Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 318 The sudden change, the human race is a foregone conclusion

With millions of heavenly soldiers and generals, only Yuan Hong, Kong Xuan, and Jinfeng seem to be able to stop them. Even a single heavenly soldier is enough to kill many human races.

What's more, the three of them couldn't resist all of the millions of heavenly soldiers and generals.

Disrespect is irresistible, and they are also in danger among the millions of heavenly soldiers and generals!

You must know that this time, the heavenly soldiers and generals brought by the eight guardian demon saints are all elites, and there are more than 500 Da Luo Jinxians among them.

Even if Yuan Hong and Kong Xuan are unparalleled in combat power, it is impossible to defeat a hundred with one!

Under the impact of the heavenly soldiers and generals, the unparalleled combat power of Yuan Hong and Kong Xuan could not bear it, and they both suffered serious injuries in one round.

And Jinfeng was even worse, being hit by this wave, she lost her combat effectiveness. If she didn't have the map of Jiangshan Sheji, one of the rounds just now was enough to kill her.

After wounding the three of them, these heavenly soldiers and generals will no longer care about them. After all, the three of Yuan Hong are not their targets.

And all three of them have big backers behind them.

These heavenly soldiers and generals have not yet been entangled by karma, and their minds are still clear, and they understand who can be killed and who must not be killed.

The two billion human races watched the millions of heavenly soldiers and generals flying down, and they were all frightened and wanted to escape, but with their mortal bodies, how could they avoid the supernatural powers of these heavenly soldiers and generals.

The infinite flames and divine wind intertwined together, like a net from heaven and earth, under this blow, hundreds of millions of human races were reduced to ashes.

Fortunately, these flames are just ordinary fire, otherwise, the three souls and seven souls would all disappear in smoke!

The target of these heavenly soldiers and generals is these souls, and they will naturally not turn these souls into ashes.

Yuan Hong and Kong Xuan looked at those heavenly soldiers and generals who were frantically killing the human race. They all knew that the general situation was over, and they wanted to keep the human race unless a great power came.

Otherwise, they alone would be powerless.

After a short while, there are only less than 100 million people left in the human race. You must know that this is a million heavenly soldiers and generals. If they want to kill the human race, the human race has no resistance at all.

The eyes of countless humans became dull, and they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Two billion humans!

Now there are only less than 100 million left. It is conceivable that the current Valley of Origin is already full of corpses.

Although the previous disasters were terrifying, they were far from reaching this level.

Seeing so many of their kind die, the rest of the human race, nothing but grief is prayer.

Pray to God for help!

Pray that the Virgin Mary will appear and save them from the fire and water.

Moreover, they are still praying that Taiqing Taoist ancestor can appear.

But these prayers are destined to be useless, because they simply cannot appear.

Nuwa is fighting in chaos, Daozu Taiqing is probably a little angry with the human race now, after all, so much luck has passed away.


A deep resentment rushed from the Origin Valley to the sky, and then flew towards Mount Sumeru.

The appearance of this scene shocked the powerful people watching in the dark, and they all trembled.

The human race didn't know how to live or die, and even complained about the Demon Ancestor at this time, and even sent out such a powerful resentment.

Those powerful onlookers were all worried that the Demon Ancestor would harm Chi Yu in his anger!

You must know that the Demon Ancestor killed countless creatures in the calamity of fierce beasts, and he also killed countless creatures in the first calamity of Long Han.

This action of the human race shocked those heavenly soldiers and generals. These weak human races dare to complain about the Demon Ancestor!

This is the real suicide!

At this time, those heavenly soldiers and generals no longer have any scruples. Now even if all the human races are wiped out, Nu Wa dare not say anything.

And it doesn't have any cause and effect.

These heavenly soldiers and generals can now be said to be famous teachers. They can be said to protect the dignity of the demon ancestors and attack the human race. What can Nuwa say then?

Yuan Hong and Kong Xuan showed stern expressions in their eyes. Although they were helping the human race,

But the human race is disrespectful to the demon ancestors, so they can exterminate the human race!

Jinfeng's eyes were full of helplessness at this time, Nuwa asked her to come to help the human race, but now the human race is looking for death by itself, how can she help?

Having such resentment towards the Demon Ancestor, it can break through the sky, how much hate the Demon Ancestor?

Yuan Hong and Kong Xuan are waiting, once they have any orders from the Demon Ancestor, they will not hesitate to attack the human race!

The human race resented the demon ancestor because Luo Hu said that it was because of him that the human race had such a catastrophe.

Because of Luo Hu's thought, countless human races fell. Now that the human races are powerless to resist, they naturally feel resentment, and the source of it is naturally the Demon Ancestor!

Mount Sumeru, Luo Hu shook his head helplessly. Could it be that the human race is really so stupid that they can't understand it now?

To have such resentment towards him!

Regarding these grievances of the human race, Luo Hu didn't take it to heart. He is a high-ranking demon ancestor, and there is no need to be angry with the ants.

Now Luo Hu is thinking, if the human race really can't understand, then is he going to recreate the human race.

Since he is so dull, how can he be the protagonist of heaven and earth?

How can he take on the responsibility of the Demon Race!

To become a direct descendant of the Demon Race, talent and wisdom roots must be extremely high.

The talent of the human race is enough, after all, the innate Taoism is not just talking.

But this Huigen is really worrying!

Originally, Luo Hu set a chance for the human race to disappear after realizing the disaster, thinking that the human race could use this to keep the two billion human race!

However, until now, the human race has been slaughtered and only tens of millions are left, and they have not yet realized it. Luo Hu is really disappointed.

"Unbearable!" Wang Shu said angrily.

Luo Hu is her future husband, and now the human race has such a strong resentment towards Luo Hu, how can Wang Shu not be angry.

"There is no need to get angry, how can the thoughts of ants shake Tianwei." Luo Hu said lightly.

In Zixiao Palace, Daozu Hongjun laughed loudly.

Ancestor Hongyun on the side was a little puzzled. He didn't know why Taoist Hongjun was laughing. With Daoist Hongjun's current state, he shouldn't put his anger on his face!

"Why is Daozu laughing?" Hongyun Patriarch asked.

"Look." Daozu Hongjun pointed, and the scene of the Valley of Origin appeared instantly, as if everything was being played back.

This time, the ancestor Hongyun finally understood what was going on, and shook his head helplessly, this human race is really courting death!

Afterwards, Patriarch Hongyun's eyes widened, and he saw Zhen Yuanzi fighting with the ten guardian demon saints.

"Ancestor Dao, can I leave for a while first?" Hongyun Patriarch asked weakly.

"Zhen Yuanzi will not be in danger, don't worry." Daozu Hongjun said.

If Hongjun Daozu had guessed correctly, Luo Hu would not have allowed that Zhen Yuanzi to perish.

Above the Origin Valley!

"Following the decree of the Emperor of Heaven, the human race does not know how to live or die, and if it violates the power of the devil, it will be destroyed!"

Taibaijinxing appeared in the sky.

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