The latest website: East China Sea, on the Golden Turtle Island, Master Tongtian looked at the disciples under him, his eyes flickered, and the demonic energy was surging, and it seemed to be churning. This is about to have a big change!

Not only the Master Tongtian felt the great change, but even the disciples under his seat felt it.

Demonic Dao's luck surged, and as the number one sect of the Demonic Dao, Jiejiao's luck naturally began to fluctuate.

"Master, someone wants to destroy my luck in the devil way!" Yun Xiao said in a deep voice.

"Teacher, who is plotting against my demonic way, aren't you afraid that the master will kill you?" Zhao Gongming was also furious.

This is obviously a calculation aimed at the entire Demon Dao, otherwise, the luck on the side of Mount Sumeru would never surge.

Once the luck of Mount Sumeru collapses, the luck of the entire Demon Dao will be gone, and it will be unknown whether the Great Cult under the Demon Dao can be preserved.

They are the mainstays of Jujiao, so naturally they don't allow this kind of thing to happen.

"I didn't expect Eldest Senior Brother to take this step, unite with Xuanmen to frighten the saints of the devil way, aren't you afraid of Master's punishment?"

Master Tongtian looked in the direction of the heaven, with some helplessness in his eyes, but there was still a trace of killing intent!

Taishang is his elder brother, there is nothing wrong with that, and Taishang is also his elder brother.

But even so, so what?

This is not a reason to betray the devil too much.

At the beginning, Amitabha Buddha betrayed the way of magic, but he respected Rahu and avoided the way of magic in every possible way.

But what is the current Taishang doing? Before leaving the magic way, it has already started to suppress the magic way, and it is necessary to break up the luck from the inside of the magic way.

"What! Master?" Yun Xiao said in disbelief.

Although the Taishang Demon Ancestor has entered the Ruthless Tribulation, he is still the head of the Demon Dao after all. Why would he do such a thing that harms others and does not benefit himself?

Moreover, isn't he afraid of being blamed by his master?

You must know that Luo Hu is very strict on killing each other.


What should we do now? "The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit dare not make any proposals at this time.

No matter what, it would never have occurred to him that everything was calculated by the Supreme Demon Ancestor.

"You stay in Biyou Palace and go to compete in person as a teacher. Remember, you must not leave the island without authorization."

The leader of Tongtian is also worried that Xuanmen will take the opportunity to attack them. Although the great sects under Xuanmen are not good, it does not mean that the monks of Xuanmen are weak.

"Master, you want to be with Master Uncle..." Yun Xiao didn't dare to continue.

Master Tongtian Sighed, and disappeared into Biyou Palace.

Mount Sumeru.

"Hmph, how dare you spoil my luck!"

Nuwa cursed angrily.

The Queen Mother of the West also said in a deep voice: "If he dares to make a move, even if he fights to death, he must be killed!"

Xiong Ba on the side looked at Nuwa and Queen Mother Xi in surprise at this moment.

A senior sister, a junior sister, why is she even more excited than him at this time.

And what he said was too cruel, even he couldn't say such crazy words.

"Fourth Senior Sister, Sixth Senior Sister, things haven't reached that point yet, it's just that the qi has fluctuated and hasn't passed away yet." Xiong Ba said.

"What do you know? This is a sign of Taishang's troubles and chaos in the devil's way. Hmph, I will definitely not let him go!"

After saying that, the Queen Mother of the West turned into a ray of light and disappeared on Mount Sumeru.

Nu Wa followed closely behind, and also disappeared in Mount Sumeru, leaving behind Xiong Ba in a daze.

"Two women who are usually gentle, are they so crazy at this time? Sure enough, women are not to be messed with." Xiong Ba shrank his neck, turned and returned to his training place.

Even if he went to such a scene of a saint, it would have no effect.

The movement of the demonic energy swayed, and the whole prehistoric world shook.

The great powers under the saints are all guessing what happened in the magic way, which can actually cause the energy of Mount Sumeru to move.

You must know that the luck of Mount Sumeru was suppressed by the Demon Ancestor with the Heavenly Ruler of Grand Meng Merit.

There should be no possibility of turmoil.

But why did it appear now?

And there seems to be a sign of collapse, which is obviously a calculation against Mo Dao.

But what the sages saw was different. They all saw that the movement of Mount Sumeru was due to the calculations of the Supreme Demon Ancestor.

Because the luck line connecting the Supreme Demon Ancestor seemed to collapse, it was obvious that the Supreme Demon Ancestor wanted to escape from the Demonic Way.

Only at this time, when the Taishang Demon Ancestor wanted to escape from the Demon Way, would the energy of Mount Sumeru be shaken.

"A big change! There are many twists and turns in the magic path." Amitabha sighed.

"Namo Amitabha, senior brother, there are twists and turns in the way of magic, and Taoism will definitely take advantage of this time to enter. This is a good opportunity for my Buddha way to flourish." Burning Lamp Buddha laughed.

"It's good, it's good, I came from the way of the devil after all, alas..." Amitabha's face was painful.

"Brother, why do you do this? Although you came from the way of the devil, you have already become a Buddha. What's the matter? We should think about how to rejuvenate the way of Buddhism." The lamp burning Buddha said awe-inspiringly.

Amitabha Buddha didn't say anything, maybe Dipan Buddha was right.

The three sages of Xuanmen gathered together, and the ruthless catastrophe of Taishang began to erupt, and they all felt that the time had come.

The time has come to reinvent the magic way.

As long as the Taishang fights those demonic saints, they can directly help Taishang fight those demonic saints together.

As long as the arrangements are good, you can take the opportunity to destroy the Jujiao and the Devil's Cult.

"Junior Brother, it's your turn." Yuan Yuan Tianzun said lightly.

"Second Senior Brother, what do you mean? What can I do?" Prince Xianzu Dong asked puzzled.

The original Tianzun and Taiqing Daozu smiled at each other, and they all looked at the East Prince.

Yuan Yuan Tianzun said: "Does the younger brother think that he can really hide the truth? With so many powers in the fairy court, can he really hide it?"

Dong Wanggong's face darkened in an instant, he didn't expect that Taiqing Daozu and Yuan Tianzun had been pretending to be confused for so many years!

"Hmph, didn't the two senior brothers also enter Daoxuan Valley, and invited the great powers inside?" Duke Dong said coldly.

About Daoxuangu, only Hongjun Daozu and Taiqing and Yuanyuan knew about it, but Dong Wanggong had a good relationship with Jinzu, so naturally he also knew about Daoxuangu.

"How do you know about Daoxuangu!" Daozu Taiqing said coldly.

"Hehe, the two senior brothers don't care how I know, Jinzu asked me to ask for him, did Daozu agree?" Duke Dong laughed.

Taiqing Daozu and Yuan Tianzun were both stunned. They didn't expect Dongwanggong to have contact with Jinzu, and looking at their expressions, the relationship between the two seemed to be good.

After agreeing to Jin Zu's matter, Daozu Taiqing and Yuan Tianzun also went to Zixiao Palace, but they didn't even enter the gate of Zixiao Palace.

Daozu didn't see them at all, and obviously he didn't know how to guide the Fifth Patriarch.

"Junior Brother, what we are doing now is to discuss how to destroy the Jujiao and the Demon Cult, and even seal a few saints from the Demonic Dao, not Daoxuangu!" Yuan Yuan Tianzun said righteously.

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