Saints battle in chaos.

In Chen Duzhong, Luo Hu watched the great battle in the chaos, without the slightest emotion in his eyes, watching everything with cold eyes.

The Taishang Demon Ancestor betrayed the Demon Dao, betrayed him, fought against other disciples of Mount Sumeru, and even wanted to suppress the Master Tongtian and Taixuan.

I'm afraid that at this time, the entire prehistoric power is watching Luo Hu's actions.

After all, the whole prehistoric world knew the rules of the sect that Luo Hu had set at the beginning, and members of the same sect were not allowed to kill each other, and those who violated it would be killed!

But now his chief disciple is fighting with other disciples, which has violated the rules set by Luo Hu.

A lot of great powers are waiting for Luo Hu to make a move, to see if this Demon Ancestor is really capable of killing.

Luo Hu didn't move because the battle was not over yet, and when the battle was over, he would come forward to clean up the door.

Looking at the picture in the Kunlun Mirror, Ao Zheng did not disappoint him. Pan Gu's bone marrow was of great use, which raised Ao Zheng's physical body by more than one level.

Moreover, even Ao Zheng's primordial spirit and mana have been greatly improved. Except for the realm, it can be said that Ao Zheng has not lost to any Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at all.

It is impossible to break the unchanging laws of the wild.

But now it's changed again, it's possible!

Luo Hu watched the battle with relish.

The battle between Ao Zheng and Yuan Tianzun was far more exciting than the battle between the Fifth Patriarch and the Queen Mother of the West.


Luo Hu's face changed, and he looked at the position of Abbot Island, with a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes.

If it was an ant, then Luo Hu wouldn't even look at him with disdain.

Because ants are not qualified to attract Luo Hu's attention.

The reason why he suddenly looked at Abbot Island was because Luo Hu saw Daoist Lu Ya entered Abbot Island, and wanted to confuse the monks in Xianting Island on Abbot Island to attack the monks of the Demonic Way.

"Outsiders also want to intervene in Hong Huang's affairs. They didn't care about you before, and really thought Hong Huang let you do."

Although Luo Hu was very afraid of Lord Lu Ya,

After all, when Daoist Lu Ya first entered the prehistoric world, even he was no match for that powerful aura.

However, this does not mean that Daoist Lu Ya can do whatever he wants in Honghuang.

Ignoring him once or twice, I really thought that I could be unscrupulous in the wild.

A ray of light shot out from Luo Hu's eyes, breaking through the secret and making the secret clear.

At the same time, Hongjun Daozu of Zixiao Palace suddenly opened his eyes, showing a look of anger!

Daozu Hongjun already knew everything about Fangzhang Island, but he didn't expect that Lu Ya would count on him.

But then, Daozu Hongjun became even more annoyed, because he also figured out the matter of Daoxuangu.

What a Daoist Lord Lu Ya actually dug the foot of the wall into his Hongjun Daozu!

Do you really think that Hongjun Daozu is a soft persimmon?

So what if you were strong before?

This is Honghuang, the home court of his Daoist Hongjun, and if he was angered, at worst he would be seriously injured and Lu Ya would be beheaded.

Hongjun Daozu is different from Luo Hu and Destiny Patriarch, Hongjun Daozu is the spokesperson of the way of heaven, and under special circumstances, he can fully bless the power of the way of heaven!

Luo Hu could do his best to die with Daoist Lu Ya, but Daozu Hongjun could fight a serious injury and kill Daoist Lu Ya!

However, if Taoist Hongjun and Luo Hu fight, they will not be able to fully bless the power of heaven, and it is unknown who will win and who will lose.

"If you want to plot against the poor, then the poor will let you know what will happen to you if you plot against the poor!"

Hongjun Daozu said to himself with cold eyes.

The good luck jade plate appeared behind Daozu Hongjun's head, and a ray of light shot into the void, covering up the broken secrets again.

During the period, he glanced at Mount Sumeru, with a strong look of fear in his eyes.

Luo Hu's deduction ability has surpassed him, and this broken secret should be Luo Hu's masterpiece.

However, Hongjun Daozu was not grateful, because Luo Hu did this to preserve the luck of the devil.

In terms of top combat power, Taoism may not be as good as the magic way, but if it is about the combat power of a saint, then the magic way is not as good as the Taoism.

A single force in Xianting is enough to destroy all the great religions under the evil way.

But to fight against Lu Ya, Hongjun Daozu will never be alone, he will pull Luo Hu and Destiny Patriarch no matter what.

As for the battle in the chaos, Hongjun Daozu didn't care that much, and the betrayal of Luo Hu by the Supreme Demon Ancestor was already a certainty.

The luck of the Demon Dao is greatly damaged. Although it will not make the Demon Dao disappear forever, it will also make the Demon Dao never recover from a setback.

Taiqing Daozu and Yuan Tianzun will do everything well, he only needs to deal with Lu Ya.


For some reason, the monks in Xianting Island on Abbot Island were extremely irritable, and their hostility towards the magic way was infinitely magnified.

I can't wait to leave Abbot Island immediately and go to the west to kill the monks of the magic way!

Daoist Lord Lu Ya, who was hiding in the void, saw this scene and nodded in satisfaction. His careful calculation would cause both Dao and Demon to suffer!

Let Buddhism and Taoism take advantage of the situation to rise, and he will control Buddhism and Taoism as a Buddha.

This world is not bad.

Although it is still not comparable to the top ten worlds, it has to be said that the potential of the prehistoric world is unlimited. If it is allowed to develop, it will definitely be comparable to the top ten worlds in the future.

If he turns this prehistoric world into his own, with the backing of such a world with great potential, then Lu Ya can truly stand on top of the top when he returns to the top ten worlds!


At the moment when these Xianting disciples wanted to step out of Abbot Island, their eyes were clear and clear, and they thought of the explanation of the East Prince before he left.

All showed signs of fear.

However, they didn't know that they were being calculated, but thought it was due to disaster.

"What a Hongjun, he actually ruined my big business." Lu Yahan said in a cold voice.

Only Hongjun can make these disciples recover in an instant, not even a saint.

"So what if you keep the Immortal Court? You don't know that Daoxuan Valley belongs to this seat now."

Lu Ya sneered, and his mind turned rapidly. He wanted to re-plan the battle between Dao and Demon.

Only by letting Hongjun fight Luo Hu can he benefit from it.

In the chaos, Duke Dong didn't know what happened to the cultivator in Xianting, he was struggling with Nuwa.

Women are not to be messed with!

This time, Duke Dong has a deep understanding!

Nuwa's moves are all desperate, and it's completely a way of trading injuries for injuries.

It was so crazy that Duke Dong regretted fighting Nuwa.

He was just here to delay time, not to fight desperately, but if the fight continues like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before he will be seriously injured!

But Dong Wanggong knew that he was not the worst, Yuan Yuan Tianzun was even more helpless than him.

As a sage, it took so much effort to beat an ant. It took so long, but Ao Zheng was only slightly injured.

The majestic purple-gold demon dragon actually has a trace of Pan Gu's aura on it!

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