Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 110 Chi You's Real Scheme

Seeing Chi You's powerful attack, the tiger soul knife exuding endless evil spirit changed the color of the world.

Xuanyuan has no treasure in his hands, let alone a magic weapon, how can he be able to block such a treasure as the Tiger Soul Knife.

Although his cultivation base is the same as Chi You's, his physical body and magic weapon are not comparable.

Xuanyuan really might not be able to withstand Chi You's beheading.

My heart was in a hurry, thousands of thoughts flashed, but there was no way to block Chi You's blow.

Xuanyuan set up hundreds of restrictions in a row, but under the slash of Tiger Soul Knife, these restrictions are like tofu.

"The Heavenly Demon Disintegrates Dafa!"

Xuanyuan shouted loudly, and cast the forbidden method of the magic way, at the cost of serious injuries, to improve his cultivation in an instant.

Now this is the only way to make him contend against Chi You.

The physical body is not as good as Chi You, and there is no magic weapon. The only way for Xuanyuan to defeat Chi You is to improve his cultivation.

In an instant, Xuanyuan's cultivation base was raised to the early stage of quasi-sage.

Chi You's attack was blocked by Xuanyuan's magical power.

"The Dafa of Heavenly Demon Disintegration? I forgot that you are a disciple of the Demonic Dao, but even so, what can you do? At most one stick of incense, you will definitely die!"

Chi You knew how powerful the Heavenly Demon's Disintegration Dafa was, and he also knew the aftereffects of the Heavenly Demon's disintegration Dafa. After a stick of incense, Chi You could easily kill Xuanyuan without using the Tiger Soul Knife.

"Then see if you can last a stick of incense." Xuanyuan said in a cold voice.

No more wasting time, Xuanyuan knew that he was running out of time, if he couldn't capture Chi You or kill Chi You within a stick of incense, then he would be the one who died.

In Chen Duzhong, Luo Hui looked at the scene in the Kunlun mirror and shook his head. Even if Xuanyuan became a quasi-sage in the early stage, he was not Chi You's opponent.

At most, he could remain undefeated under Chi You's attack.

Xuanyuan was originally promoted by Huang Zhongli, and he didn't have a magic weapon yet, and his body was so weak that it was unimaginable.

Rahu waved his hand, and a divine sword appeared in his hand.

The moment the sword appeared,

The entire Chendu was shrouded in a dark wind, accompanied by the sound of ghosts crying, as if Chendu had become a Shura hell.

"The witch-slaying sword is made from the souls of the human race. Hundreds of millions of souls are in this sword. Although it is not an innate spiritual treasure, it is comparable to the best innate spiritual treasure."

A ray of light shot out from Luo Hu's eyes, and the entire courtyard was enveloped by a light curtain.

After laying down the enchantment, Luo Hu took out the innate treasure Qiankun Ding.

Turning acquired into innate, this is the power of Qiankun Ding.

The witch-slaying sword is not a spiritual treasure, but a rare treasure that the monster clan forged to kill the ancestor witch.

Put the witch-slaying sword in the Qiankun cauldron, and the Jiuyou magic fire will burn.

In the next instant, the Qiankun holy fire replaced the Jiuyou magic fire, and accompanied by the purified light, the resentful spirits in the Tu Wu sword were saved.

In a short while, the resentful spirits in the Sword of Slaughtering Witches dispelled their grievances and merged together. Hundreds of millions of souls turned into a five-clawed golden dragon.

"Holy Sword, success!"

Luo Hu fell with a sound, the Wu Tu sword flew out, and the sky and the earth changed color.

The nine heavens wanted to rain thunder, but it was dispersed by Luo Hu's gaze.

This witch-slaying sword itself is a powerful treasure, but after Luo Hu used the Qiankun cauldron to refine it, it became a top-grade innate spirit treasure.

The original witch-slaying sword had a strong hostility, but now it exudes righteousness.

The five-clawed golden dragon is a tool spirit, which is somewhat unexpected. It seems that the power of this human holy sword is not just the best innate spirit treasure.

After stroking the holy sword, Luo Hu nodded in satisfaction, and then shot into the void.

Don't care about the holy sword anymore, and don't care about the battle between Chi You and Xuanyuan. This is an unbalanced battle in itself, so there is no need to pay attention to it.

What really attracted Luo Hu's attention were the saints above the nine heavens.

In the sky above Chasing the Deer, the three sages of Xuanmen had arrived long ago, but they disappeared.

Moreover, the combination of the three saints concealed the secrets of heaven, so that other saints could not discover their existence.

The Master Tongtian sat cross-legged, with the Four Swords of Jade Immortals floating behind his back, his eyes were tightly closed, but a powerful aura enveloped thousands of miles around.

Next to the Master Tongtian, there are these two women, Queen Mother of the West and Nuwa. Their faces are deep, and they are staring at the direction of the heaven.

The space fluctuated slightly, Taixuan walked out of the void, looked at Master Tongtian, Queen Mother of the West and Nuwa, walked behind Master Tongtian without saying a word.

