Hearing about the conditions, Di Jun didn't change anything, so he knew that there must be conditions, and with the identity of Taiqing and Yuanyuan, it was absolutely impossible to agree to them easily.

The establishment of the Heavenly Court is at this very moment. If there are two saint disciples supporting it, it will undoubtedly be a great help to the Yaozu!

Therefore, even if there is a request, Di Jun can only agree, he has no choice, unless he does not want the help of the saint disciples.

"Tell me, what is Taiqing's condition?" Di Jun said majesticly.

"Taiqing wants His Majesty Donghuang to go to Kunlun Mountain to help after a while." The demon master Kunpeng said lightly.

As for what to help, Demon Master Kunpeng didn't ask, after all, it was a secret, and Demon Master Kunpeng couldn't ask anything.

This can only be asked by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Di Jun frowned and asked Donghuang Taiyi to help. No wonder Taiqing agreed to this matter.

Di Jun is not a fool, he can think of Taiqing's plight!

This predicament comes from the Supreme Demon Ancestor of the Demonic Dao.

Taishang and Taiqing were originally one body, but due to a coincidence, they were divided into two by evil spirits.

Taishang wants to merge with Taiqing, become one body, and control 40% of Pangu Yuanshen!

Taiqing must be worried about Taishang's calculations, so he let Donghuang Taiyi go to Kunlun Mountain.

This matter, using the method of calculation, can't be calculated. He has not yet reached the level of a saint, so he can't calculate the things of Siqing!

Although he couldn't figure it out, he could guess that, as the demon emperor of the demon clan and the future emperor of heaven, his mind was naturally extremely high. Judging from various reasons, it should be that the emperor wanted to do something.

"How about this, after the establishment of the Heavenly Court, the second brother went to Kunlun Mountain to stay for tens of thousands of years."

When Di Jun was talking, he looked at Donghuang Taiyi. After all, the protagonist of this matter is Donghuang Taiyi, and he is just a supporting role.

There was a flash of displeasure in Dong Huangtai's eyes, but he didn't say anything, he already felt Di Jun's dissatisfaction with him.

If not, they will not suppress him in the near future.

Ever since Di Jun cut out the two corpses, he has started to take action against him, which has reduced his power a lot.

"Okay, listen to the elder brother's words." Donghuang Taiyi said.

Although he knew that leaving for ten thousand years might weaken his reputation in the Yaozu, Donghuang Taiyi had nothing to do.

After all, this demon emperor is still Di Jun, he is just the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and even a younger brother!

"Well, you have seen what Donghuang means, go ahead and inform Taiqing about this matter." Di Jun said to the demon master Kunpeng.

The demon master Kunpeng left, and after leaving the Heavenly Court, the demon master Kunpeng's expression changed, becoming eerie and terrifying, he wished he could eat Dijun!

After Di Jun chopped off the two corpses, he became arrogant and domineering, especially against their powers.

This is trying to make them truly surrender.

The top ten demon saints may be able to truly surrender, but how can he and the demon emperor Fuxi truly surrender, their previous status is the same!

You must know that the demon master Kunpeng has futons in Zixiao Palace, and his future achievements are limitless.

"Di Jun, if you do many unrighteous actions, you will die yourself. Don't wait for Taiyi to add a yellow robe, when..."

The sorcerer Kunpeng thought crazily that as long as Donghuang Tai got really angry, then he would have a way to deal with Di Jun.

Above the Lingxiao Palace, only the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Di Jun remained, and as for the Demon Emperor Fuxi and Bai Ze, they all left.

"Brother, there is no need for you to agree to this request." Donghuang Taiyi said dissatisfied.

"For the great cause of heaven, second brother, please feel wronged." Di Jun comforted Tai Yi.

Donghuang Taiyi was secretly angry in his heart, this was entirely to weaken his influence in the Yaozu.

Although Di Jun cut out the two corpses, the power of Donghuang Taiyi has been deeply rooted in the Yaozu.

Especially Donghuang Taiyi is in charge of the Chaos Clock, which is an innate treasure!

Donghuang Taiyi had too much influence on the monster clan, this time Di Jun was completely selfish, he wanted to let Donghuang Taiyi leave for a period of time, and then use this time to improve his reputation!

The demon emperor of this demon clan is always Di Jun,

Instead of Donghuang Taiyi.

"Okay, since the eldest brother has said it, then the younger brother will obey, but there is one more thing, do you still remember?" Donghuang Taiyi stared at Di Jun!

In any case, Donghuang Taiyi is also for the Yaozu, it is impossible for him to destroy his hard work with his own hands!

It is said that it is the power established by the two brothers, but in fact, Donghuang Taiyi has 70% of the credit!

This is also one of the reasons why Donghuang Taiyi has prestige!

"What is it?"

"Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Formation."

"In this battle, the second brother doesn't need to worry about it, it's better to kill the two corpses as soon as possible."

"Brother, can you fully comprehend this formation by yourself?"

"I said, you don't need to worry about this matter, it's your job to practice hard now!"

Di Jun's face gradually darkened, and he looked at Donghuang Taiyi with some dissatisfaction in his eyes. This was the first time Donghuang Taiyi questioned his decision!

This made Di Jun feel angry from the heart!

A sharp light flashed in Dong Huangtai's eyes.

