Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 136 The five emperors of the human race, the anger of Luya

The human race has entered a period without fairy gods.

Regardless of whether it is a monk from the prehistoric world or a monk from the human race, they have all retreated at this time.

Origin Valley, Xuanqing Palace, inform all human monks to retreat and practice.

There are no miracles, no gods, and in just two hundred years, the people mistakenly believe that there are no gods in this prehistoric world, let alone supernatural powers!

Two hundred years is nothing to monks, it's just the blink of an eye, but for humans, two hundred years can live three lives!

Starting from Zhuanxu, the head of the five emperors, each of the following co-lords has a hobby, that is to seek immortal gods, and then get the elixir of immortality!

For the illusory immortality, the co-lord of the human race has gradually deteriorated, and is no longer working hard for the civilization of the human race wholeheartedly!

Instead, he regards the human race as a compass in his hands, and uses a lot of manpower and material resources to find the fairy fate!

The two co-masters after Zhuanxu are destined to be sad, their ending is the same as Zhuanxu's, they all end in failure!

Although Daoist Lu Ya is the emperor's teacher, Daoist Lu Ya is very puzzled, why the Taoism taught by him cannot be practiced by the co-lords of these human races!

It seems that there is some kind of curse in the dark!

The co-lord of the human race can only be a mortal, and cannot become a fairy or a god!

Lu Ya Daojun possesses the strength of a demon ancestor and Dao ancestor. It is easy for him to want the co-lord of the human race to become a fairy!

But Taoist Lu Ya doesn't want to change this predestined matter!

In other words, Lord Lu Ya was worried that after the change, Luo Hu and Hongjun would be drawn out. At that time, his merits of the Five Emperors would be gone!

For the sake of the merits of the five emperors, he also has to endure, settle down in Honghuang, and then gradually devour Honghuang and become his own world!

This allows him to return to the great world and completely join the ranks of powers!

The injury hasn't recovered yet, otherwise, Daoist Lu Ya wouldn't be afraid of anything at all, what cultivation level is he? What kind of cultivation are Luo Hu and Hongjun!

Counting the fingers, the third co-lord still has 20 years to live, Lu Yadao can only continue to ascend to the court and be his emperor teacher!

The third co-lord,

His name is Yao. Although he has a kind heart, he is also obsessed with Xunxian Tao!

Yao, who is gradually aging, has begun his tyrant era!

Sent out team after team of human armies to various sacred mountains to search for immortals and ask for medicine!

Even Yao, who has no experience in sailing, sent an army of 100,000 people into the sea on rafts, looking for fairy islands!

Because, there are records in the human race's writings that in ancient times, there were many fairy gods, and even the co-lord of the human race hundreds of years ago became a fairy god!

This made Yao very angry. As the co-lord, why Xuanyuan can become a fairy god, but he can be a mortal and enjoy the power for a lifetime!

Yao asked himself that his achievements were not inferior to Xuanyuan's, because Xuanyuan only cleared up the civil strife!

But he, Yao, unified the politics of the human race.

In the early days of Yao's administration, there was no basic national system. The country was just a tribal union, which was very loose and not conducive to the unified management of the country. Therefore, after Yao accumulated a certain amount of governance experience, he began to establish a national political system. One of the most important ones is Appoint officials according to various government affairs.

It can be said that Yao laid the foundation for the emergence of slavery countries.

Also, Yao invented the art of brewing wine and perfected the calendar!

All these achievements made Yao think that he had surpassed the ancient three emperors!

Why can't you become a fairy god!

In the imperial court, Yao was over seventy years old, and the aged Yao became irritable, without the wise and decisiveness of his youth.

"Emperor Master, you said that I have been a human race all my life, why can't I become a fairy god in the end?"

Yao looked at His Highness Lu Yadaojun, and his words were full of helplessness.

"The co-lord can definitely become a fairy god, but those generals are not good at doing things, and they haven't found the elixir for the co-lord." Daojun Lu Ya said lightly.

Hearing this, Yao felt that it was very reasonable. He surpassed the Three Emperors and deserved to become a fairy god!

Immediately, Yao said angrily: "I have made countless achievements in my life, but I have cultivated such generals. I am really angry. Come, come and sacrifice the one hundred thousand soldiers who came back from the East China Sea to God!"

Yao's anger shakes the court!

But Daoist Lu Ya doesn't care, those are all human races, they are all ants, you can kill them casually!

With the increase of age, Yao's temper became more and more irritable!