They are waiting for someone.

However, Taixuan glanced at the void not far away, with evil spirit in his eyes.

"Senior brother three?" Nuwa looked at Taixuan, and she also found other saints coming, but she wasn't sure who it was.

"Lantern." Taixuan said lightly.

Although the Burning Lamp Buddha has the blessing of Amitabha Buddha, and his aura is hidden deeply, but in Taixuan's eyes, it is nothing but a fake.

"Lighting the lamp alone?" asked the Queen Mother of the West.

"Amitabha will not come." Tongtian Sect Master said calmly without opening his eyes.

Taixuan nodded, Amitabha really didn't dare to intervene in this matter at this time.

It was originally the devil who broke away, and he owed the great cause and effect of the devil. At this time, how could it be possible to make trouble?

Four of the Five Sages of Mount Sumeru have come now, and they all have deep expressions, with a vague murderous look.

"Is senior brother back?" Nuwa said helplessly.

This is not like asking questions, it seems to be looking for psychological comfort for myself.

Because they all knew that the Supreme Master would definitely come.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Master Tongtian opened, and a ray of light shot out, piercing the void.

Slowly stood up, looked at one place, and said in a cold voice: "Here we come."

As soon as the words fell, not far away, Taishang slowly walked out of the void.

Master Tongtian, Taixuan, Queen Mother of the West, and Nuwa all walked over. No matter what happens next, Taishang Demon Ancestor is their elder brother.

And it is the third demon ancestor of the magic way.

"Eldest senior brother." The Four Saints stepped forward to salute.

"Hehe, the younger brothers and younger sisters are here to embarrass me?" Taishang Demon Ancestor said flatly without the slightest emotion in his eyes.

"Eldest brother, why bother?" Tongtian Cult Master said helplessly.

As the chief disciple of the Demonic Dao, this status can be said to be the highest existence in eliminating Luohu, Hongjun, fate, and the prehistoric world.

In the future, when the magic way becomes stronger, the cultivation base of his chief disciple will also rise.

Is Ruthless Tribulation really that powerful? It can make a saint so unreasonable!

"Where are you three?" Taishang Mozu looked at Taixuan, Queen Mother of the West, and Nuwa.

Just after Master Tongtian finished his sentence, the Supreme Demon Ancestor already knew of Master Tongtian's decision.

"Eldest brother, the luck of the demonic path has been turbulent, so we should turn our backs." Taixuan said in a deep voice.

"Eldest brother is the third demon ancestor of the demonic way, why is that so?" Queen Mother Xi said.

Nu Wa was the most direct, and said in a cold voice: "No matter who it is, as long as it is doing things that are not good for Mount Sumeru, I will fight to the death!"

Among the three, Nu Wa's tone was the toughest.

In the past, Nuwa's words were more tactful, and she didn't express her opinions much, it was because she needed to consider Fuxi.

But it is no longer necessary, Fuxi has become the emperor of the human race, the human race is immortal, and the emperor is immortal!

The Taishang Demon Ancestor nodded, as if he understood the determination of the Four Sages, he didn't say anything immediately.

The Four Saints, the leader of Tongtian Cult, stopped talking, but they all became vigilant in their hearts. As long as there was any change in the Taishang Demon Ancestor, they would attack with thunder.

The three sages of Xuanmen hidden in the void looked at each other, and they all saw each other's smile.

This time, Mo Dao is going to be really hurt.

As long as the Supreme Demon Ancestor helps them hold back the two saints, then they can seal the remaining two saints.

They are so sure because they have discovered the existence of the Burning Lamp Buddha.

At this time, the Burning Lamp Buddha will definitely not help the Demonic Dao. If the Buddhist Taoism wants to prosper, it must cooperate with Taoism to suppress the Demonic Dao.

On top of the competition, the battle continued, and the two armies of the human race had already been heated up, with more than half of the casualties, but neither side retreated, because they knew that their coach had not yet decided the winner.


A huge ax appeared on the battlefield and slashed towards Xuanyuan.

If this strike hit, Xuanyuan would definitely fall instantly, and there was no chance of surviving.

Moreover, this ax seemed ordinary, but it was so simple that Xuanyuan couldn't even hide, and directly imprisoned Xuanyuan, so he could only bear this axe.

Seeing this scene, Chi You's eyes shone brightly.

Xing Tian!

Not only Chi You saw it, Xuan Yuan also saw it.

But Xuanyuan was puzzled, how could Xing Tian do this!

How to put it, he is Xing Tian's nephew, why do you want to attack him, and it is a one-hit and sure-kill move.

Chi You smiled, he knew that the position of co-lord of the human race must belong to him, and there was no possibility of surprise.

Because Xing Tian made a move.

The strength of Xing Tian is not even comparable to that of Zu Wu. It can be said that Xing Tian can be regarded as the strongest people under the saints.

