
Looking at the two parties arguing in front of him, Lie Shan couldn't help but fell into deep thought. For a while, Lie Shan didn't know how to answer the Daxian's question.

Both of them were right. One wanted to exchange three calves, and the other wanted to exchange three chickens for one cow.

Although the three chickens are small, they can lay eggs and hatch chickens. For a long time, those who have cattle have made money.

However, Lie Shan always felt that something was wrong, this was the first time he encountered such a thing.

People are often confused about the first time and don't know what to do.

It takes a long time to think, but now there is not so much time to wait for Lie Shanshi.

At Lie Shan's stop, it took only one meal, and people gradually left.

The two groups of people did not leave, but the Lie Shan Clan still did not find a solution.

"You still come here tomorrow, and I will solve it for you then." Lie Shan said.

After hearing Lie Shan's words, the two groups of people immediately agreed. After all, the co-lord is in charge of the major affairs of the human race, and now they are flattered to take care of such trivial matters for them.

Back in the palace, the Lie Shan clan summoned some great sages and human stewards.

Tell me what happened on the street today, let everyone study it and see what they think.

Lie Shan didn't think of an idea himself, so he naturally wanted to ask other people's opinions. In his eyes, there was no status, and there were only things that were beneficial to the human race!

"An old ox can feed a family of five for seven days, and three chickens can only last a day. How can I get an old ox?" A great sage put forward his own opinion.

Immediately, a great sage said: "You can't say that, although the three chickens are small, but the hen lays eggs, as few as one a day, as many as two, if they hatch into chicks, after half a year, I'm afraid it's not only good. Eat for seven days!"

For a while, disputes broke out in the palace of the Lie Shan family. Some thought that the cow had lost money, while others thought that the chicken had lost money.

Listening to their discussion, Lie Shan was thinking about the root cause of this matter.

It may seem like a trivial matter, but it is not. It is already related to personal interests. If this matter is not taken seriously, the interests of more people may be involved in the future, and there may be chaos.

Lie Shanshi frowned and thought hard, he wanted to find a detour, but it was hard to think of it for a while.

He promised those two groups of people to reply tomorrow, but now that the palace is in such a state, it may be difficult for them to reply.

At this moment, a guard walked in.

"Report to the co-lord, there is a demon king outside asking to see him."

"The devil? Did someone say it was the cultivator of the mountain?" Lie Shan asked hastily.

If it is the Demon Lord, then maybe it has something to do with him, after all, the Lie Shan clan is the disciple of the Demon Lord Yun Zhongzi.

"People here say that he is the Demon King of Many Treasures of Golden Turtle Island." The guard said respectfully.

"Golden Turtle Island!" Lie Shan hurriedly walked out of the palace. The Golden Turtle Island is the dojo of Master Tongtian, the second disciple of the Demon Ancestor.

The Lie Shan family is the second generation disciple of the Demon Cult, so Yun Zhongzi naturally told him about the Sumeru Mountain lineage of the Demonic Way.

This multi-treasure demon Lord Lie Shan has also heard from Yun Zhongzi, he is the chief disciple of Jiejiao, and also Yun Zhongzi's senior brother.

Arriving outside the palace, the Lie Shan family saw the multi-treasure demon monarch dressed in black and with a kind face.

"Disciple Lie Shan, I pay my respects to Master Duobao." Lie Shan hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

How could the Duobao Demon Lord allow Lie Shanshi to salute him, so he dodged in a hurry and helped Lie Shanshi up.

"You are the co-lord of the human race, and you have a special status, so you don't need to be polite." Duobao Demon Lord laughed.

"Uncle, please enter the palace with your disciples."

The Lie Shan clan invited Duobao Mojun into the palace, of course, he was not in the same hall as those great sages.

"I don't know what's the matter with the master coming to the human race? Can you tell the disciple?" Lie Shan asked.

"I came here to relieve your worries. Do you have any worries recently?" Duobao Mojun laughed.

In fact, Duobao Demon Lord has been in the Valley of Origin for many days, but he is waiting and observing the things among the human race.

It wasn't until there was a dispute on Chendu Street that Duobao Mojun understood the words of Tongtian Sect Master and also knew another use of the Luobao money.

"Is there something that bothers you? The uncle was joking, and the disciple has nothing to worry about recently." Lie Shan said with a smile.

"No, you have." Duobao Demon Lord said solemnly.

"Do I have it?" Lie Shan asked with some doubts.

"Well, you have."

