Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 209 The Devil's Dao Splits, Xumi's 1 Meridian Separation (Part 2)

Mount Sumeru erupted with a powerful sound, which instantly shook the entire prehistoric land, whether it was the prehistoric continent, the four seas, or the starry sky and the sea of ​​void, they were all shaken by this sound.

Accompanied by a dragon roar.

The Qianzhang Qiyun Golden Dragon that gave birth to dozens of Yuanhui collapsed and split apart, even the generation of disciples on Mount Sumeru hurriedly suppressed the flying Qi Luck Golden Dragon.

But it only suppressed 60% and flew away 40%.

It can be said that nearly half of the luck of the magic way has been directly lost this time, which makes the whole monks of the magic way feel that their cultivation progress has slowed down.

Mount Sumeru is the core of the entire demonic way, and now the Golden Dragon of Luck on Mount Sumeru has split, and those who are directly affected are the disciples of Mount Sumeru.

The second is the monks of the entire magic path.

Luo Hu from Mount Buzhou watched this scene, he did not take action to suppress it, nor did he appear on Mount Sumeru, as if it had nothing to do with him.

But in Luo Hu's eyes, a trace of helplessness flashed, he didn't know if what he did was right.

Taishang fell into a ruthless calamity, which is a huge impact on the magic way, and it is very likely to subvert the magic way.

But Luo Hu remained indifferent, which was tantamount to helping the Supreme Master.

But Luo Hu couldn't suppress Taishang, once he suppressed Taishang, Hongjun would not relax at all.

Hongjun, who once kept vigilance against Rahu and the demon way, will never be able to become demon.

Only by making Hongjun feel that the way of magic is declining, and that Luo Hu is gradually dying out, will this give Luo Hu a chance.

As long as Hongjun reveals a flaw, Luo Hu will definitely use the power of thunder to make him be possessed quickly.

Not giving him any chance to react, this is Luo Hu's biggest plan at present, to make Hongjun bewitched.

Ancestor Destiny guessed right, he, Luo Hu, was betting on the entire magic way, and perhaps only Ancestor Destiny thought of it.

Other great powers dare not even think about it, but Luo Hu actually made such a big bet. If he is a little careless, there will never be a magic way in the prehistoric era.

"Taishang can get 40% of the remaining Luck Golden Dragons. It seems that his calculation ability has not declined." Luo Hu nodded in satisfaction.

Tongtian and Taixuan each took away 30% of the Luck Golden Dragon, as for the other disciples, they did not intervene in this matter.

Xiong Ba on Mount Sumeru saw this scene, his eyes were a little angry, but he didn't do anything.

Xiong Ba didn't dare to intervene, the fire hasn't burned him yet, once Taishang thinks of him, I don't know if he will leave Mount Sumeru too.

There are only a few disciples of the first generation of Mount Sumeru, namely Taishang, Tongtian, Taixuan, and Xiongba.

As for the other disciples, they all have their own dojos.

The ashram of the fourth disciple Xiwangmu is in West Kunlun, the ashram of the sixth disciple Ziwa is in Buzhou Mountain, the ashram of the seventh disciple is in Lingjia Mountain, and the ashram of the eighth disciple Minghe is in the sea of ​​blood.

So the current Taishang only needs to drive away the three of them, and now that two of them have been driven away, only Xiong Ba is left.

This is also what Xiong Ba is afraid of, he dare not show his face, if he is also driven away, it will be really miserable.

Xiong Ba has a straightforward personality, lazy, and sometimes very irritable. Once he goes out independently, he will definitely be used by the great power of the prehistoric.

He knew his own shortcomings, so he didn't dare to leave, so he could only stay in Mount Sumeru.

In the Shangzu Palace, the Taishang looked towards a place, which was the palace of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

Demon Heaven Palace!

And in the Demon Heaven Palace, there is a great power of the demonic way, that is Sun Yuan, the disciple of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor!

Now, both Tongtian and Taixuan have left Mount Sumeru. As for Xiongba, Taishang still needs a helper and will not let him leave.

But the disciple of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, he must find a way to expel him.

But he can't do it clearly. Although he has entered the ruthless catastrophe, his feelings are only getting weaker and weaker, not more and more stupid.

Once he went directly to Motian Palace and asked Sun Yuan to leave Mount Sumeru, then this would not be a conflict between him and Sun Yuan.

It's the conflict between Luo Hu and the Heavenly Demon Ancestor. When Luo Hu gets angry, he may end it.

"Master said that Master Uncle wants to become the Dao of Heaven. Now that the Dazizai Heaven has been opened, Master Uncle must have become the Dao of Heaven." Tai Shang muttered to himself, and then walked out of the palace.

When he came to the entrance of Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​Taishang wanted to use the jade talisman to enter, but he found that the jade talisman was useless and he couldn't get in at all.

Taishang felt a little annoyed, but didn't say anything.

Run the mana and shout at the entrance.

"My disciple, please ask my uncle for advice if you have something to do, and also ask my uncle for advice."

The sound came to Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​because the Demon Ancestor of Cangtian had already been counted on to come, and he already knew about Mount Sumeru.

It was difficult for him not to know about such a big movement.

In the middle of the sky, the demon ancestor of the sky walked out of the void and landed on Moxin Island. With a wave of his hand, a table case appeared, and then he sat on the futon.

Then he used his magic power to make Taishang enter the Great Freedom.

"Disciple pays homage to Master Uncle." The Supreme Master respectfully saluted the Heavenly Demon Patriarch.

"What's the matter with you?" The Heavenly Demon Ancestor said calmly.

In fact, the Heavenly Demon Ancestor already knew the intention of Taishang's visit, but he was a little unwilling to accept it.

