Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 101 Ao Zheng's Chance

In the picture, Chi You bows respectfully to Guang Chengzi as a teacher.

Guang Chengzi laughed out loud, not at all troubled by the departure of Master Huang Long.

After being shocked, the other disciples congratulated Guang Chengzi.

Seeing this scene, Master Huang Long couldn't stand it anymore,

"Ah! Guang Chengzi, the poor and you are irreconcilable!"


Master Huanglong spat out another mouthful of blood.

This time, although Master Huanglong was angry, he was calm in his heart. Even if Guangchengzi was not a son of man, even if Yuanyuan Tianzun knew about it, he would not punish him.

Instead, he might be punished.

"You were transformed from the innate earth spirit energy, but your image is a dragon clan. It's just because the ancestor dragon looked down on other dragon clans, so you are not a dragon clan, but that's the case!"

Ao Zheng's majestic eyes were fixed on Master Huang Long.

"What His Majesty the Dragon Emperor said is all right, isn't Ying Long also in the low status of the Dragon Clan?" Master Huang Long sneered.

Daoist Huanglong only knew one thing, not the other, he only knew that Ying Long's status in the Dragon Clan was low, and he even gave it to the Primordial Heavenly Court.

But he didn't know that Ying Long was now Ao Zheng's younger sister, the eldest princess of the Dragon Clan, and her status was only inferior to Ao Zheng's.

"Ancestral Dragon has become a thing of the past, the current Dragon Clan belongs to the Emperor, are you a Dragon Clan?" Ao Zheng asked lightly.

Master Huanglong didn't understand what Ao Zheng meant for a while, he knew that the Dragon Clan belonged to you, but what does this have to do with whether I am a Dragon Clan or not?

And it's not up to me whether it's the Dragon Clan or not!

Originally wanted to say, but seeing Ao Zheng's eyes, Master Huang Long felt that Ao Zheng's words were not that simple.

Think for a moment.


Master Huanglong understood what Ao Zheng meant, and quickly bowed down: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for allowing Huanglong to return to the Dragon Clan."

"Get up.

"Ao Zheng waved his hand, and a gentle force lifted Master Huanglong to his feet.

"From now on, don't make any nonsense about Yinglong, she is my younger sister." Ao Zheng said.

"Xiaolong made a slip of the tongue, please forgive me, Your Majesty." Huanglong was terrified.

"Although you belong to the Dragon Clan, I cannot let you return to the Dragon Clan now." Ao Zheng said.

Daoist Huanglong was puzzled, he just didn't want to be in the teaching now, he was no longer Chi You's master, and he was useless to Yuan Tianzun.

After Guangchengzi went back, he said in a more eloquent way that he decided that his life would not be as good as before. Instead of staying in the teaching and suffering, it would be better to go to the Dragon Clan to have a good time.

It seems that who dares to kill the current dragon clan?

Staying in the Dragon Clan is much safer than teaching.

Dragon Emperor Ao is protecting his weaknesses, but that is well known in all ages, apart from saints, even though they are opponents?

I am afraid that even if it is the most holy, it is not the opponent of the Dragon Emperor!

And even if a saint came forward, the Dragon Emperor was the mount of the Demon Ancestor, and if he bullied Ao Zheng with the Supreme Saint, wouldn't that be the face of the Demon Ancestor?

Although the saint is supreme, what can he be compared to the ancestor of the devil?

"Your Majesty, why is this? Your Majesty must have heard about how Chanjiao treats Xiaolong, and please have mercy on him." Master Huanglong said that in Chanjiao's life, his expression changed instantly.

"You continue to stay in Chanjiao, it just so happens that Chi You is no longer your disciple, and you are lucky enough to escape." Ao Zheng said flatly.

"Escaped a catastrophe? What's the meaning?" Master Huang Long felt distressed.

The disciple ran away and switched to Guangchengzi's sect, how could this be just right?

"After the three ancestors of the human race, the ancestor of the demons said that the three emperors of the human race belonged to the way of demons. Do you think that as Chi You's master, you can end well?" Ao Zheng sneered again and again.

Master Huanglong broke out in cold sweat behind his back, it turned out that the teacher of the Three Emperors had already been appointed.

The damn Yuan Tianzun almost killed himself.

"Even if Xiaolong wants to go back now, he can't go back. I left Chi You's camp. If I go back, I will definitely be driven away." Daoist Huang Long said.

Master Huang Long offended Chi You, if he had the cheek to go back at this time, he would be kicked out, I am afraid that Guang Chengzi would not speak up for him.

As for the other senior brothers, they would not help him even more.

"You are here to wait. Soon a person will come from the east. If you put this person in Chi You's camp, he will not be kicked out." Ao Zheng said.

Master Huang Long saw that Ao Zheng had even arranged for his return to Chi You's camp, and he knew in his heart that it was impossible to return to the Dragon Clan at this time.

Immediately, Master Huanglong asked: "Your Majesty, I don't know when Xiaolong will be able to return to the Dragon Clan."

"When the Book of Heaven returns and the gods appear, it will be the day you return to the Dragon Clan." After Ao Zheng finished speaking, his figure disappeared.

Daoist Huanglong is only in the realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, how can he know about the Heavenly Book? I don't even know what it means for the gods to appear.

However, now he can only listen to Ao Zheng's words.

Chen Du.

Ao Zheng stood respectfully in front of Luo Hu, holding the Kunlun Mirror with both hands.

Luo Hu took the Kunlun mirror, looked at Ao Zheng and said, "You can already prove Hunyuan, why force it?"

"If you prove Hunyuan, you can only retreat behind the scenes, and you can't act for your master." Ao Zheng smiled.

"Haha, although you are not my disciple, you and I have the essence of a master and apprentice. Besides, you suppress your cultivation, I am afraid it is for the sake of skyrocketing in the future." Luo Hu laughed loudly.

Ao Zheng was a little embarrassed, but it was okay for Luo Hu to see what he was thinking.

"Forget it!"

Rahu took out a drop of milky white liquid. When this thing appeared, a vision appeared in heaven and earth, and Rahu waved his hand to suppress it.

Ao Zheng looked at the drop of milky white liquid, the blood in his heart was surging, wanting to swallow that drop of milky white liquid.

"Do you know what this is?" Luo Hu said lightly.

"Xiaolong doesn't know, please tell the master clearly." Ao Zheng couldn't see the origin of this object, but he knew that if he got this object, it would not be a problem for him to be promoted in the future.

"This is Pangu's bone marrow. I got it in Buzhou Mountain. I will give it to you." Luo Hu gave Ao Zheng the Pangu's bone marrow.

Ao Zheng was overjoyed, this Pangu bone marrow had indescribable benefits to him.

It turns out that Ao Zheng is a crystal dragon, a strange beast from heaven and earth, who cultivates the way of magic, becomes a magic dragon, and devours the most precious dragon ball of the dragon clan, making it his own dragon ball.

But he has no Pan Gu blood.

I think that the ancestor dragon was transformed from a blood vessel of Pangu, and it is the orthodox dragon ancestor.

It's a pity to die, otherwise, there will be a holy throne in the future.

If this Pangu bone marrow was swallowed by Ao Zheng, then Ao Zheng's physical body would reach a terrifying level.

This is not the most important thing, the important thing is that Ao Zheng's life will be sublimated once!


"Thank you, master, for your gift." Ao Zheng quickly knelt down and bowed.

"I have a lot of Pangu bone marrow, but you can use just one drop, too much is useless." Luo Hu gave up.


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