He didn't expect that Di Jun would reject him so much, the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation is an innate great formation with infinite power!

It is the formation in Hetu Luoshu.

Originally, it was the two brothers who comprehended it together, but now Di Jun wanted to comprehend it alone and excluded him.

However, Di Jun was alone and unable to comprehend the Zhoutian formation, which completely changed Donghuang Taiyi's view of Di Jun!

For the great cause of the monster clan, Donghuang Taiyi could give up his own prestige, but Di Jun actually ignored the strength of the monster clan in order to repel him and suppress him.

This made Donghuang Taiyi angry, he did not expect that Di Jun would be so selfish.

"Brother, do you know the importance of Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation to the Yaozu, don't cause the Yaozu's downfall because of the matter between us brothers!" Donghuang Taiyi said in a deep voice.

"Tai Yi, you are too presumptuous!" Di Jun shouted angrily.

Donghuang Taiyi shook his body, looked at Di Jun's angry face, and even in Di Jun's eyes, Tai Yi felt a vague killing intent!

Donghuang Taiyi turned around and left, he didn't want to continue talking to Di Jun, because it was no longer necessary!

He didn't know what happened to make Di Jun have such a prejudice against him.

From the beginning to the end, he had always obeyed Di Jun's orders. This time, he asked Zhou Tian's Star Dou formation. Although his words were a bit extreme, how could brothers care about so much?

But Donghuang Taiyi forgot that Di Jun is different, he is the Demon Emperor!

Has its own majesty.

Thinking of this, Donghuang Taiyi couldn't help thinking about the matter of the demon master Kunpeng and the demon emperor Fuxi looking for him back then.

Both the demon master Kunpeng and the demon emperor Fuxi are complaining about Di Jun, and they also clearly stated that if Di Jun is like this, they will leave the demon clan!

Although the demon refining pot has already been used, such great powers as the demon master Kunpeng, the demon emperor Fuxi, and the ten demon saints have not taken away the primordial spirit!

People want to leave, just a word.

You can't restrain yourself at all.

"Looks like it's time to talk to Master." The Eastern Emperor Taiyi sighed and left the Thirty-Third Heaven.

In the Lingxiao Palace, Di Jun's face was ashen, and in a rage, he slapped the table.


The desk was instantly shattered.

"It's getting more and more presumptuous!" Di Jun said coldly.

No one noticed that in Di Jun's eyes, there was a trace of demonic energy, which was a demonic energy intertwined with desire.

No one knew that Di Jun had signs of possessing a demon.

I'm afraid even if he knew it, he wouldn't dare to believe it. You must know that Di Jun is the demon emperor of the demon clan, the supreme ruler of the demons, just like the demon ancestor of the demon way!

It is simply impossible for the demon emperor to become a demon.

At this moment, Luohu's eyelids twitched, and the cup in his hand shook.

"Mazu, what happened?"

The holy beast White Tiger saw Luo Hu's abnormality, and asked quickly.

Luo Hu looked at where the Thirty-Third Heaven was, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Others don't know about Di Jun, but Luo Hu knows that he is the ancestor of the demon, and the luck of the entire demon way is connected with him.

Luo Hu was very surprised that Emperor Jun had signs of being possessed. After all, the positions were different. If he was possessed, it would be ridiculous.

"Do you know the demon emperor Dijun?" Luo Hu looked at the holy beast White Tiger.

The holy beast Baihu pondered for a moment, and the situation where the three clans dominated in the past appeared in his mind.

"Hehe, it's just a flat-haired beast that appeared because of the decline of the three clans."

The Holy Beast White Tiger's eyes were full of disdain!

Of course, now the Holy Beast White Tiger also has the confidence to disdain, he is a prehistoric holy beast, his status is second only to a saint, and his cultivation base is also the most holy!

Di Junmo said that if two corpses were cut out, even if three corpses were cut out, it would be impossible for him to be the opponent of the holy beast White Tiger.

"He's going to be enchanted, should I be happy or not?" Luo Hu looked at the holy beast White Tiger playfully.

"Isn't Di Jun the demon emperor? How could he be possessed by demons? I heard that he is the disciple of the ancestor of destiny."

"Demon, after my existence, all spirits can be demons, no matter what your status is or what your cultivation level is?"

"Even Hongjun can be enchanted. If it is possible, I will definitely save him from becoming enchanted in the future!"

"The ancestor of the demon is benevolent to the common people, and his merits are immeasurable." The holy beast Baihu showed an excited look in his eyes.

Luo Hu stood up and walked out of the hall slowly, followed by the holy beast White Tiger.

"When I become a demon, all spirits can become demons. Anyone who is a fairy, god or lich can enter my way!"

Because of the signs of Dijun's obsession, Luo Hu had a plan in his heart, a plan that could cover all souls. Although it conflicted with the previous plan, there was no doubt that this plan was the most suitable for him!

"The Demon Ancestor is mighty and desolate, benevolent to all spirits, and has immeasurable merit."

A demon full of desires, in the eyes of the holy beast Baihu, abruptly turned into an existence of great compassion and great merit!


"Second senior brother, please stay outside the hall later, I will go in and report." Boy Xingchen said neither humble nor overbearing.

Donghuang Taiyi was not in a hurry, nodded, and signaled Boy Xingchen to enter the hall to report.

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