Also, the Heavenly Demon Ancestor wanted the Taishang to speak out by himself, this is not a trivial matter.

"The age of saints is coming, and there can only be one saint on Mount Sumeru, so I want to ask my uncle, can I move the Motian Palace out of Mount Sumeru?" the Taishang said with some concern.

The pressure from the Demonic Ancestor of the Sky was too great for him. He knew that the Demonic Ancestor of the Sky was the Dao of Heaven, so he was even more afraid.

"Hmph!" The Heavenly Demon Ancestor snorted coldly!

In an instant, boundless pressure appeared on Taishang's body, instantly crushing Taishang, lying on the ground, gasping for breath.

The coercion of heaven is much stronger than the coercion of saints, especially the coercion of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor against the Supreme Being is even stronger.

"Uncle Shi should also think about it for the Demon Dao, and also for Master!"

Taishang said hastily.

When talking about Rahu, the coercion of the demon ancestor of the sky withdrew, and he looked at Taishang with cold eyes. At this time, Taishang seemed to be trapped in an ice cave.

That is the real emotionless eyes, the real ruthless eyes!

Heaven is merciless!

This is the ability of the Heavenly Dao, and it is also what the Heavenly Dao should have, but the sky is the one that seizes the Heavenly Dao. He is not only a ruthless Heavenly Dao, but also a sentient Heavenly Dao.

"Where will it be moved?" The Heavenly Demon Ancestor said coldly.

Apparently, Cangtian Demon Ancestor agreed to the relocation of Motian Palace.

In fact, the Demon Ancestor of Heaven has nothing to do, this Supreme has already entered a ruthless calamity, what else can he do, is it possible to kill him?

Since Luo Hu didn't kill the Taishang, there must be a reason, and it was inconvenient for him to do it.

"The disciple has already made up his mind that there is a sacred mountain on the shore of the North Sea, the Four Sacred Mountains. The spiritual energy on it is not inferior to Mount Sumeru. The disciple is going to transfer the Motian Palace here." The Taishang said respectfully.

"The Motian Palace can be moved away, but your two juniors, if you dare to plot, I will let you be trapped in Da Zi Zai Tian forever, and then brother will not say anything!" The Heavenly Demon Ancestor said in a deep voice.

"How could this disciple do anything to Junior Brother Sun and Junior Brother Yuan Hong? Uncle Master is too worried." The Supreme Master said respectfully.

With a wave of his hand, the Demon Ancestor of Heaven sent the Supreme Master out of Da Zi Zai Tian.

Afterwards, Cangtian Demon Ancestor fell into contemplation. He thought of the conversation he had with Luo Hu back then. The division of the family was just the division of the disciples. If their brothers would not divide, then the foundation would not be divided.

"Brother, what are you planning? Do you really have to pay such a high price?" The Demon Ancestor looked up to the sky and sighed!

Stretching out his hand and pointing, a ray of light flew out of Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​entered the Demon Heaven Palace, and sank into the center of Sun Yuan's eyebrows.

This made Sun Yuan, who was practicing, wake up instantly.

He had settled down at a deep level and knew nothing about Mount Sumeru, but just now he received a message from the Demon Ancestor of Heaven, and understood what happened to Mount Sumeru now.

"Brother Taishang actually entered the Ruthless Tribulation so early!" Sun Yuan couldn't believe it.

But he was not angry, so what if he left Mount Sumeru? He will come back again in the future.

And after all, Taishang asked the boy to send the yin and yang mirror at the beginning, anyway, it gave Sun Yuan a chance.

So Sun Yuan will not be angry, he is just a little helpless, why is such a good family divided up like this.

He stood up and walked out of the Motian Palace, just in time to see the coming Taishang.

"Eldest brother." Sun Yuan saluted.

"Well, Junior Brother should already know." Taishang said lightly.

"Master has already informed you that you don't need to send your brother off, so you can take Motian Palace away." Sun Yuan had deep helplessness in his eyes.

Turning around and waving at Motiangong, Motiangong was instantly brought into the small space.

"Eldest senior brother, let's leave now. If there is anything to do in the future, just come to the Four Sacred Mountains to give orders." After finishing speaking, Sun Yuan left Mount Sumeru.

Yuan Hong ran to Nanming Volcano to practice at this time, so it was impossible to leave with Sun Yuan.

But if Sun Yuan wanted to come, Yuan Hong must have a master to notify him.

But he didn't know that the Heavenly Demon Ancestor hadn't notified him at all.

The Supreme Being stood where the Motian Palace was originally, with a smile on his face, and finally one of the two palaces that were pressing on his head was moved away.

Involuntarily, the Supreme Master looked at the supreme palace, the Palace of Freedom!

There is Rahu's palace, what is the Taishang thinking in his mind, but in just a moment, the Taishang's thoughts have already flashed through ten thousand layers!

For a moment!

The Taishang finally shook his head, he was scheming, but he never thought of a way to get Luo Hu to remove the Palace of Freedom.

The Cangtian Devil Ancestor became the second ancestor of the Demon Dao only because he was Luo Hu's younger brother.

But Luo Hu is the real demon ancestor, so it is difficult to calculate at all, so the Taishang shook his head helplessly.

Facing the direction of the Shangzu Palace, with a wave of his hand, the Shangzu Palace instantly rose from the ground and flew towards the position where the Supreme Being was.

He is going to occupy the position of Motian Palace.

The Demonic Ancestor of Heaven in the Great Freedom, his face was extremely cold, just as Sun Yuan left, the Empress impatiently moved his palace!

"It seems that I have to talk to my brother!"

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