Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 23 Haotian on Mount Sumeru

Thirty-three heavens, in the bedroom of Haotian and Yaochi, the two are discussing the Pantao Conference five hundred years later.

They became the emperors and queens of heaven. Although the Taoist ancestor also announced the prehistoric times, there are many powerful people who have never seen them.

Moreover, due to the decline of the ancient heavenly court, now the heavenly court has no right to speak in the prehistoric times.

Since Haotian is sitting in the position of Emperor of Heaven, he will not allow himself to be an empty air.

That's why Haotian and Yaochi are planning to use the Pantao Conference to summon the great powers of the wild.

In this way, you can see these so-called great powers, and one more thing is to let these great powers intuitively feel that they are in charge of the heavens with the backing of Dao ancestors!

What's more, I want to absorb some great power from this conference, so that I can supplement the power of Heavenly Court.

In the ancient heavenly court, there were thirty-six thousand righteous gods, but in the current heavenly court, there are only less than a hundred righteous gods.

This is because Haotian supplemented it with Taiyi Jinxian, otherwise, there would be less than ten righteous gods in heaven.

In the ancient heavens, the righteous gods must all be Da Luo Jinxians, but in the current heavens, there must be no more than ten Da Luo Jinxians!

"Your Majesty, we can't compare the Taikoo Heavenly Court, as long as it is a powerful Taiyi Golden Immortal, they can all be named righteous gods!" Yao Chi said.

Hearing this, Haotian shook his head and said, "Taiyi Golden Immortals can take the position of righteous gods, but they also need their own luck. Those with great luck can be the righteous gods of heaven!"

The heavenly court is responsible for enlightening the prehistoric people, and the gods are also extremely complicated, divided into righteous gods, assistant gods, and minor gods.

For example, the twenty-eight constellations and the three hundred and sixty constant ancient stars belong to righteous gods.

Another example is the 80,000 star gods, the god soldiers under the golden armor and the heavenly generals, these all belong to the deputy gods!

Heavenly Soldiers, Generals, and even Heavenly Attendants can be called minor gods.

"Nine-turn flat peaches are still five hundred years old, and now Taibai Jinxing can arrange for the gods to invite all the great masters." Yao Chi said it after thinking about it.

This is a very serious question, because if they want to gather great powers in the heavens, they must invite the great powers of the demonic way.

There is nothing to worry about inviting demonic powers, the key is that the demonic and Taoist powers will gather together at that time.

What Haotian and Yaochi were worried about was that they could not control the situation.

If they fight, their original intentions will be in vain.

"Heavenly Court is the prehistoric orthodoxy, and does not belong to either Xuanmen or Demon Dao, so there will be no problems in the future." Haotian said righteously.

But both Haotian and Yaochi understand a truth in their hearts, that is, their Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Empress were established by Taoist Patriarch.

On the surface, it is designated as the heaven under Taoism.

But Haotian has already found a reason to comfort himself, so Yao Chi will naturally not attack him.

After the discussion, the two of them came to Lingxiao Palace and called Taibai Jinxing.

After all, the two of them can't do this kind of inviting people in person!

"Your Majesty, I don't know if I should say something or not?" Taibai Jinxing thought about it and said respectfully.

"Taibai, you are my close minister, if you have anything to say, just say it!" Haotian laughed.

Taibai Jinxing is the only quasi-sage left over from the ancient heaven, Haotian naturally wants to win over Taibai Jinxing and make him his confidant!

And before the World War, Taibai Jinxing's position was Tai Yi's close minister.

"Although the human race has no quasi-sage, there are three peak Da Luo Jinxians, and the number of human race is the most well-deserved largest race in the prehistoric world. I wonder if your majesty will invite the third ancestor of the human race?"

In the invitation list arranged by Haotian and Yaochi just now, there is no third ancestor of the human race, so Taibai Jinxing asked this question.

"Although there are a large number of human races, they are all ants after all, so let's avoid it. The people who come to the Pantao Conference are all great powers!" Haotian said without hesitation.

Obviously, Haotian didn't pay attention to the human race, and when they made the list with Yaochi before, they automatically ignored it.

But Yao Chi said in a hurry at this time: "Wait a minute, I think it's better to invite the third ancestor of the human race. Your Majesty, you have forgotten that there is Senior Brother Taiqing behind this human race!"

"That's right." Haotian thought for a while, Taiqing Taoist ancestor is the supreme of the human race, so he said: "For the sake of senior brother, Taibai, you go to the Origin Valley to invite the third ancestor of the human race!"

"Your Majesty is holy!"

Taibai Jinxing didn't delay any longer, and hurriedly went down to make arrangements, the time was not enough, only 500 years, the Pantao Conference was about to begin.

You must know that this invitation is from the power of the whole prehistoric world, even if he is a quasi-sage, it may be a little too late.

Fortunately, there is still a sub-formation left over from the Taikoo Zhoutian Xingdou Great Formation, which does not need the formation arranged by Da Luo Jinxian, and can allow Taibai Jinxing to travel throughout the entire prehistoric region in a short time.

Haotian and Yaochi also left Heaven, and they went to Chaos.

There is no problem with Taibai Jinxing's invitation to the great power of the prehistoric, but the saint and the existence above the saint need to be invited by the two of them in person.

No matter how big they are, it is impossible for them to be bigger than a saint, and it is even more impossible for them to be bigger than the existence above a saint.

