Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 45 Heavenly Court Stands (Part 2)

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Above the sea of ​​blood, Patriarch Minghe sat on the twelfth-grade karma fiery red lotus, looking in the direction of Buzhou Mountain, with a strong murderous look in his eyes.

Emperor Jun.

Patriarch Styx knows a little about this character, and he is also a great power in the wild, but he is only a great power of a golden immortal, not even a quasi-sage!

What is the concept of establishing a heavenly court? After the word heavenly court appeared, all the prehistoric and powerful seas of consciousness appeared the meaning of heavenly court.

Heavenly Court, the prehistoric orthodoxy in name, the seat of prehistoric rule!

All saints obey the orders of heaven, how is this possible?

It is absolutely impossible for a Da Luo Jinxian to establish a heavenly court in the later stage and let other Da Luo Jinxians listen to him!

Especially in this prehistoric place, every great power attaches great importance to face!

If a sage establishes the Heavenly Court, it may still be possible to obey, but the Little Da Luo Jinxian is naturally dissatisfied by many people!

Patriarch Minghe is a quasi-sage. Although he is only a quasi-sage at the early stage, he is still a quasi-sage, and his cultivation base is much stronger than that of Di Jun.

Although there is only a small difference in realm, the gap is too big!

Looking at Buzhou Mountain, the killing intent in the eyes of the ancestor Minghe became more and more intense, because at this time, the luck of the prehistoric people was gradually gathering towards Buzhou Mountain!

Of course, these lucks are all fragmented lucks, but you must know that 60% of the current lucks are fragmented!

The Dao Demon War at the beginning destroyed the foundation of the luck of both parties, especially Hongjun Taoist Ancestor, even the Daoist Hall was destroyed!

The gathering of so much luck can be said to make Tianting more potential, and even gather prestige in a short time!

"The sea of ​​blood is boundless, red lotus suppresses it!"

Patriarch Minghe let out a loud shout, and in an instant, the twelfth-grade karma red lotus under his seat turned into a thousand feet, and a mysterious and mysterious power radiated out.

Above the sea of ​​blood, and even some luck around the sea of ​​blood has been imprisoned!

Patriarch Minghe would never watch Dijun grow bigger, and after he finished these things, he would go to Buzhou Mountain to make this so-called heaven disappear!

Heavenly Court must not exist, otherwise, he would be restricted, this is what Patriarch Minghe didn't want to see.

He believes that there are absolutely not many great powers in the whole prehistoric world who are willing to see it, so he will definitely not be the only one who goes to Buzhou Mountain!

At that time, the gathering of a large group of powerful people can definitely disintegrate this emerging heaven in an instant!

On the Longevity Hill, Jieyin and Zhunti were visiting as guests on the Longevity Hill. Zhen Yuanzi brought out ginseng fruit as a treat. At first, Zhen Yuanzi was reluctant, but for some reason, the ancestor Hongyun brought out the ginseng fruit.

This made it difficult for Zhen Yuanzi, after all, if he didn't take it out, wouldn't he offend the two powerful people?

Now that the Yangmei Patriarch is not in Honghuang, Zhen Yuanzi's psychology is to be able to make friends, so make friends!


Jieyin snorted and looked at Buzhou Mountain. Obviously, Dijun's voice, blessed by the Dao of Heaven, must have spread throughout the whole prehistoric world!

All four of them heard it too.

"I don't know how to live or die! Two flat-haired beasts dare to set up a heavenly court. Do they think that the disciples of the saints will be restricted? Or are we going to be restricted?"

He said in a cold voice.

Now I don't know why, sometimes, receiving and guiding is like a killing god, it is very scary!

But in normal times, Jieying is a compassionate image, and the appearance of suffering makes it easy to think of Jieying for the good!

Zhunti was a little puzzled, the previous reception was not like this!

He remembered that the previous receptions were very calm, and he would never show a murderous look!

Everything appeared like this after listening to Mo Zuluo's sermon!

But Zhunti didn't say this at this time, because he was also angry. Dijun was ignoring them and teasing them!

Even want to enslave them!

"When I heard it in Zixiao Palace,

But seeing Di Jun, they don't seem to be so reckless, this is tantamount to courting death! "

"Fellow Zhunti is right. This emperor is indeed a little reckless. It is estimated that many powerful people will go to Mount Buzhou this time!" Patriarch Hongyun laughed.

Zhen Yuanzi's eyes showed deep thought, according to his thinking, he didn't care about these things, after all his master was not around, and before he did anything, he had to think of a way to get out!

Zhen Yuanzi would never do anything that caused trouble to his upper body!

At this time, Jieyin paid attention to Zhen Yuanzi's eyes. He thought of one thing and said, "Fellow Daoist, this time the Kunpeng Patriarch will definitely go to Buzhou Mountain. This is an opportunity. If you can kill Kunpeng Patriarch, Then the poor will definitely be rewarded!"

"Yes, please help fellow Taoists!" Zhunti looked at Patriarch Hongyun when he said that, and at this moment, there was mist in Zhunti's eyes!

It seemed that if Patriarch Hongyun dared to say no, Zhunti would burst into tears next time!


Zhen Yuanzi was unwilling to agree!

He didn't dare to be too conspicuous, if he was noticed by the disciples of the evil way, then his good days would come to an end!

Mozu's disciples will definitely find a way to eradicate him, after all, he is a disciple of Yangmei Patriarch, and during the early robbery of Long Han, Yangmei Patriarch helped Daozu Hongjun fight against Mozu Luo?

