"It was born, it was born..."

The midwife trotted out holding a baby boy and walked up to Fu Bai.

"Chief, it's a boy." The midwife said happily.

Fu Bai did not take the baby, but quickly entered the room, saw Yan Qiong lying weakly on the bed, and hurried forward.

"Thank you for your hard work." Fu Bai said softly.

Yanqiong showed a happy smile, and said weakly: "Go and see our child."

The midwife also came in at this time, Fu Bai stood up and took the baby, and looked at it carefully, this is his son.


Fu Bai softened and almost dropped the baby, his eyes showed shock.

"What's wrong?" Yan Qiong asked quickly when she saw Fu Bai's strange behavior.

Shock flashed in Fubai's eyes, and he glanced at the baby in his arms again, revealing a look of distress.

The midwife became puzzled, logically speaking, she should be happy to have a baby boy!

No matter how you look at the leader's appearance, he is not happy at all, and even a little angry.

Fu Bai closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

"What's wrong with Fu Bai?" Yan Qiong asked hastily with a trace of uneasiness in her heart.

After a while, Fu Bai opened his eyes and said something lightly.

"This child can't be had."

After he finished speaking, he removed the baby's wrappings, and the midwife backed away in fright. At first, she was only concerned about Yan Qiong giving birth and didn't pay attention to it.

Now she can see clearly, the baby's stomach is actually transparent, and everything inside can be seen clearly.

Yan Qiong also saw the baby's belly, but she didn't show any fear, instead she snatched the baby from Fu Bai's hand.

"No matter what, he was born by me, and he must not be abandoned." Yan Qiong said firmly.

Fu Bai showed helplessness, this is clearly a demon fetus!

The human race and the monster race are incompatible, and now his wife has given birth to such a freak, how does this make him, the leader, explain to the people of the tribe?

"Oh!" Fu Bai sighed and walked out.

The midwife had already run out in fright. The news that the wife of the leader of the Yanhuo Tribe gave birth to a freak was also spread, spreading throughout the entire Yanhuo Tribe with lightning speed.

This situation is still different from Fuxi back then. Although Fuxi was born after ten years of Huaxu's pregnancy, Fuxi is still a normal human baby after all!

But Yanqiong's remaining baby is different, what's the situation?

The stomach turned out to be transparent, isn't this a freak?

For a while, the entire Yanhuo tribe was talking about the baby of Fubai's family.

This put Fu Bai under a lot of pressure for a while. He was originally a great sage of the human race, but now he is being questioned by his own tribe.

This hit Fu Bai very hard, and the immortal master of the Yanhuo Tribe had talked to Fu Bai more than once, and naturally they all understood the meaning, that is, let Fu Bai handle the baby well.

Three months later, Fu Bai couldn't bear the different eyes of the tribe and decided to abandon Lie Shan.

The name Lieshan was chosen by Yanqiong.

Originally this matter should be done by Fu Bai, but Fu Bai doesn't even want a child, so how could he choose a name?

"Yanqiong, listen to me, this child is different from my human race, he must be a monster. Since ancient times, our human race has always been at odds with the human race. Do you want to betray the human race?" Fu Bai looked at Yan Qiong and said.

The tone of these words was very strong, and it also showed a firm look. It was obvious that Fu Bai insisted on abandoning Lie Shan today.

"At the beginning, the co-lord Fuxi was also considered a demon fetus, but now? The whole human race is praising the merits of the co-lord." Yan Qiong would not give in at all, she would never let Fu Bai lose her child.

In the courtyard, Fu Bai and Yan Qiong were chattering and arguing, but there were already people standing outside the door.

The immortal masters of the Yanhuo tribe also came, but they couldn't treat Fu Bai the same way they treated the leader of the Xinhuo tribe.

Because Fu Bai is a great sage of the human race, even an immortal master should treat Fu Bai with courtesy.


These immortal masters also shook their heads helplessly. Watching the quarrel between the two, they could only watch from the sidelines and could not step forward to intervene.

Suddenly, two rays of light, one black and one white, shot from two directions and landed in Fu Bai's courtyard.

"Yun Zhongzi?" Guang Chengzi looked at the young man in black robe in front of him.

"Guang Chengzi, the sage you worshiped as your teacher has not improved in cultivation, this aptitude is really... oh..."

Seeing that Guang Chengzi didn't have anything good to say, Yun Zhongzi was just a sarcasm.

Yun Zhongzi, who became the Demon Lord of the Demonic Way, his language became sharp and direct.

"Hmph! Yun Zhongzi, don't be arrogant, you devil, you must know that the height of the devil is one foot tall and one foot tall!"

Guang Chengzi snorted coldly.

The arrival of Yun Zhongzi and Guang Chengzi stunned all the human race present. When they heard Yun Zhongzi say that Guang Chengzi was the disciple of Yuan Tianzun, they all understood that this was the arrival of the saint's disciples.

"The two seniors don't know what is the purpose of coming to the Yanhuo Tribe?" Fu Bai stepped forward and said neither humble nor overbearing.

As a contemporary great sage of the human race, Fu Bai had met the Three Patriarchs, all of whom were at the pinnacle of the Daluo Jinxian.

"You are the great sage Fu Bai. This gentleman is Yun Zhongzi, the second disciple of the Taixuan Sect Master. I have a predestined relationship with your son, so I am here to accept you as an apprentice." Yun Zhongzi looked at Fu Bai and said with a smile.

When Guang Chengzi heard this, he was anxious, because this Yun Zhongzi also came to accept disciples.

No, Yun Zhongzi must not be allowed to accept apprentices. This is the future emperor. If he becomes the emperor's teacher, he can definitely become a Daluo Jinxian with that merit, and even a quasi-sage is also possible!

"Pimpedao is Guang Chengzi, the great disciple of Yuan Tianzun. He has a predestined relationship with your son, so he is here to accept him as his disciple."

Fu Bai was a little confused, what's going on?

These two people have a lot of background, and they are vying to accept his son as a disciple.

"Boss, boss..." The Immortal Master of Yanhuo Tribe hastily called Fu Bai a few times.

"Ahem...Why did the two seniors accept my son as an apprentice? He was born with a transparent abdomen, and he is actually a demon fetus, which is not tolerated by the human race." Fu Bai asked puzzled.

"Nonsense! What a demon fetus, this is the God-given Son of God, who will surely do great things in the future. I heard that you are a great sage of the human race, but I don't want to be so confused." Yun Zhongzi said in a bad tone.

"You can't say that, the great sage Fubai is innocent if he doesn't know." Guang Chengzi said with a smile.

Afterwards, Guang Chengzi looked at Fu Bai again and said, "Fu Bai, your son has a predestined relationship with Chanjiao, and you will be the second-generation head of Chanjiao after entering the school of Pindao. I wonder if you would like this son to worship Pindao as his teacher."

Yun Zhongzi curled his lips, he didn't expect that after all these years, Guang Chengzi was still the same as before, still playing tricks.

But what they said, it was Fu Bai's father who made the final decision.

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