Luo Hu released Ao Zheng, but Ao Zheng looked at the things in front of him with some doubts. There were traces of battles and flames around him, no, there was still a trace of divine thunder.

"Master, has Patriarch Wuliang fallen?" Ao Zheng asked suspiciously.

No matter how you look at the situation at the scene, it seems that the ancestor of Wuliang has escaped, showing no sign of wanting to perish.

"The Hongmeng Liangtian Ruler has fallen into the hands of the poor Taoist, how can fellow Taoists survive?" Luo Hu smiled faintly.

The heart moves with the devil, this is controlled by the devil, and the devil moves with the heart, only then can it be a real devil. Rahu does everything from the heart.

"Where's the Immeasurable Mountain?" Ao Zheng looked at the emptiness in front of him, and there was no Immeasurable Immortal Mountain.

When Luo Hu took out the Seal of Beginning, Aozheng was shocked and shocked. At this time, he seemed to understand what it means to fight without fighting, and to get something without getting it.

"Congratulations, master, for getting two treasures." Ao Zheng congratulated.

Luo Hu was not talking, but looked in the direction of Kunlun Mountain. If his guess was correct, the three of them should be born soon, and he needed to make preparations early.

Not only those three people, but other great powers will also be born, and the prosperous age is coming.

At this moment, Luo Hu actually felt a shock, and there was a trace of shock in his eyes. He pinched his fingers and calculated, only then did he know that the Dragon Clan had actually entered the Great Desolate Continent at this time.

This is not a single entry, otherwise there would not be such a big movement, this is obviously a large-scale invasion of the mainland.

"The vision of the heavens and the earth will appear again after a calamity. The chaos of the three clans may cause the next dozens of yuanhuis to ruin their lives again." Luo Hu muttered to himself.

However, looking at Luo Hu's expression, there was no trace of pity for sentient beings, but a gesture of eagerness to move.

In Luo Hu's heart, the more chaos the better, so that his magic way can spread throughout the prehistoric world.

"Ao Zheng, although you are a strange beast, you also belong to the dragon clan. Now the dragon clan wants to occupy the prehistoric world, what do you think?" Luo Hu turned to look at Ao Zheng and said indifferently.

Ao Zheng pondered for a moment, looked at the prehistoric world, then at Luo Hu, and sighed a little: "It is undoubtedly an act of self-destruction."

Hearing Ao Zheng's words, Luo Hu felt a little strange. Although what he said was good, how did Ao Zheng know: "How did you see it?"

"The Great Desolate Continent is vast and boundless, with countless powers. How can we allow the Dragon Clan to be dominant? Back then, the Beast Clan was stronger than the Dragon Clan, and there was a Beast King and God Rebel, but the result was not the same as being destroyed by the master?"

Luo Hu laughed, looking at Ao Zheng in front of him, Ao Zheng was immature at the time, but now he understands a lot of things, if you can see this, a child can be taught.

"You go to the Dragon Clan. With you here, maybe the Dragon Clan will not be completely extinct, and your chance is in the Dragon Clan. Whether you can become a Da Luo Jinxian depends on your good fortune. Go!" Luo Hu said lightly.

Ao Zheng was stunned, startled, and quickly knelt down: "Xiaolong is willing to follow his master, and he doesn't want to go to the Dragon Clan."

"It's just for a while, and then there is a chance. If you don't go there, it will be difficult to become a Daluo Jinxian in this life." Luo Hu said lightly.

However, there was an irresistible tone in the words, Ao Zheng listened to it, how could he dare not obey, he immediately bowed to Luo Hu, and then flew to the East China Sea.

Although the dragon clan dominates the four seas, the place where the ancestor dragon is located is the East China Sea, so the four seas are respected by the East Sea. Since Ao Zheng wants to go to the Dragon Clan, he will naturally go to the East Sea.

A mysterious smile appeared on Luo Hu's face, and then he also left the place and flew towards the sky.

In the prehistoric world, there are five poles, southeast, northwest, and heavenly poles, and the heavenly poles are beside Buzhou Mountain. When Luohu went to Buzhou Mountain and passed by the heavenly poles, he didn’t stop. Lingbao.

Now that Luohu thinks of the Land of the Extremes of Heaven again, it is because he wants to plan his future affairs. Furthermore, the Land of the Extremes of Heaven is a sacred place in the wild. If luck is good,

Maybe you can also get some treasures in the land of extreme heaven.

Although Luo Hu has many treasures, they are far inferior to Hongjun Daozu. Don't you see, Fenbaoya has thousands of innate spiritual treasures, and Luo Hu is incomparable.

Luohu practiced the Beginning Demon Sutra, which contained the art of flying, the art of turning the sky into a rainbow, and his flying art was a bit faster than the natal supernatural powers of those birds.


Above the sea of ​​blood, the waves of blood are soaring, and the sea of ​​blood is boundless.

There are endless demonic barriers on the sea of ​​blood, as well as this violent blood and murderous aura, and even more profound resentment.

If one came to the sea of ​​blood under the Taiyi Golden Immortal, he would be engulfed by the violent blood energy and be entangled in resentment. Even if he did not die, it would be difficult to improve even an inch in this life.

Hongjun Daozu came to the sea of ​​blood, and his divine sense was released to observe the sea of ​​blood. He came here to find the evil spirits and kill them.

But on the sea of ​​blood, he searched for thousands of years, but found no trace of the evil spirit, as if the evil spirit was not in the sea of ​​blood at all.

However, Daoist Hongjun is not yet a quasi-sage, and he cannot let his divine sense explore the bottom of the blood sea. He can only probe on the surface of the blood sea and the middle layer of the blood sea. , cannot be probed.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth trembled, Hongjun Daozu was startled, he quickly calculated, looked towards the direction of the East China Sea, and opened his Dharma Eye, but found that the East China Sea's luck was rising, and it was attacking the Great Desolate Continent.

"Dragon Clan ruled the Great Desolate Continent? It's really time to choose." Daozu Hongjun's expression changed, and he left the sea of ​​blood and flew towards the extreme land of heaven.

Just after Hongjun Daozu left, a young man in a blood robe appeared above the sea of ​​blood with an evil smile on his lips.

"Old Daoist Hongjun, I didn't expect you to be more anxious to kill me than Luo Hu, but you can't kill me now, haha..." The demon's evil laughter resounded in the sea of ​​blood, causing turmoil in the sea of ​​blood Unbearable, a wave of blood rose from the sky.

Then the demon looked at the bottom of the blood sea. Two blood cocoons were absorbing the violent energy at the bottom of the blood sea, but one was big and the other was small, and the big one had a monstrous murderous aura and the light of a spirit treasure.

And the little blood cocoon has nothing.

"Traveling in the prehistoric region to seek a breakthrough, I'm afraid it's a bit dangerous now, I need to separate out a ray of soul to stay behind, otherwise I will be in danger if I encounter the old Taoist Hongjun or the demon ancestor Luohu."

The evil spirit knows that he is now a thorn in the side of Hongjun Daozu and Mozu Luohu, and if he encounters him, he will be unable to escape.

The primordial spirit jumped out, the demon didn't hesitate at all, took out the magic blade and cut it off directly, splitting the primordial spirit into two, and 80% of the primordial spirit returned to the demon's body, losing 20% ​​of the primordial spirit, the demon's face was terribly pale.

The other 20% of the primordial spirit flew towards the big blood cocoon, but as soon as it flew to the side of the blood cocoon, something happened.


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