Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 44 Heavenly Court (Part 1)

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Jieyin and Zhunti wanted to kill the ancestor of Kunpeng, but their strength was indeed a little bit insufficient.

Help must be found.

But how many people can help them in the wild?

And there are not many who have a good relationship with them.

Kunpeng Patriarch's cultivation base is at the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

If you want to find a helper, you must also find the peak of the Da Luo Jinxian, but how many Da Luo Jinxian peaks are there in this prehistoric world?

There is a Daluo Jinxian peak in the Xumi Mountain lineage, but the people in the Xumi Mountain want to destroy them, so how can they help them?

Are the karma owed to the Supreme Master for the mention and introduction?

There is simply no way to seek help from the Mount Sumeru lineage.

You can look for Xuanmen, Taiqing and Yuanyuan are both very powerful, and they are both at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian!

"Brother, there are actually two more people, we can look for them." Zhunti said.


Jieyin was a little puzzled, he knew that what Zhunti said could not be too clear and primitive.

There are only so many powerful people in Honghuang, but there are not many people who are willing to help them!

"Brother doesn't know, when I was in Zixiao Palace, this futon seat was given to me by a fellow Taoist.

Patriarch Hongyun and Zhenyuanzi are all top-notch among the Da Luo Jinxians. We should find them and get help. "

"Ancestor Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi? Those two great men from Longevity Mountain!" Introduced the ancestor Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi.

After all, he is also in the West, so he naturally has an understanding of these great powers.

"Alright, let's go look for them, the karma is due first." A strange look flashed in Jieyin's eyes.


Longevity Mountain has been closed, and Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun Patriarch had to practice until the second lecture.

But Patriarch Hongyun felt a burst of heart palpitations, which made him unable to practice with peace of mind, and felt a little restless.

"Fellow Daoist, I'm afraid the poor can't stay here any longer. There are people who are plotting against the poor, so we can't stay here and hurt you!"

Patriarch Hongyun stood up, looked at Zhen Yuanzi and said solemnly.

Zhen Yuanzi was taken aback for a moment, this is not like the character of Patriarch Hongyun!

Ancestor Hongyun has a nervous personality and doesn't take care of his feelings. Even if he feels palpitations, he won't say that. It seems that there is only one reason.

"No, just stay in Longevity Mountain. It seems that there is no need to close the mountain. Those who should come will still come." Zhen Yuanzi looked at the void and said lightly.

Zhen Yuanzi's master Yang Mei Patriarch has entered the depths of chaos, Zhen Yuanzi has no backing, some things will always come.

In fact, Zhen Yuanzi thought he was wrong!

He thought it was about Mount Sumeru. After all, Patriarch Yangmei offended Luo Hu to the core. Now that Patriarch Yangmei is gone, then the sect of Mount Xumi should come to kill him!

As for Patriarch Hongyun's heart palpitations, Zhen Yuanzi mistakenly thought that Mount Sumeru wanted to kill him, causing Patriarch Hongyun a crisis!

Zhen Yuanzi also has his own selfishness!

He wanted Patriarch Hongyun to help him deal with the robbery, after all, eating so many ginseng fruits by his side was not for nothing.

Zhen Yuanzi is not a good person, he won't always accommodate someone, so he is not just accommodating to Hongyun Patriarch!

Sometimes, if you can use it, Zhen Yuanzi will definitely use it mercilessly!

He is a prehistoric power, so he knows the law of the jungle, the jungle preys on the strong!

Above the starry sky, Di Jun came to the Lunar Star, and Xi He had been here for a long time, and after hearing the sermon, she came to the Lunar Star.

After so many years, Xi He has gradually gained the approval of the Lunar Star!

Of course, this is not considered an approval. It can only be said that the ancestor of fate is too powerful, and he actually reversed the fate of Laurel.

On Xihe's body is the fate charm bestowed by the ancestor of fate, which was specially engraved by the ancestor of fate for Xihe!

It is also a key part of gradually reversing the fate of the laurel tree!


Lunar star, you have already got half of your luck, and our business can start. "Di Jun said lightly.

Xi He knew what Di Jun said.

But Xi He still showed surprise. She knew Di Jun's plan, but she didn't expect it to be so fast!

"What did Master say?" Xi He asked.

After all, if you want to settle in the Great Desolate Continent and participate in the struggle for hegemony in the Great Desolate Continent, without the backing of the Destiny Ancestor, you can't appoint it!

Mount Sumeru was eyeing him like a tiger, and if they had no backing, they would definitely face a catastrophe!

"Master has already agreed, and this time to settle in Honghuang was brought up by Master, and Master has found a very special area, and it is completely possible to establish influence!"

When Di Jun said this, his face became overjoyed. He never thought that the ancestor of fate would find such a good place for him!

This place is simply tailor-made for him, it is really an excellent place!

"What should I do if I need it?" Xi He asked.

Xi He likes Di Jun's behavior style, and also likes Di Jun's character, and it's exactly the same, because of Di Jun, she and Wang Shu got into a stalemate!

"Turn the luck of the lunar star and bless the sun star, and the next emperor can do it."



Time flies!

Thousands of years have passed before the prehistoric times!

Di Jun, Tai Yi led the Lord of the Stars of the Starry Sky to the nine heavens.

Their actions go unnoticed!

But what happened next was going to shock the entire prehistoric world!

Di Jun, Taiyi brought nearly a hundred masters of stars, and their cultivation bases are all Taiyi Golden Immortals. In today's prehistoric world, they are definitely considered powerful!

In the surrounding mountains, nearly a million prehistoric creatures gather!

These creatures were all left over from the prehistoric peoples. After Di Jun's secret plan, these creatures became his subordinates!

At the beginning, with the idea of ​​establishing power, Di Jun had already begun to plan for power on the Great Desolate Continent!

"I pay homage to His Majesty, the Emperor of Heaven, and may your Majesty live forever."

Millions of souls knelt down to Di Jun, their voices were earth-shattering!

Then, these creatures bowed down to Tai Yi again.

"I pay my respects to His Majesty the Eastern Emperor, and may your Majesty live forever!"

"Get up!" Di Jun waved his hand, and millions of creatures stood up.

Dijun and Taiyi flew to Buzhou Mountain and made a talisman.

In an instant, a door of light appeared.

Dijun and Taiyi stepped into it.

This is a small thousand worlds, where the thirty-three continents are united to form the thirty-three heavens!

Di Jun and Tai Yi glanced at each other, this is the area that Destiny Patriarch was looking for for them!

"Second brother, let's start!"

Taiyi nodded solemnly, and looked at Hong Huang with a majestic expression!

"I am the Emperor Jun, who sees the ignorance of the prehistoric creatures and is unbearable to be educated. Now on the Buzhou Mountain, I set up a heavenly court to teach the prehistoric prehistoric people on behalf of the way of heaven. The way of heaven learns from it!"

Rumble! ! !

The whole prehistoric world shook.

This move is tantamount to restraining the prehistoric power!

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