If he doesn't make a move now, it may be because he hasn't realized it yet, so Zhen Yuanzi doesn't dare to stand out anymore.

"At the beginning, the poor Taoist was able to give up his seat to the fellow Taoist, and he had already formed a great fate. Now that the fellow Taoist is in trouble, how can the poor Taoist just sit back and ignore it!" Hongyun Patriarch said firmly.

"Fellow Daoist said that, is he willing to help us kill the Kunpeng Patriarch?" Zhunti asked hurriedly.

Zhunti didn't expect that Patriarch Hongyun was really...

"Pindao still has some things to do, I'm afraid I can't help fellow daoists, but with the help of fellow daoist Hongyun, your plan will definitely succeed!"

Zhen Yuanzi is still unwilling to join the team, after all, he doesn't want to fall into the hands of the Demon Dao!

If it really caused him to fall because of this incident, then no matter how great the benefits are, he will not be blessed to enjoy them!


"Junior Brother, don't embarrass Fellow Daoist Zhenyuan. With Fellow Daoist Hongyun, we can kill Patriarch Kunpeng!" Jieyin stopped Zhunti so that he didn't have to say any more!

Zhunti didn't understand the meaning of "guiding".

But Jie Yin saw the firmness in Zhen Yuanzi's eyes, and he was worried that if he continued, if Zhen Yuanzi refused to let Hongyun Patriarch go, they would really have nothing to do.

Moreover, Hongyun Patriarch seemed to listen to Zhen Yuanzi's words very much, which made Jieyin even more afraid to press every step of the way!

"If that's the case, fellow daoists will be troubled." Zhunti thanked Patriarch Hongyun as he looked at him!

"Fellow Daoist, you're welcome, we're going to Buzhou Mountain now!" Patriarch Hongyun said honestly, it seems that helping people is his greatest pleasure.

And the ancestor Hongyun didn't care, he helped others and killed people. After all, the prehistoric people are powerful, and everyone is ruthless!

Fuxi and Nuwa, who had just left Buzhou Mountain, both looked at Buzhou Mountain with a hint of shock in their eyes.

They didn't know that there was such a mysterious space above Buzhou Mountain!

But then they were very angry. Emperor Jun established the Heavenly Court, which has a direct relationship with them, and they will be under the Heavenly Court from now on!

Isn't this suppressing them to death?

"This is looking for death, brother, let's go back!" Nuwa said lightly.

"This time, I'm afraid that many great masters will go to Mount Buzhou, especially disciples of saints, how could they watch others crush their heads!" Fuxi also disdains this move!

But Fuxi was wrong. The disciples of saints would go, but there were absolutely no disciples of Daozu Hongjun.

On Kunlun Mountain, Taiqing and Yuanyuan were just a little annoyed, but they didn't take any real action. Daozu Hongjun had sent them a voice transmission, telling them not to get involved in this matter!

After all, Hongjun Daozu reached an agreement with Destiny Patriarch to deal with Luo Wei together. If Destiny Patriarch has no luck, he will definitely be hurt!

"Since Master has ordered, let's practice in Kunlun Mountain!" Taiqing shook his head, expressing some helplessness.


Prehistoric orthodoxy, this is a piece of news in the sea of ​​​​all powerful consciousness, at least this is the prehistoric orthodoxy recognized by the Dao of Heaven, if you are not sanctified, you will be ruled by the heavens!

Of course, it also depends on your ability. If you are too strong, what can Heaven do to you?

For example, now that the Heavenly Court can really resolve this catastrophe, how can he control the Daluo Jinxian?

Even the lord of power in the heavenly court is just the Daluo Jinxian!

On Mount Sumeru, a group of disciples gathered in the Palace of Freedom. This time, they had to get together to discuss.

The most important point is that Luo? is not in Mount Sumeru now. At the beginning, Luo? asked the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas to search for Yingzhou Island, but Luo? was also looking for it.

So he appointed that he would not visit Mount Sumeru again.

The face of the Demon Ancestor of Heaven was deep, and Di Jun's words made him murderous. It can be said that the power of the entire Sumeru Mountain is full of murderous intent!

"I don't know what it means! People in the starry sky dare to be the lord of the heavens, courting death!" Taixuan was famous for his good personality in Mount Sumeru!

But now that Di Jun has made him lose his good temper, if Di Jun was in front of him, he would have made a move long ago.

"Master, this disciple is willing to go to Mount Buzhou and cut off Dijun's head!" Sun Yuan stood up with an irritable expression on his face!

But the Demonic Ancestor of Heaven looked at Taishang. After all, Taishang is the head of the magic way, and some things still need Taishang's opinion.

"My lord, what do you think of this matter?" Asked the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

The Supreme Master said directly without any hesitation: "Uncle Master, this disciple thinks that this is provoking all the great powers of Honghuang, which is tantamount to courting death. Even if the ancestor of Destiny is behind him, it is impossible to establish the Heavenly Court at this time, unless they have A very strong hole card!"

"Well, that's right. It's not enough to rely on the words of the ancestor of Destiny. What agreement did the ancestor of Destiny have with Daoist Hongjun, but don't worry about these. Taishang, you and Xiongba will go to Mount Buzhou." The demon ancestor of the sky said lightly .

"I think that this time it is only necessary for Fifth Junior Brother and Junior Brother Sun Yuan to go. If I go, I am afraid that this matter will be too involved." Taishang thought for a while, and then said.

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