chaotic, they cannot be hidden from the saint's calculations!

After some calculations, Daozu Hongjun understood that Luo Hu became a saint 20 breaths earlier than him, but Daozu Hongjun was a little confused!

Why didn't Rahu kill him!

Luo Hu, who has become a saint, can definitely kill him with one blow. Why didn't Luo Hu do this?

If it is said that Luo Hu has a kind heart and has become a good person, even if Daozu Hongjun is killed, he will not believe it!

If Luo Hu really becomes a good person, he will keep all the treasures that robbed Hongjun Daozu!

Suddenly, a piece of information came into Daozu Hongjun's sea of ​​consciousness, which made Daozu Hongjun overjoyed, and immediately sat cross-legged, sacrificed the jade plate of fortune, and began to calculate.

Although Luo Hu obtained the merits of the first saint, but the following merits...

Daoist Hongjun suddenly laughed out loud!

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