Lie Shan thought for a moment, thinking about today's matter, but this is a matter among the human race, how can Duobao Demon Lord help?

This is not an invasion by foreign races, and the Demon King of Many Treasures can help the human race drive it away.

"There is also one troublesome thing. Today, when the disciple left the palace, he encountered two quarrels. What he did was nothing more than a cow and three chickens..."

The Lie Shan clan informed Duobao Demon Monarch about today's events, but in his mind, Duobao Demon Monarch probably didn't come for this matter.

But as soon as Lie Shan's words fell, Duobao Mojun smiled and said: "This seat is here for this matter."

"Come here for this matter?! Could it be that the master has a way to resolve it?" Lie Shan was puzzled. The Duobao Demon Lord is a generation of gods and gods, and he is proficient in human governance?

"How do you plan to deal with this matter?" Duobao Demon Lord looked at Lie Shan and asked.

Lie Shan showed embarrassment, but he didn't hide anything from Duobao Demon Lord.

"The disciple summoned some great sages to think of countermeasures, but there is no way to deal with this matter. Although this matter is small, it can penetrate into the root of the human race and cannot be underestimated."

"Then you have thought of a roundabout way to avoid dealing with this matter directly." Duobao said softly.

"I thought about it, but I didn't think of a way to make friends." Lie Shan shook his head.

"Just look at this thing." Duobao stretched out his hand, and Luobao money appeared in his hand, but at this time, the money had hidden its wings.

"What is this?" Lie Shan asked.

"This thing is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. It's called: Luobao Money, which can relieve your worries today."

"How to resolve it?"

"Treat the six livestock and the five grains as goods, and this thing as the money to measure the goods."

After listening to the words of the Demon Lord Duobao, Lie Shan was stunned on the spot, after thinking about it, what the Demon Lord Duobao said was very reasonable, so he said: "Master, can you give the Luobao money to the disciple?"

"Haha, you can take it yourself." Duobao Mojun said and gave the Luobao money to Lie Shanshi.

The Lie Shan Clan wanted to think carefully about the seriousness of this, so he apologized to the Duobao Demon Monarch and came to the hall where those great sages were.

At this time, those great sages were still arguing, and Lie Shan stepped forward.

"Don't be arguing. The senior uncle from my school came here just now, but he helped me resolve this matter. I will explain the method to you and others. You can help me analyze the serious relationship."

The Lie Shan family explained the method of many treasures, and immediately these great sages applauded, they all regarded it as the best method.

Although this method is good, it also has advantages and disadvantages. Once released, it will inevitably arouse greed among the human race.

When there is one thing that can measure everything, the desire of the race will be born.

In the end, the Lie Shan Clan decided to create a batch of this kind of currency based on the appearance of Luobao money, and issue it in Chendu first. If it is feasible, it will be promoted to the entire human race.

The Lie Shan family is the co-lord, and his decision is the highest decision among the human race, so even if someone started to do this.

But it was said that Duobao Demon Lord was wandering in the hall with his eyes closed, and a figure walked in.

"Senior Brother Duobao will definitely be able to prove the quasi-sage this time, and I'm here to congratulate you first." The person who came was Yun Zhongzi.

"When Lie Shan's merits and virtues are complete, I'm afraid it's also the time for my junior to prove the quasi-sage." Duobao laughed.


Both of them looked at each other and smiled. They became quasi-sages, and what they strengthened was the power of the devil. In their eyes, the main goal of their generation was to overwhelm the Taoist sect!

Now it seems that the magic way is strong and the Xuanmen is weak, but the casual cultivators in the Xuanmen are too strong.

There are not many direct disciples of Xuanmen, although there are not many Da Luo Jinxians, but there are quasi-sages among the casual cultivators of Xuanmen.

But there are not many casual cultivators in the magic way, but there are not many Daluo Jinxians.

Therefore, in comparison with casual cultivators, Demon Dao is slightly inferior.

"The human race is favored by the master and is the protagonist of the world. In the future, more and more powers will be derived from the human race." Yun Zhongzi said.

"That's true, but the human race still needs to master the magic way." Duobao Demon Lord said clearly.

Yun Zhongzi nodded, he thought what Duobao Demon Lord said was right.

The human race is strong, but it is under the favor of the demon ancestor, and gradually becomes stronger, so the human race must be included in the demon way.

Every faction has its own position, and the disciples of the demonic way regard the human race as a race in the demonic way.

But in the heart of the co-owner of the human race, the human race is the human race!

