Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 39 Fuxi kills the ghost car

The quasi-sage is bleeding, which means that he has been severely injured, and he can't separate his mind to take care of his injury. He must concentrate on dealing with everything in front of him.

Ghost Che no longer has the will to fight again, and he already understands in his heart that if things go on like this, he might really perish in the Valley of Origin.

He underestimated Aozheng, the Dragon Emperor, and underestimated the human race. He didn't expect that after the Dragon Emperor blessed Fuxi, he would have such a powerful power. It was simply too amazing.


With a sound, the ghost car turned around and flew into the distance.

This is to escape!

Those great powers in the prehistoric world were all shocked at this moment. The majestic ancient demon saint escaped from the hands of a weak human race.

And watching the ghost car is not without the power to fight!

Even if you are defeated, you still have the power to protect yourself. Why is this so?

But what happened next left them stunned.

I saw Fuxi beckoning, and the Kongtong seal suspended in the air fell into his hand, and the human race's wish power could be seen condensed with the naked eye.

Gradually, the Kongtong seal emitted a dazzling light, turning into a beam of light and hitting the ghost car.


Outside the Valley of Origin, on a certain sacred mountain, the sky was covered in blood, and it rained blood.

At this moment, those prehistoric powers felt the breath of the ghost car dissipate, and the majestic ancient demon saint fell in the hands of the mortal Fuxi.

"Is that how the ghost car fell?"

"The true spirit has already flown to the six realms of reincarnation, the poor generation of demon saints is not even complete with the true spirit."

The true spirits of those prehistoric powers who can see the ghost car are also incomplete, obviously it was caused by Fuxi's blow.

Of the nine heads, now there are only eight heads left, and they went to reincarnate in the six realms of reincarnation.

"This time, the human race is afraid that it will really rise up, and a weak race will no longer be there."

"Yes, with the saint behind, it seems that the Dragon Emperor has signed some kind of contract with the co-lord of the human race."

"The human race in the future should not be underestimated. The power of the Kongtong seal is not weaker than the innate treasure. It is as strong as the ancient demon saints like Ghost Che, and they have all fallen!"

Those powerful people in Honghuang were all talking about the human race. After this time, the weak synonym of human race will be removed.

In the past, when it came to the human race, it was equivalent to the ants. Now the human race has shown a powerful side to the whole prehistoric.

Fuxi's peak posture, holding the Kongtong seal in his hand, actually beheaded the ghost car demon saint in the late Zhunsheng period. With such strength, Hong Huang probably didn't have much.

"The ghost car is dead, and the criminals will be killed no matter how far away they are!"

Fuxi's voice spread throughout the prehistoric world, and this voice announced the rise of the human race.

Although there are still some powerful people who disdain, thinking that Fuxi is only relying on the power of the Dragon Emperor, but they dare not speak out against it, otherwise, the ghost car is a lesson from the past.

All the human races cheered at this time. This battle was their co-lord's battle of killing demons, and they also beheaded one of the chief culprits who slaughtered the tribe, Ghost Che Yaosheng.

You must know that there were two demon saints who slaughtered the human race back then, and one of them had a ghost car. Now that Fuxi has killed the ghost car, it can be regarded as taking back a little interest for the human race.

Those saints who are not optimistic about Aozheng and Fuxi,

At this time, they were all a little surprised, one was surprised by Ao Zheng's strength, and the other was surprised by Fuxi's will, that he could borrow so much of Ao Zheng's power.

A year has passed, and the matter of Fuxi beheading the ghost car has gradually faded in the human race. After all, a year is still very long for the human race.

In Chen Du, in Fuxi's palace, an order came out, which completely changed the relationship between the human race and the dragon race.

Fuxi appointed the dragon race as the totem of the human race, and will always enjoy the luck of the human race.

As the co-lord of the human race, Fuxi's appeal is extremely large, even the Jiuli tribe has listened to Fuxi's orders.

You must know that the Jiuli tribe all believe in the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and now they have added another totem!

The head is like a camel, the horns are like a deer, the eyes are like a rabbit, the ears are like a cow, the neck is like a snake, the belly is like a mirage, the scales are like a carp, the claws are like an eagle, and the palms are like a tiger. It is a dragon!

In the palace, Fuxi sat at the main seat. Although the old Fuxi looked a little dying, his eyes gave off a sense of coercion.

"Fuxi, the emperor's purpose of coming here has been achieved. From now on, there will be no monsters above quasi-sage coming to make trouble for the human race. You can rest assured." Ao Zheng stood up and was about to leave.

Fuxi also stood up quickly, and said gratefully to Ao Zheng: "Thanks to the Dragon Emperor for helping me kill the ghost car. Fuxi thanked the Dragon Emperor on behalf of the human race."

"But do it casually, there is no need to be like this, farewell!"

After Ao Zheng finished speaking, he flew away from Fuxi's palace.

Watching Ao Zheng leave, Fuxi's eyes showed firmness, the human race can only be truly powerful if it is itself strong.

Although he borrowed the power of the Dragon Emperor this time, what about the next time the human race is in crisis?

It is impossible for him to rely on the power of the Dragon King every time, what if the Dragon King doesn't help him? Do you want to watch the human race exterminate?

Thinking of this, Fuxi summoned Xuandu.

After a while, Master Xuandu came to the palace and bowed to Fuxi.

"Great Master, you are the head of the human monks, is there a way to improve the cultivation of my human monks?" Fuxi asked.

"Master, there is no need to worry. My human cultivators just misunderstood the Golden Core Dao. As long as it is corrected, it will not take long for the speed of cultivation to increase." Xuandu said.

Fuxi nodded, that's fine, Xuandu is a disciple of Taoist Patriarch Taiqing, Fuxi is very reassuring about Xuan.

After explaining some things about Xuandu, Fuxi started busy with his own affairs again, perfecting the deduction method of the human race, which was his main task.

Natural disasters are too terrible for the human race.

Although disease disasters are also terrible, natural disasters are far more ferocious than disease disasters.

Fuxi also decided to leave Chendu. He had to walk in the Valley of Origin and observe the right time and place to perfect the human race's own deduction method.

Wahuangtian, Nuwa looked at Fuxi in the mirror, and nodded with satisfaction. She had already fetched the Hetu Luoshu from Kunpeng, but there was only one chance.

However, because Fuxi and the human race were not fully integrated, Nuwa could not bestow Hetu Luoshu. After all, Fuxi's predecessor was the Yaohuang of the Yaozu.

The human race and the monster race are incompatible. Even if Fuxi is reincarnated, he still has the influence of his previous life.

Therefore, Fuxi beheaded the ghost car, not only helping the human race, but also helping himself. In this way, Fuxi has truly integrated into the human race.

"Mother, the Elder Master killed the ghost car, and the Elder Master will be a real human race from now on." Jin Feng said happily.

"Well, it's time for me to go to the human race, and it's time for my brother to complete his merits and virtues." Nuwa said lightly.

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