Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 16 The Four Ancestors Gather in Buzhou Mountain

Luo Hu's words directly ended the disputes among these disciples. Although they were saints and the top powers in the wild, they absolutely obeyed Luo Hu's words.

"Master, what about Lu Ya?" Nuwa now calmed down, realizing Lu Ya's current situation.

Luo Hu just said that Lu Ya only has three thousand years of vitality, which means that after three thousand years, Lu Ya will not be able to be the Emperor of Heaven.

Then there are only two possibilities, one is to be beheaded, and the other is to abdicate by himself.

After becoming the Emperor of Heaven, how could he abdicate himself?

So there is only one ending, and that is Fenluo. Although Nuwa doesn't value Luya very much, she is her disciple after all.

It was impossible for Nu Wa to ignore it, so she wanted to give Lu Ya a way out in front of Luo Hu.

"We'll talk about it later." Luo Hu said lightly.

When Nuwa heard this, her heart skipped a beat, which made her feel very uncertain.

When he was about to say something, Luo Hu said again: "For three thousand years, a saint is not allowed to leave his ashram."

After Luo Hu said this sentence, these disciples were all stunned. What does this mean?

A sage cannot leave his dojo within three thousand years. Does this indicate that something big will happen, or it means restricting the sage's freedom.

When Luo Hu said this, a decree came from Zixiao Palace, which had the same meaning as Luo Hu, that is, saints are not allowed to leave their ashram for three thousand years.

At the same time, on Linga Mountain, Amitabha looked at Zhunti and Ran Deng and said, "You two brothers, don't leave Linga Mountain for three thousand years."

"Brother, what happened?" Zhunti Saint asked.

The lamp-burning sage also looked at Amitabha Buddha in doubt. This time can be said to be a good time for the development of Buddhism and Taoism.

The lich calamity has just passed, and everything has returned to the starting point. If Buddhism and Taoism can take the absolute lead before the next calamity comes, then it is not impossible for Buddhism and Taoism to flourish.

"Both the Demonic Ancestor and the Taoist Ancestor have restricted the travel of saints. These three thousand years should be a period of silence in the wild. I don't know exactly what will happen." Amitabha shook his head.

Although Amitabha is a Buddha, he is equal to the demon ancestor and the Taoist ancestor, but this is only a theoretical equality.

True equality needs strength to speak.

After saying this, Amitabha stood up.

"Brother, are you going out?" Zhunti Saint asked quickly.

Because Amitabha Buddha said earlier that saints are not allowed to leave the dojo.

"Ancestor Demon, Ancestor Dao, and Ancestor Destiny gathered in the middle of Buzhou Mountain. Only then did Ancestor Demon transmit the sound, let me go too." Amitabha said.

"Buzhou Mountain?"

In the war between earth and earth that day, after Buzhou Mountain was broken by Gonggong, it lost its previous sacredness and was no longer the number one sacred mountain in the wild.

Moreover, the pressure of Pangu above is gone, and it has all dissipated.

It can be said that after the World War, Buzhou Mountain became an ordinary mountain.

Amitabha left Lingjia Mountain and went to Buzhou Mountain. Facing Rahu's sound transmission, he dared not neglect anything.

Although Amitabha Buddha is no longer a disciple of Rahu on the surface, in Amitabha's heart, he has always respected Rahu as his teacher.

Buzhou Mountain,

Although it collapsed, it is still a sacred mountain. At least this height can be ranked among the top ten in the entire prehistoric world.

Sitting on top of the twelfth rank exterminating black lotus, Luo Hu quietly watched the debate between Hongjun Daozu and Destiny Patriarch.

He doesn't meddle, not because he doesn't want to meddle, but because there is no need to meddle.

"Heavenly Court can be handed over to Xuanmen, but the Thirty-Third Heaven must be handed over to me!" Destiny Patriarch said firmly.

Hongjun Daozu immediately said: "Without the Thirty-Three Heavens, what is the majesty of the Heavenly Emperor? Then even if the Heavenly Emperor is established, is this Heavenly Court still prehistoric orthodox?

And even if you want the Thirty-Third Heaven, you have to get the consent of Fellow Daoist Rahu, and his eldest disciple is also in the Thirty-Third Heaven. "

As the saying goes, you can get shot while lying down, and this is what happened to Luo Hu now.

He was already silent, and he didn't expect that this matter would be involved in him.

Ancestor Destiny looked at Luo Hu, but Luo Hu's face remained unchanged, obviously not taking this matter to heart.

He knew the thoughts of the ancestor of fate, and he also knew the thoughts of Daozu Hongjun, but he already had a clear answer in his heart.

Ancestor Destiny and Daoist Hongjun just wanted to find the treasure hidden in the heaven.

The Heavenly Court was transformed from the head of the Great God Pangu, so there must be a Pangu brain in it. If you get this brain, it can completely equal an immeasurable kalpa.

"I don't want to intervene in your disputes, but don't think about where the Supreme Being is." Luo Hu said directly.

"Friend Daoist Destiny, you just want to find that treasure. You might as well tell me, and the poor Taoist will help you find it too." Daozu Hongjun said earnestly.

It seems that at this moment, Taoist Hongjun is doing everything for the ancestor of fate.

Luo Hu sneered in his heart, if Ancestor Destiny told Taoist Hongjun, then Daoist Hongjun would do everything possible to exclude Ancestor Destiny from the heaven.

I am afraid that the Taishang Demon Ancestor will also be excluded by Hongjun Taoist Ancestor.

"Hongjun, I don't compete with you for the throne, it doesn't mean I can't compete with you. If I'm in a hurry, it doesn't matter if it's the Dao of Heaven!"


As soon as these words came out, the sky was filled with clouds and thunder rolled.

Obviously the wrath of heaven.

However, the ancestor of Destiny did not show the slightest fear, but faced the calamity cloud in the sky, as if he was not afraid of the prehistoric way at all.

There was a gleam in Luo Hu's eyes. Sure enough, this ancestor of fate was unusual. He must have a powerful backhand, and he was not afraid of heaven in the prehistoric world!

It seems that I have underestimated him a little before.

At this time, Amitabha rushed over, and as soon as he arrived, he saw the ancestor of fate and the way of heaven.

"Okay, there's no need to say any more about the Thirty-Third Heaven. Follow the previous method. Friends of Destiny can enter at will." Luo Hu said lightly.

Such a stalemate will not be good for the next thing, and Luo Hu will naturally not allow this confrontation to continue.

The calamity cloud above the sky dissipated, and the hand of the ancestor Destiny who pinched his fingers was also let go.

"Amitabha Buddha has come, and three things should be settled next." Luo Hu looked at the three great powers in front of him and said.

Amitabha was very confused, he didn't know what these three things were, so he was summoned by Rahu in a daze.

Daoist Hongjun and Ancestor Destiny naturally knew what these three things were, and they all nodded immediately, indicating that Luo Hu could continue talking.

Rahu glanced at Amitabha Buddha. The reason why Amitabha Buddha came this time was because Rahu did not let go of the teacher-student relationship.

"The first thing."


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