Not to mention the dragon emperor who is the number one under the saint, but Xing Tian's can definitely fight with Xiong Ba and Patriarch Styx.

Because when the Lich was measuring the calamity, Xing Tian alone fought against Bai Ze and the dead wood patriarch at the pinnacle of quasi-sage.

And win the battle!

After so many years, how could Xing Tian stand still?

The dead ancestor has already become the most holy, not to mention the talented Xing Tian!

Chi You had already started to laugh wildly in his heart, his calculation was coming to an end.

Become the co-lord of the human race, and take charge of the witch clan again. With the luck of the human race and the witch clan, let him become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

This is Chi You's real calculation.

As for splitting the luck of the human race and helping the Wu race to return to the top, this is just talk.

Chi You's goal is the supreme Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

How could the former ancestral witch endure being stepped on by Xing Tian?


not good!

Chi You's pupils suddenly enlarged, looking at Xing Tian's axe, his body trembled.

That powerful ax was actually blocked.

I saw a dragon claw appearing from the void, catching the ax with infinite power.

Everything seemed so understatement, as if the ax was cast by a fairy, not even a single dragon scale was shot down, not even a crack.

"Dragon Emperor!"

Chi You felt great hatred in his heart, and it was the Dragon Emperor who made the move again, why!

Seeing that his calculation is about to succeed, why did the Dragon Emperor break everything.

Xing Tian walked out of the void, held a relative in his hand, looked at Ao Zheng, and saluted slightly: "I have seen the Dragon Emperor."

Chi You quickly came to Xing Tian's side, and secretly said: "Brother Xing Tian, ​​are you sure?"

"Thirty percent." Xing Tian said via voice transmission.

He knew what Chi You asked, and it was nothing more than a certain degree of certainty that he could defeat Ao Zheng.

Xing Tian dare not be proud, nor will he underestimate himself. Over the years, he has also made breakthroughs. Even if he is the most holy, he can fight without losing.

It's just that Ao Zheng's reputation is so great that Xing Tian can only say a 30% chance of winning, not even 50/50.

Chi You's heart trembled, he didn't expect the odds of winning to be so small.

It's time for a stick of incense.

Xuanyuan spat out a mouthful of blood, and his energy and spirit fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant. The original cultivation base of the quasi-sage in the early stage instantly changed back to the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

However, his cultivation was still declining, and he used the method of disintegrating the demon, and the sequelae appeared.

When the cultivation base fell to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian, it stabilized, and it was still seriously injured.

Chi You sent another voice transmission: "With me, what are the chances of winning?"

"Forty percent." Xing Tian said.

"Is there fifty percent?"

Chi You frowned, is it really going to fail?

Once it fails, other people may be fine, but Chi You, the leader of Jiuli, will definitely be suppressed or even perish.

Therefore, in Chi You's eyes, one must never fail!

Chi You glanced at Tai Yinxing, and a glimmer of hope suddenly appeared in his heart.

"I still have a backup player, I can add another 30%!" Chi You looked at Xing Tian.

Xing Tian was not stupid, when Chi You looked at the Taiyin star, Xing Tian knew what Chi You's backhand was, if that person made a move, he might be 70% sure that he could defeat the Dragon Emperor.

"Are you going to fight the emperor?" Ao Zheng looked at Xing Tian and Chi You playfully.

In Ao Zheng's heart, he didn't take them seriously at all.

The number one person under the saint is not just talking, its power is unimaginable.

"Offended." Xing Tian said.

Immediately afterwards, Xing Tian turned into the body of a mighty witch, swaying his relatives, causing the laws of heaven and earth to vibrate, and slashed at Ao Zheng.

A simple axe, but it contains the great truth, which has the potential to open up the world.

Ao Zheng didn't move, he looked at the attacking axe, which was a hundred times stronger than the previous axe.

But Ao Zheng is as stable as Mount Tai.

Chi You also unleashed the strongest blow, the tiger soul knife in his hand gathered the evil energy of heaven and earth, and a phantom black tiger appeared, attacking Ao Zheng.

And at this moment.

Lunar Star shot out an arrow!

Piercing through the void, it appeared directly three inches between Ao Zheng's eyebrows.

Chi You's backer turned out to be Wu Gang on the Taiyin star.

At that moment just now, the ax in Wu Gang's hand turned into a bow and arrow.

Xing Tian's full blow, Hou Yi's full blow, Chi You's full blow.

Gathered together, even the holy ones will fall instantly under this blow.

The entire prehistoric quasi-sages were staring at Zhulu closely. They were shocked when they saw these three powerful attacks.

These quasi-sages started talking.

"This time the myth of the Dragon King being undefeated is coming to an end."

"Yeah! It's too powerful, I didn't expect anyone from the Lunar Star to make a move!"

"If the Dragon Emperor can't stop it, I'm afraid the Demon Ancestor will be furious. After all, the Dragon Emperor is the Demon Ancestor's mount."

"It should be able to block it, but at least it will be seriously injured!"


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