Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 29 The Three Ancestors Leave the Human Race

Fuxi left the Xinhuo Tribe, followed Zhen Yuanzi to Wuzhuang Temple, and Jin Feng, who was hiding in the Xinhuo Tribe, saw this scene, nodded, and then turned into a golden light and left.

Fuxi's identity is extraordinary, he is the elder brother of Empress Nuwa, and now he is reincarnated in the human race, becoming the weakest existence in the prehistoric world, and his life is in danger all the time.

It is obviously inappropriate for Nuwa to guard the human race in person, but she can send a golden phoenix to guard it.

Now that Zhen Yuanzi has taken Fuxi away, Jinfeng can also return to Wahuangtian.

I'm afraid no one knows that there is a more powerful power hidden in the human race.

That is Luo Hu. Since Hua Xu became pregnant, Luo Hu has not left the Origin Valley, and has always been in the human race as a mortal.

If Luo Hu wants to turn the human race into a demon race, he naturally has to go deep into the human race and find a saint who has a relationship between the human race and the demon.

Only by finding a real saint who has a relationship with the devil, can the human race gradually become a demon race.

Now it seems that Taiqing Daozu has taken the first step, passing down the Jindan Dao to the human race, and the human race has become a sect of Taoism.

But in fact this is not stable, as long as there is a twists and turns, then the luck of Xuanmen in the human race will all disappear.

What Luo Hu wants is not the luck of the demonic way in the human race, but the luck of turning the luck of the human race into the luck of the demonic way.

On this day, Luo Hu came to the Palace of the Three Ancestors, which was the place where the three ancestors of the human race lived.

The human race is weak, and any race in the prehistoric era can easily destroy the human race, so the third ancestor of the human race abandoned the fairyland and guarded the human race in the Valley of Origin.

However, in the ancient times, Luo Hu passed down the decree, and monks were not allowed to interfere with the development of human civilization.

Therefore, when the human race is not in danger of extermination, the third ancestor cannot help the human race.

The third ancestor of the Suiren clan came out in a hurry, and when he saw Luo Hu coming, he quickly knelt down and bowed down.

"Meet the Demon Ancestor."

Luo Hu came to the Sanzu Palace to discuss something with the Sanzu, so he didn't hide his breath.

Entered the Sanzu Palace,

Luo Hu took the main seat, let it go, and motioned for the third ancestor to sit down.

"In front of the Demon Ancestor, I'll just wait." How could the Suiren family dare to sit down?

"It's okay, don't be restrained, sit down." Luo Hu said softly.

This time, the third ancestor did not refuse, and sat down respectfully, like a student listening to the teacher's teaching.

"The human race was born in the late period of the Lich Calamity. After three disasters and nine disasters, it finally became a true fruit and won the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth. However, whether this person can sit firmly for a calamity depends on the human race itself."

Luo Hu calmly talked about the experience of the human race, and the three ancestors listened carefully below. When they heard that the human race had won the position of the protagonist of the world, they were overjoyed.

But when they heard whether the human race could retain the position of the protagonist who measured the calamity, they all became nervous.

"The human race is able to have what it is today, all because of the grace of the Demon Ancestor, and we humans will never forget the great kindness of the Demon Ancestor!"

The three ancestors of the Suiren family all expressed their inner gratitude to Luo Hu.

They all know the identity of Rahu, this is the master of the Holy Mother, and all the powers that protect the human race are related to the Demon Ancestor.

"Tian Xingjian, the human race should strive for self-improvement. If you stay in the human race, you will make the human race dependent. How can you improve yourself?" Luo Hu said.

"What does Mo Zu mean?" Suiren asked.

In fact, all three of them understood what Luo Hu meant, but they didn't want to leave the human race. After all, they didn't know when they would be able to return after leaving.

Moreover, they were reluctant to leave the human race.

"Tianwaitian Huoyun Cave is the best blessed place in the cave, and it is Hongyun's dojo. Now that Hongyun is not there, this will be the place for the human race to cultivate." Luo Hu directly decided where they would go in the future.

Although the Huoyun Cave belonged to the ancestor Hongyun, the entire Great Desolation belonged to Luohu, including this Huoyun Cave, even if the ancestor Hongyun came back one day.

For Rahu's arrangement, it will not have any meaning.

"Follow the decree of the Demon Ancestor."

The third ancestor of the Suiren clan didn't dare to say anything, because Luo Hu's majesty in the human race was very high.

