Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 323 Human race should strive for self-improvement

Valley of origin.

The ancestral land of the human race used to have two billion human races, but now there are only 20,000 people left, and the 20,000 are the result of the Dragon Clan coming forward.

Of course, this is also due to the human race themselves. If they hadn't understood what Luo Hu meant, there would probably be no human race in the wild now.

"On behalf of Empress Nuwa, Jinfeng thanked all of you for your great abilities!" Jinfeng bowed deeply to Ao Zheng, Zhen Yuanzi, Sun Yuan, Yuan Hong, and Kong Xuan.

"It doesn't need to be like this, the human race has understood the meaning of the demon ancestor, so this can be regarded as the credit of the human race." Ao Zheng said lightly.

Looking at the remaining 20,000 people, Ao Zheng said again: "If you can survive, it means that the human race should not perish. You must know that in the wild, being strong is the truth, and being weak is the original sin. From now on, practice hard. Don't disappoint the Demon Ancestor's expectations of you!"

Ao Zheng's words penetrated deeply into the hearts of the human race. They all knew the fact that the weak are like ants in the wild, and only those who are strong can survive in the wild.

"The human race will definitely not disappoint the Demon Ancestor. We have survived the catastrophe this time. Thank you for the protection of Shenlong. In the future, the human race will definitely repay the great favor of Shenlong!" A human race Xuanxian came out and bowed to Ao Zheng.

The current human race has undergone great changes. They no longer rely on these demon gods, but are prepared to use their own power to protect themselves.

That's why, they said the word repayment!

Because only when they are strong can they repay their kindness, and they have the confidence to repay their kindness, so they will speak out.

Ao Zheng nodded and looked at the army of millions of dragons. This was the first time they had landed on the Great Desolate Continent openly and aboveboard after the Dragon Han Dynasty!

This is the protection of the Demon Ancestor, otherwise, the Heavenly Dao has already sent down the punishment from the Heavenly Dao.

"The Great Desolate Continent, our Dragon Clan will come back again!" Ao Zheng muttered to himself.

When he led the dragon army into the Great Desolate Continent, he felt that kind of strong luck. As long as he got this luck, he would definitely be able to prove the truth!

"Back to the East China Sea!" Ao Zheng ordered.

The army of millions of dragons left the Valley of Origin and flew towards the East China Sea.

In the East China Sea, Ao Zheng has already arranged all the Dragon Realms. This site originally belonged to Zhulong, but now it belongs to Ao Zheng.

Sun Yuan looked at Yuan Hong and showed a satisfied smile.

"Junior Brother, your physical body has improved again. It's great. I've let Master down for you. You must practice Uncle Hunyuan Nine Revolutions!" Sun Yuan looked at Yuan Hong and said.

"Brother, don't worry, brother will definitely not let Master down."

The two brothers haven't seen each other for a long time, and they naturally have a lot to say when they meet now, and they didn't stay in the Origin Valley, but went to Tianmo Mountain.

There is now the Heavenly Demon Palace of the Celestial Demon Ancestor, that is, the dojo of the Cangtian Demon Ancestor in Honghuang. As disciples, they naturally have to guard the Heavenly Demon Palace.

"Old Ancestor Zhenyuan, thank you for your action this time, otherwise, the human race will probably perish." Jin Feng once again thanked Zhenyuanzi.

After all, Zhenyuanzi has nothing to do with Nuwa, it is really surprising that he was able to make a move, and he offended Heaven for it!

If Tianting launches a siege to Longevity Mountain in the future, how can Zhen Yuanzi resist it?

"Origin Valley and Longevity Mountain are very close, and they can be regarded as neighbors. Now that something happens to the human race, it is appropriate for the poor to take action." Now Zhen Yuanzi has learned from Hong Yun and has become more tactful.

The meaning of this is obvious, that is, to show your attitude and make friends with Nuwa. If something happens to Longevity Mountain in the future, Nuwa will definitely help.

"Little friend Kong Xuan is getting stronger and stronger." Zhen Yuanzi looked at Kong Xuan and said with a smile.

"Compared with the ancestor, Kong Xuan's cultivation is nothing." Kong Xuan said very modestly.

But no matter how humble Kong Xuan was, he couldn't hide the pride in his eyes.

"Hehe, I'm leaving Pindao." Zhen Yuanzi stepped out and disappeared above the Valley of Origin.

As a great power of the law of space, Zhen Yuanzi can be said to come and go without a trace.

The current Zhen Yuanzi is almost comparable to the ancestor Yang Mei when he was most seriously injured.

You must know that the ancestor Yang Mei at that time was already an existence that could stand shoulder to shoulder with the demon ancestor Taoist ancestor.

"I'm going to return to Wa Palace, brother Kong Xuan, do you want to come with me?" Jin Feng looked at Kong Xuan and asked.

"I haven't been to the dojo of the Sixth Master Uncle yet, so I happen to go with you." Kong Xuan nodded.

Jin Feng and Kong Xuanhua turned into rays of light and disappeared above the Valley of Origin.

Those people of the human race watched these powerful people leave, and then looked at the corpses all over the ground, all of them showed sadness.

This is the so-called catastrophe.

A catastrophe reduced the population of hundreds of billions of humans to 20,000.

"We and the human race suffered such catastrophe. We don't want anyone else to blame us for being weak. If we want this kind of disaster not to happen again, we can only become stronger!" a human race Xuanxian said loudly.

All the human races were stunned, and then nodded heavily. They also knew that all this was caused by their weakness.

"But the enmity with the Yaozu, we will never die!"

"Yes, the enmity with the Yaozu, we will not die, work hard, and kill the Yaozu!"

Speaking of the monster race, these human races have all exploded, and the uncontrollable anger and overwhelming resentment are all directed at the monster race.

The monster race almost wiped out the human race, so when the human race becomes stronger in the future, the demon race must be wiped out!

"Tian Xingjian, the human race should strive for self-improvement. In the future, the human race will no longer seek any gods and gods. We must rely on our own strength to resolve everything."

"Tian Xingjian, the human race should strive for self-improvement!"


The shouts of the 20,000 races resounded through the Valley of Origin. Luohu of Mount Sumeru saw this scene and nodded in satisfaction. The human race has realized it, and then the future human race can take on great responsibilities.

With a wave of Rahu's hand, the human corpses in the Valley of Origin and even the entire prehistoric era disappeared. As for those souls, they were obtained by the Heavenly Court, and it was impossible for Rahu to take them back.

After all, this is the treasure of balance for the war between heaven and earth. Otherwise, it would be really difficult for heaven to fight against the witch clan of the underworld.

Rahu will not allow either party to win, because their leaders have their own thoughts and cannot change their decisions.

This is not good for Rahu's preaching!

Then Luo Hu's first choice is to let the human race who survived the catastrophe rise.

In fact, Daozu also thought so. Only the rise of the human race is the best strategy. As for the monster race and the witch race, they will no longer listen to their words.

Even if it sounds superficially, it's a false positive.

No human race is reliable.

"The human race paid hundreds of billions of people to get the position of the protagonist of the world. I don't know if they can sit firmly." Wang Shu said.

"It's very simple, if you can't sit still, then it will be destroyed and rebuild the human race!"

Rahu will never allow the human race to be lazy, it will create all kinds of crises for them, and promote their progress!

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