In the secret room, Xuanyuan looked at Fuxi in a daze. He didn't expect Fuxi, who had already proved the Tao, to come to this muddy water!

But think again!

This is not muddy water, this is a matter of life and death for the human race!

As the emperor of the human race, it is natural to stand at the forefront of the human race!

At this time, Xuanyuan understood that as the co-lord of the human race, he must be ready to sacrifice for the human race at any time!

The emperor has died!

Now that the human language is about to come into the world, the eternal race is not allowed under the heaven, and the heavenly punishment is bound to come down, and this heavenly punishment is not controlled by the Supreme Demon Ancestor!

"From now on, call me Emperor Brother, you are Human Emperor."

Fuxi looked at Xuanyuan and said.

"Okay, Brother Huang." Xuanyuan said.

Fuxi took Xuanyuan out of the secret room. Now is the time when the human race is in crisis, and it is impossible to resolve the crisis with them alone!

"Man conquers nature!"

Fu Xi said firmly.

Xuanyuan behind him was shocked, these words are too imposing!

The thirty-six great sages in Chendu all came to the palace, and when they saw Fuxi and Xuanyuan coming out, they all came forward.

"Greetings to His Majesty the Emperor, and the Co-Lord." The thirty-six sages bowed respectfully.

Fuxi nodded, helped everyone up, and then said: "From now on, there is no need to call Xuanyuan the co-lord, he has already completed his merits and virtues, and has attained the status of Human Emperor."

Thirty-six great sages congratulated Xuanyuan immediately.

"Congratulations to the co-lord for being certified as the Human Emperor!"

Xuanyuan shook his head and said, "When the human race is in danger, don't mention these things."

Chendu, the ruins of the former Tiantai Temple!

Fuxi and Xuanyuan stood here, looking up at the sky, they were full of reverence for the sky!

Pray that God can bless the human race!

But now,

God wants the civilization of their human race!

Writing is the continuation of human civilization, but God wants to prevent the birth of writing!

Fuxi and Xuanyuan are angry, they no longer maintain awe of the sky, because this day is not worthy of their awe!

"Xuanyuan, do you know who said that man can conquer the sky?" Fuxi looked at Xuanyuan and said.

Xuanyuan is puzzled? Isn't that what Fuxi said?

Fuxi said lightly: "This is what the demon ancestor said when he came to the human race!

At that time, the human race had just been born, and the Holy Mother needed to strengthen the saint's cultivation, so she couldn't take care of the human race.

But the demon ancestor protected the newborn human race!

He said a word!

Man will conquer the sky, and the sky will be healthy, and the human race should strive for self-improvement! "

Xuanyuan was shocked, he didn't expect that these words came from the mouth of the Demon Ancestor!

It seems that Demon Ancestor has been paying attention to their human race!

"Now, it's time for man to conquer the sky. In this catastrophe, there won't be any great powers to help the human race. We can only get through it by ourselves!"

Fuxi took a step forward.

"I, Fuxi, the emperor of the human race, feels that my family's writing has come to the world, and the heaven has sent down the punishment of heaven. I want to prevent my family's writing from coming to the world. Now, I should use the strength of the whole family to fight against the heaven, even if the whole family perishes, I will not hesitate. !"


Fuxi's words spread throughout the prehistoric world!

The whole prehistoric world was shocked at this moment!

what happened?

Fu Xi what to say again!

Man can conquer nature!

Do the weak human race want to contend with the way of heaven?

how can that be!

The prehistoric world was boiling, and countless powerful people looked in the direction of Chen Du in an instant!

Even the sage can't sit still, openly defying the way of heaven, what is he going to do!

Is it an act against the heavens!

In the sky above the human race, sixty acres of meritorious clouds appeared, turning into billions of golden lights, reinforcing the pale yellow sky!

Today, it has become a golden sky!

Rumble! !

The entire Great Desolation dimmed, as if Heaven was angry!

The power of Heaven's Punishment has soared, it is no longer a tribulation thunder, but the Zixiao Divine Thunder that destroys the Immortal God!

God, this is trying to destroy the human race!

All saints are shocked!

The human race is probably doomed this time!

Rumble! ! !

Nine bolts of purple sky divine thunder fell and blasted the sky, causing violent ripples!

However, it still didn't break the sky, but it made the sky dim a lot!

Zixiao divine thunder, this kind of divine thunder can hurt a saint, even the most holy is hard to resist!

Countless human races felt the oppressive atmosphere. They felt that the world had changed, as if the end of their human race had arrived.

All the human races started to get excited, they didn't know what to do.


There is nowhere to escape, they are only mortals after all, they can escape there.


How can mortals fight against God?

Even ordinary gods, they can't deal with it!

next moment!

"Second Senior Brother, are we really not going to take action? Heaven's Dao has been upgraded to Heaven's Punishment, and that tribulation thunder has become Zixiao Shenlei!"

Standing behind Tongtian Cult Master, Taixuan said with a heavy face.

Master Tongtian didn't speak, but it could be seen that there was a strong fighting spirit in his eyes!

If it weren't for Luo Hu's words, Master Tongtian would have rushed into the human race and walked against the sky with the human race to see how powerful the way of heaven is!

"Second Senior Brother!" Queen Mother Xi was also extremely anxious!

In any case, the human race was created by Nuwa, and it is also a race that Luo Hu is more optimistic about!

Now that the Taishang Demon Ancestor is retreating to absorb the primordial spirit of the Taiqing Taoist Ancestor, it is up to the Master Tongtian whether or not their demonic saints will do anything.

"Master respects the decree and must not help the human race." The leader of Tongtian said.

"What!" Taixuan and Queen Mother Xi were shocked!

"How could this be?"

Taixuan and the Queen Mother of the West were very puzzled, didn't Luo Hu value the human race very much?

This time the human race is really going to perish, is Luo Hu going to give up the human race?

Could it be that Luo Hu has no certainty of winning the Dao of Heaven!

In fact, how could they know that not only did Luo Hu not take action, but he even let Hongjun stay in his Zixiao Palace honestly!

This is a matter of the human race itself, so it needs to be resolved by the human race itself!

This time the human race can't resolve it, then the human race will perish!

If the human language is born, then the human race will shine in the heavens and worlds and become an eternal race!

"Where is Sixth Junior Sister?" Taixuan asked with some concern.

"Let's stop it." The leader of Tongtian said helplessly.

Taixuan and the Queen Mother of the West all showed an unnatural expression!

The human race is in great trouble, they don't say help, but they stop the Virgin Mary of the human race to help!

It's kind of unnatural!

"Second senior brother, we..."

Before the Queen Mother of the West finished speaking, Master Tongtian said, "Master's arrangement, let's go!"

Hearing this sentence, no matter what opinion Taixuan and Queen Mother Xi had, they could only keep it in their hearts!

let's go!

The three sages of the magic way all went to Wa Palace!

Western Linga Mountain!

Burning Lamp Buddha has not recovered from the shock!

During this period of time, there were too many things that shocked him. The betrayal of the Taishang Demon Ancestor was just a calculation, a calculation that deceived the entire prehistoric world!

The purpose is to devour Taiqing Taoist ancestor!

But now the emperor of the human race actually declared the prehistoric, uttering words of open confrontation with the way of heaven!

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