It may be God's punishment for Yao, the Yellow River that runs through the Origin Valley of the human race burst its embankment!

Half of the human race is under flooding.

In desperation, Yao stopped searching for immortals and asking for medicine, and first cured the flood!

Eighty percent of the human race took action. After ten years, the flood was solved and the embankment was consolidated!

But the good times didn't last long. Every so long, the embankment burst again, and this time it was even more fierce than the last time!

The water that broke the embankment was like a wild beast, devouring the human race.

Tens of billions of humans died in the flood!

Yao knew that he had no energy to manage the human race, and he had no way to deal with the floods, so he had to abdicate to Shun.

The first thing Shun did when he came to power was to publicly behead Yao!

He believes that all the disasters of the human race originated from Yao, so he believes that if Yao is killed, the flood will recede!

It's a pity that things are not as simple as Shun thought. The flood still exists, so he can only lead the human race to control the flood.

After eleven years of containment, the flood control was finally completed.

Let the people return to their original state, but too many people died in this flood.

The vitality of the human race has been hurt.

In order to seek merit, Shun began to carry out reforms on the human race, especially on the land. Shun can be said to have reformed the land use rights of the human race.

Let the race take another big step towards slavery!

The darkness of civilization completely exploded during the thirty years of Shun's reign.

Shun, who has done a lot of merit, began to become obsessed with seeking immortals and medicines like the previous co-masters!

This seems to be a curse, and there is no way to escape it!

When the power reaches a certain height, and people start to grow old, they start to fantasize about how wonderful it would be if they could become immortals!

Shun was even more violent than the previous co-lords. Millions of troops went to the sea to search for immortals and ask for medicine. This has already made the people cry and complain!

The most unacceptable thing for the people was that if those armies did not find the elixir after they returned, they would be executed by Shun!

Another ten years have passed!

The Yellow River broke its embankment again, and the human race fell into flood again. At this time, Shun was too old to control the water.

Therefore, Shun asked the minister Gun to control the water, and Gun controlled the water according to the previous methods, to block it!

It took six years to solve the flood problem!

But Gun felt that this was not a long time, so in the next time, Gun began to study how to completely eliminate the flood!

In the eighth year, the flood once again came to the human race. This time, the entire human race was submerged!

Shun was furious!

He was worried that the human race complained that he offended the gods and caused the flood again. After all, after the flood was cured, he began to search for immortals and medicines!

In order to excuse himself, Shun executed Gun, declaring that it was because Gun was not good at controlling the water, which caused the human race to face extinction!

But how could Shun, who was nearly ninety years old, manage the floods himself?

So he was in the court and asked who would rule the human race on his behalf and manage the floods!

Above the court, no one answered!

They were all worried about what would happen to Gun!

But one person approached Shun and said that he was going to control the flood, and there was a way to control the water!

This person is the son of Gun, Dayu!

He followed his father to control the flood since he was a child, and later he worked with his father on how to completely eliminate the flood!

Now his father was beheaded by Shun because he took the place of Shun!

Dayu felt hatred in his heart, but Dayu couldn't see that the people of the human race were in the flood, so he stood up and wanted to control the water and completely eliminate the flood!

When Shun saw Dayu coming to plead for orders and knew that his father was Gun, Shun was overjoyed immediately, because Gun had successfully controlled the flood once, so Dayu followed his father to control the flood since he was a child, so naturally he has some skills!

Shun asked Dayu to rule the human race on his behalf, and went to control the water!

But in the second year of flood control, Shun died of old age in Chendu!

Dayu could only know Chendu, took over the position of co-lord, and then continued to go to various parts of the human race to control the flood!

Although he controlled the water, Dayu cared about the people even more.

Dayu cared about the sufferings of the people. Once, seeing a man who was so poor that he sold his child, Yu redeemed the child. Seeing that some people had nothing to eat, he asked Hou Ji to distribute the only food to the people.

Yu wore tattered clothes, ate poor food, and lived in a simple tent. Every day, he personally held a Lei and took the lead in doing the hardest and dirtiest work.

Over the past few years, the hair on his legs and arms has lost all his hair, thick calluses formed on his palms and soles, his body is withered, and his face is dark.

After thirteen years of hard work, they opened up countless mountains, dredged countless rivers, and built countless dams, so that all the rivers in the world flowed into the sea, and finally succeeded in controlling the water.

The flood was cured. The land that had just receded from the flood was too wet, so Yu asked Yifa to give seeds to the people and teach them how to grow rice.

During these thirteen years, Dayu passed through the house three times but did not enter, which was regarded as a good story by the human race.