Outside Zixiao Palace, Haotian and Yaochi knelt at the door.

"Haotian and Yaochi are begging to see each other, and please also meet the master."

Both Haotian and Yaochi bowed respectfully.

Daozu Hongjun was naturally clear about their intentions for coming, and Daozu Hongjun also understood the purpose of their holding the Peach Blossom Conference.

Now that Heavenly Court looks like this, it is no wonder that they tried their best to strengthen Heavenly Court.

However, as the ancestor of the Great Desolation and the spokesperson of the Dao of Heaven, he cannot fall into Haotian's calculations, and he is not suitable to participate in this kind of exchange meeting.

"I already know why you two are here, so go back!"

Daozu's voice came from Zixiao Palace.

Both Haotian and Yaochi showed helplessness. When they came again, they had already thought that Daozu would not go there. After all, how could Daozu participate in such an exchange meeting because of his status.

Moreover, the Jiuzhuan Pantao itself was bestowed by Hongjun Daozu, so how could he go to heaven because of his appetite?

Thinking of this, Haotian and Yaochi left Zixiao Palace and entered the prehistoric starry sky. Next, they are going to invite Ancestor Destiny.

After all, the distance is short, and it is impossible for them to go to the Demon Ancestor first.

Just like in front of Zixiao Palace, at Ziwei Star, the two of them were also rejected, and the ancestor of fate let them go directly.

As the boys of Taoist ancestors, they naturally also know the status of the ancestors of destiny, equal to Taoist ancestors, they are not something they can invite.

"Your Majesty, shall we still go to Mount Sumeru?" Yao Chi asked weakly.

After all, they were rejected even after inviting two of them. Obviously, going to Mozu's place was the same.

"Go, why not go?" Haotian said immediately.

At this time, Haotian dare not not go to Mount Sumeru, if he does not go, I am afraid that he, the emperor of heaven, will not survive the Pantao meeting.

After all, even inviting Dao Ancestor and Destiny Ancestor, but not inviting Mo Ancestor, this would be a serious crime.

At that time, don't say that Luo Hu has made a move, even Luo Hu's disciples will raze the heaven to the ground!

This is disrespect to the Demon Ancestor, even the Dao Ancestor will not be able to say anything at that time.

Yaochi pondered for a while, and also thought of the consequences, and hurriedly went to Mount Sumeru with Haotian.

Let's not talk about whether the demon ancestors will go or not, the key is whether they invite them or not.

Arriving at Mount Sumeru, the demonic energy soared into the sky, and before entering, one could feel that one's mood was unstable.

Both Haotian and Yaochi are children of the Taoist ancestor, and they have always listened to Taoism under the seat of the Taoist ancestor.

But Mount Sumeru is the dojo of the Demon Ancestor, and the soaring demon energy naturally also contains the magic rhyme, which makes Haotian and Yaochi very uncomfortable, and requires non-human power to suppress the restlessness in their hearts.

"Haotian and Yaochi came to visit the Demon Ancestor."

Haotian and Yaochi worshiped respectfully outside Mount Sumeru, after all, what they are facing is an existence above saints.

Luo Hu, who was sitting in the Zizai Palace, looked at Wang Shu next to him, and said with a smile, "This Haotian and Yaochi are also poor people!"

"They are the Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Empress sent by Hongjun, the future Supreme Beings, how can they be pitiful?" Wang Shu couldn't understand Luo Hu's words.

"Hehe, you will know later."

People from Luohu can't tell Wangshu what's going on in the future, after all, this foresight is Luohu's real hole card!

"Let them in?" Wang Shu asked.

For a complicated place like Heavenly Court, Wang Shu doesn't add his own ideas, and completely listens to Luo Hu.

Heavenly Court is the most important place of cause and effect in the prehistoric world. Once you participate, troublesome things will happen one after another.

Although Wang Shu is not afraid of trouble, he is worried about ruining Luo Hu's scheme.

"Let them wait outside for a while." Luo Hu said indifferently.

As long as Luo Hu doesn't speak, Haotian and Yaochi will never dare to leave.

Who knew that Luo Hu's waiting for a while turned out to be ten years!

Haotian and Yaochi stared dryly outside for ten years!

Even so, the faces of the two of them did not show the slightest bit of dissatisfaction, even if there was dissatisfaction, they had to bury it in their hearts!

In the palace of freedom, Luo Hu made Haotian wait for ten years before letting them enter the palace.

Even after waiting for so long, he didn't even express any dissatisfaction.

"Haotian (Yaochi) pays homage to the Demon Ancestor."

"Get up." Luo Hu waved his hand, and in an instant, he helped Haotian and Yaochi to solve the big problem.

"Mozu, Haotian is here to let Mozu participate in the Pantao Conference at that time. I wonder if Mozu will go?"

Haotian stated his purpose.

But Mo Zu didn't say anything, didn't say to go, and didn't say that he couldn't go.

"Mozu?" Yao Chi called out again seeing that Luo Hu was silent.

"Haotian, is this heavenly court from the Taoist sect or from the devil's way? Or from the Buddhist way?"

For Luo Hu's sudden words, both Haotian and Yaochi were stunned. If they are so sensitive, it's hard for them to answer!

You must know that if the answer is not good, they will be finished.

"Heavenly Court is the prehistoric orthodoxy, not under any one." Haotian thought for a long time before saying this.

After finishing speaking, I was terrified in my heart, for fear that Luo Hu would be punished!



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