"Clean up and leave!" Luo Hu stood up and walked out of the Sanzu Palace.

Letting them leave was also the result of Luo Hu's traveling for a period of time. He found that because of the existence of the third ancestor, many monks of the human race did not work hard. He believed that with the presence of the third ancestor, there would be no disaster for the human race.

"Brother, are we leaving?" Ziyi looked at Suiren and asked, with a strong reluctance in his eyes.

"Mozu is right. Didn't you realize that during the time we stayed in the human race, the civilization of the human race has been stagnant." Suirenshi said.

Youchao and Ziyi thought about it, and it was true. How many years have passed?

There has never been a co-lord in the human race. Since the Ziyi clan abdicated, the human race has no more co-lords.

Obviously, the human race has begun to degenerate and become a compromise with reality!

The human race cannot compromise on everything that exists. The human race must achieve the victory of man and nature, and must not be content with the status quo!

In the end, the third ancestor decided to leave the human race. Now that the decision has been made, it is better to leave early than late.

On the second day, the voice of the third ancestor resounded throughout the Valley of Origin.

"My Suiren clan (Youchao clan, Ziyi clan) has completed their merits and virtues. I should go to Tianwai Tianhuoyun Cave. I will leave the human race today and hope that the human race will continue to improve themselves!"

As soon as these words came out, the Sanzu Palace soared into the sky and flew slowly towards the outer sky.

All the human races in the Valley of Origin bowed down and sent off the third ancestor respectfully. After all, the third ancestor of the human race is their own belief!

Luo Hu watched the three ancestors leave and nodded. Only in this way can Fuxi rise smoothly. Otherwise, with the light of the three ancestors, how could Fuxi become the first emperor of the human race?

After finishing this matter, Luo Hu continued to travel in the human race, but he sent a voice transmission to Taixuan, asking him to come to the human race and become a mortal to travel for a hundred years. Luo Hu would not see him until a hundred years later.

Shouyang Mountain, Bajing Palace, here is the Taoist temple of the Taiqing Taoist ancestor, which is also the Taoist temple that the Taiqing Taoist ancestor found after leaving Kunlun Mountain.

Taiqing's face was a bit ugly, Fuxi became the first emperor of the human race, and he was not notified of this matter in advance.

He is the leader of the human religion of the human race, and Nuwa even appointed the emperor in private, and he is also Fuxi!

"Hmph, Nuwa is so disregarding the poor face!"

Anyway, he is also the leader of the Human Cult, so it's fine to just say something!

"Big brother."

The original Tianzun descended from the sky, walked into the Bajing Palace, looked at Taiqing Daozu and said anxiously: "Elder brother, Nuwa has secretly appointed the emperor, and she is also her elder brother Fuxi!"

In fact, they only knew about this matter. After all, Luo Hu personally covered up the secret, how could Taiqing and Yuanyuan find out?

If it wasn't because the third ancestor left the human race, which caused the fate of the human race to change, I am afraid they would not know that the throne of the emperor has been confirmed.

"Hmph, Nuwa's anger is killing me!" Taiqing Daozu let out a deep shout.

"Eldest brother, the position of the emperor is determined, and there must be the support of the demon ancestor behind it." Yuan Tianzun said.

The meaning of saying this is also very obvious, that is to let Taiqing not be too entangled.

"Earth Emperor must have a Taoist order!" Daozu Taiqing said firmly.

The original Tianzun was overjoyed, if the Emperor of the Earth was appointed by Taiqing Daozu, wouldn't he be able to have another emperor and teacher in teaching!

But the original Tianzun was not happy for a long time, Taiqing Daozu said helplessly: "If you want to set the throne of the emperor, you need the most precious Kongtong seal of the human race."

The supreme treasure of the human race, Kongtong, is printed in the hands of Nuwa, which is why Nuwa was able to appoint the emperor.

"Go to Zixiao Palace!"

Taiqing Daozu said.

Yuan Yuan Tianzun nodded, at this time, he can only go to Dao Zu, and all good things cannot be taken up by the Demon Dao.

Just when Taiqing and Yuanyuan wanted to leave.

Suddenly, Taiqing waved his hand: "Wait a minute."

At this time, Taiqing Daozu saw a thin human youth knelt down under Shouyang Mountain.

This is not the main point, the key point is that this emaciated young man is in the great luck of the human race!


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