This idea is not only shared by the former co-lord Fu Xi, but even Lie Shan's. They are all fighting for the interests of the human race.

"Junior brother, I heard that my uncle is in Chendu, but I don't know where he is, so I went to see him for my brother's sake."

Duobao Demon Lord thought of one thing. He heard that Taixuan was sent to the human race by the Demon Ancestor. Since he came to Chendu, he naturally wanted to visit him.

"I don't know where the master is." Yun Zhongzi shook his head and said helplessly, but he had been in the human race for a long time.

Since leaving Taixuan that time, I have never seen Taixuan again.

But Taixuan is a saint, if he hides among the human race, let alone the Daluo Jinxian, even a quasi-sage, or even the most holy, would not be aware of Taixuan's existence.

Duobao Demon Lord had no choice but to give up after hearing the words, after all, he didn't know where Taixuan was, and there was no way to visit him if he wanted to.

the second day.

Lie Shanshi left the palace, followed by dozens of people, and arrived at yesterday's place.

Those two parties had arrived early, and when they saw Lie Shan, they hurried forward to salute.

"Meet the co-lord."

The rest of the onlookers also hurriedly saluted.

Lie Shan waved his hand, making everyone stand up, looking at the man with the chicken, he said, "A chicken lays an egg, and it takes time for the egg to hatch into a chicken."

He looked at another man with a cow and said, "Although your old yellow cow is big and meaty and can be cultivated, it can't reproduce."

Everyone was puzzled, so it means that neither party is wrong, nor is it right?

So can this bull-for-chicken be exchanged or not?

But Lie Shan immediately said: "I have another method, which can exchange chickens for cows, cows for chickens, and other things."

"What method?"

"Commander, speak quickly."

"There is such a method in the world?"


The surrounding human races are all talking, after all, everything can be exchanged, how is this possible, some people have no shortage at home, how can they be willing to exchange?

"Look at this thing." Lie Shan took out the Luobao money.

The crowd watched, but they couldn't see why.

"This thing can be used as a currency to measure goods, and cattle and chickens are goods, and other six animals are also goods, including grains." Lie Shan said.

Everyone disagrees, after all, who is willing to exchange their own cattle for this seemingly strange thing.

It should not be eaten, nor should it be worn.

Lie Shan once again talked about the uses of money. He thought about it for a long time yesterday and listed many examples.

Money can buy clothes, livestock, grains, and fish.

Money is easy to carry and measures everything.

After Lie Shan's narration, everyone understands what money is and its function, but many people still don't believe it.

Can a live cow be bought with this thing?

The Lie Shan Clan also thought about this issue. In the early stage, the human race would naturally not believe it or approve it.

So the Lie Shan family issued a decree to let the people of Chendu go to the treasury department in exchange for money.

A strong cow can be exchanged for two hundred coins, a chicken can be exchanged for ten coins, and a pig can be exchanged for eighty coins...

The first generation of the human race's goods trading system, the goods measurement system has taken a rudimentary form.

As long as you have money, you can go to the treasury to exchange livestock, clothes, and grains!

A year later, the people of Chendu have all adapted to the benefit that money can be exchanged for everything.

The Lie Shan clan began to promote money to the entire human race.

Three years later, the human race implemented the goods measurement system, and derived the role of a merchant, who shuttled among the various tribes of the human race and profited from it.

On this day, Tianwaitian suddenly received meritorious deeds from heaven, and there was a cloud of meritorious deeds in about ten acres.

It directly shocked a lot of prehistoric powers, and they were all surprised by what happened to the human race.

When I saw the ten acres of merit and virtue Qingyun, one was divided into two, and 80% of the portion fell on the Duobao Demon Lord, and 10% of the 20% was integrated into the luck of the human race.

Calculating with fingers, I understood why the Demon King of Many Treasures obtained this merit, everyone was very greedy.

When the merits descended, Duobao Demon Lord took advantage of the merits and directly became the early quasi-sage, with a golden light of merits appearing in the back of his head.

The appearance of the quasi-sage's great power among the disciples of Jiejiao directly shocked all the great religions. You must know that this is the first one among the prehistoric great religions!

After Duobao Demon Lord took back the Luobao money and said goodbye to Yun Zhongzi, he went to Golden Turtle Island to return to his life.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, Yuan Tianzun's face is as deep as water, and there is reincarnation and death of all things in his eyes!

Suddenly, Yuan Yuan Tianzun looked in the direction of Golden Turtle Island in the East China Sea, and said coldly: "It actually made the magic way take the first step!"

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