In chaos.

The other saints have also come here, their power is too strong, even if it is a war, it is impossible to fight in Honghuang, otherwise, Honghuang will definitely be blown up by them!

The Queen Mother of the West and Nu Wa carefully observed the surroundings, because they knew that there was still a saint hidden in the dark!

Master Tongtian looked at Taishang Demon Ancestor, and said in a deep voice, "Brother, you know that after the first battle, you will have no turning back."

Recalling the first sentence that Luo Hu said when he worshiped under Luo Hu's sect, the first sentence was that members of the same sect do not fight each other!

But now?

They are going to fight, once they fight, there is really no turning back.

No matter who wins or loses in this battle, the Supreme Demon Ancestor will be punished by Rahu.

Master Tongtian was unwilling, he still wanted to save him, he didn't want to fight the Supreme Demon Ancestor, he was really worried that Luo Hu would destroy the Supreme Demon Ancestor in a fit of anger.

"What else do you want to say? Say it together, later, you can't say it anymore."

The Supreme Demon Ancestor looked indifferent, at this moment, there was no emotion in his eyes, as if he had really become a ruthless person.

Tai Xuan was stunned!

The words of the Taishang Demon Ancestor can be said to be cruel!

Whether it is Taixuan or the leader of Tongtian, what they think in their hearts is to suppress the Supreme Demon Ancestor, at most it is to seal.

But what about the Supreme Demon Ancestor?

But he wants to kill them all!

"Eldest brother, you are so confused! Aren't you afraid of Master's wrath?" Taixuan shouted loudly.

"Haha..." The Supreme Demon Ancestor laughed almost maniacally, "Luo Hu can't kill me, as long as I am willing to worship under Hongjun and Fate, then Luo Hu can't do anything to me!"

"You... Presumptuous!"

Master Tongtian's eyes were full of murderous intent, this time he was completely angry, and even had the idea of ​​beheading the Supreme Demon Ancestor!

"Call Master by name directly,

Your Majesty, I will kill you! "Taixuan shouted loudly.

With a wave of his big hand, Taixuan's top-grade innate spirit treasure Hunyuan streamer appeared in Taixuan's hand, and with a movement of his hand, a fierce chaotic knife light appeared, cutting towards Taishang.

Without holding back the slightest bit, Taixuan had already moved to kill. At first, he didn't think so, but Taishang spoke rudely, and even said that Luo Hu's name was taboo, and he should be beheaded!

Taishang took a step forward, and there appeared a ninth-grade fortune-telling green lotus under his feet. This is the ultimate defensive innate spiritual treasure, comparable to the other three lotus platforms.

It is one of the divisions of the Twelve-Rank Good Fortune Qinglian, after all, the Twelve-Rank Good Fortune Qinglian is an innate treasure!

"I won't die, but you, not necessarily." The Supreme Demon Ancestor appeared in the hand of the Primordial Demon Seal.

This is the magic treasure refined by Rahu, and it has a suppressive effect on all magic monks.

As soon as this thing came out, even the sages of the demonic way, such as Master Tongtian and Taixuan, felt their breaths pause, and there was a vague sense of oppression.

The Shimo Seal blasted out, shattering the incoming sword light, and crashing into Taixuan.

Taixuan waved the Hunyuan flag, and struck on the beginning demon seal, the powerful impact made Taixuan take a step back, with a dull pain in the tiger's mouth.

The seal of the beginning demon flew back to the hand of the Supreme Demon Ancestor.

"Tongtian, why don't you make a move? Among all the saints, only your Four Swords of Zhuxian can make me fear a little bit." The Supreme Demon Ancestor didn't shy away at all.

In fact, among all the saints, only Amitabha Buddha is relatively exceptional. The strength of the rest of the saints is not much different, and the main thing is to see the treasure.

The Taishang Demon Ancestor has the most precious treasure of the demonic way, the Purple Gold Gourd, the top-grade congenital spiritual treasure, and the ninth-grade fortune-telling green lotus, and the thirty-six sea-fixing pearls of the congenital treasure, which the Taishang Demon Ancestor has not sacrificed yet.

With such a profound background, I am afraid that only the leader of Tongtian can faintly overwhelm him.

It seems that the ruthless calamity made the Taishang Demon Ancestor jealous, and even more resentful towards Luo Hu!

As the chief disciple, why did he give so many magic weapons to Master Tongtian!

"Since Eldest Brother asks, then invite Elder Brother to join the battle!" Tongtian Sect Master said in a deep voice.

The Four Swords of Zhu Xian flew out from behind, and instantly formed a Zhu Xian sword formation, known as the most powerful single-body formation in the prehistoric world!

At this moment, a voice sounded.

"Tai Shang, do you need help from the poor?"

Taiqing Daozu, Yuan Tianzun, and Dongwanggong walked out of the void with a smile and looked at Taishang Demon Ancestor.

"Four Saints, it seems that the Zhuxian Sword Formation is going to be broken again." The Supreme Demon Ancestor smiled lightly.

Master Tongtian and Taixuan frowned, it seemed that the three sages of Xuanmen really couldn't sit still, and chose this time to add insult to injury.

Both Nuwa and the Queen Mother of the West took a step forward, and said in a cold voice, "Four Saints?"

The Queen Mother of the West and Nu Wa were able to stop the two saints, so Xuanmen could only send one to help the Supreme Demon Ancestor.

"Fellow Daoist Ran Deng, if you don't come out at this time, when will you stay?" Duke Dong said, looking towards one place.

"Amitabha, all benefactors, the poor monk is polite." The lamp burning Buddha shouted a Buddha's name.

"It's only three!" Nuwa said coldly.

The Supreme Demon Ancestor said without any emotion: "With two fellow Taoists joining the battle with me, we can break the Zhuxian Sword Formation."

"Don't forget that there is still this seat!" Taixuan said in a deep voice.

So what if the three saints entered the Zhuxian Sword Formation?

Taixuan will also enter, that is to say, there are only two saints who can break the formation.

"Really? What if we are added?"

At this moment, five rays of light appeared in the chaos, instantly arousing the power of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and causing the chaos to vibrate violently.

"Fifth Patriarch?" Yuan Yuan Tianzun was startled.

Didn't Tuzu already leave Daoxuan Valley? Why did they all run together again?

Yuan Yuan Tianzun didn't know that Tu Zu didn't go to fight for the deer, but returned the same way, and got Lu Ya's guidance. Today's Fifth Patriarch has set up a five-element formation, which is enough to shake the saint!

The magic way is too powerful. If the magic way does not decline, it will be very bad for Lu Ya!

That's why Lu Ya asked the Fifth Patriarch to help the Taishang Demon Ancestor. As long as he helped the Taishang Demon Ancestor succeed in rebelling, then the Demon Dao would decline.

"Then ask five fellow Taoists to help me block the Queen Mother of the West." Taishang Demon Ancestor said.

In fact, the Taishang Demon Ancestor was also overjoyed, with the help of these five people, his chance of winning was 80%!

The Queen Mother of the West is the weakest of all the sages in the evil way, and she also has the fewest magic weapons, so the Taishang Demon Patriarch asked the Fifth Patriarch to deal with the Queen Mother of the West.

"Okay!" Jin Zu responded.

They were sent by Lu Ya to help the Supreme Demon Ancestor rebel, so naturally they have no objection to what the Supreme Demon Ancestor said.


The five-element array was set up, the chaos vibrated, and the endless five-element laws gathered together.

The Fifth Patriarch turned into a beam of light that seemed to illuminate the entire chaos.


When the light faded, a giant of ten thousand feet appeared, but it was the giant of the five elements transformed by the five ancestors. This is the five elements formation after Lu Ya's guidance!

With a punch, wrapped in the law of the five elements, it has the power to destroy the world, and hit the Queen Mother of the West!

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