After the flood was completely eradicated, Dayu took his wife to Chendu to share the family happiness.

But during Dayu's 23rd year in power, some people rebelled, and Dayu went to conquer.

Although the victory, but let the vitality of the race once again seriously injured!

In order to consolidate his power, Dayu created a kingdom, perfected his political power, and established the first dynasty in the history of the human race... Xia Dynasty!

Dayu changed his name to Xia Yu!

Proclaim yourself king!

He even said it.

In the whole world, could it be the king's land leading the land, could it be the king's ministers!

The human race has completely entered the era of slavery. In order to reflect his majesty, Xia Yu built a palace in Chendu.

In order to centralize the power, Dayu divided the world into nine states, and all the outside of the nine states are barbarians, not the orthodox human race!

This time, Dayu directly divided the Jiuli tribe out and was not recognized as an orthodox human race!

Every co-owner can't escape that curse in the end!

Every co-lord has an unknown old age.

Xia Yu has power in the world, but he can't control time, and he will grow old.

When Xia Yu was seventy years old, he began to search for immortals and ask for medicine, and this time his movements were not at all erroneous!

All Kyushu in the world sent a large number of soldiers up the mountain and into the sea to find the elixir!

Xia Yu wants to live forever, he wants to be the eternal king!

This search lasted for more than thirty years!

Xia Yu knew that his time was numbered, and if he could not find the elixir, he might have the same fate as those previous co-masters, dying of old age!

So Xia Yu collected all the copper in the world, refined the Jiuding, used the tripod to control the Kyushu, and tried to change his fate against the sky!

Of course, this method was handed over to Dayu by Daoist Lu Ya, and he is the emperor teacher of every co-lord!

The day when the Nine Tripods are refined, the sky will be ominous!

It rained heavily for nine consecutive days, and Xia Yu died in the heavy rain.

However, Jiuding was suppressed in Kyushu respectively.

If there are immortals who leave the customs, they will definitely be able to see that there is a light curtain above the Kyushu, which seems to be guarding the Kyushu!

After Xia Yu died, his throne was inherited by his son!

The human race has entered the direct inheritance system from the Zen position system!

Above the sky, Daoist Lu Ya is overjoyed!

The period of the five emperors has finally passed, and he has been dormant in the human race for three hundred years!

Finally able to obtain the merits of the five emperors, he will settle down in Honghuang!

He wants to devour the prehistoric world!

He wants to use the prehistoric world as a springboard to shake up the top ten worlds!

Looking at the sky, Lu Yadao Junjing waited for the merits from the nine heavens to come down!

This class is one year, but the merits have not yet been lowered from the nine heavens!

Lu Ya was furious, why did he support the Five Emperors, but did not confer any merit!

In the previous human race, there appeared a thousand mu of merit and virtue Qingyun!

Lu Ya doesn't ask for more, one hundred acres is enough. He doesn't want to become a saint, nor does he want to become a Hunyuan!

He just wants a hundred acres of meritorious deeds to celebrate the cloud, and then settle down in Honghuang!

But even with such a request, Heavenly Dao has not given any merit at all, so naturally it will not satisfy him!

Daoist Lu Ya was furious, and his terrifying aura caused the billions of trillions of space to collapse!

In the human race, he humbly advised those co-lords for three hundred years!

As a result, the Dao of Heaven did not send any merit!

In a fit of rage, Lu Ya smashed through the void with a punch, and he wanted to enter the void sea to find the way of heaven!

Although he was seriously injured, his strength has dropped a lot. It can be said that his current strength is not as good as one ten-thousandth of his peak period!

But his arrogance cannot tolerate such an insult from Heaven!

But how would Daoist Lu Ya know that the way of heaven is still recovering now, and the whole prehistoric period has entered a period of no cause and effect!

Still want merit?

You can't even calculate the secret!

In chaos!

Wa Huang Tian, ​​Nu Wa suddenly opened her eyes, pinched her fingers and counted, three hundred years had come.

Luo Huran should do what she did.

Nu Wa showed a smile, according to what Luo Hu said, the current Daoist Hongjun might be confronting the Dao of Heaven in the Sea of ​​Void!

Hongjun Daozu wants to refine the way of heaven and take the whole prehistoric land as his own!

And the way of heaven is fair, naturally he will not let Honghuang become private!

So there must be a stalemate now!

"Master, I didn't expect you to become more and more sinister now."

Nuwa murmured to herself.

If Luo Hu hears this, I'm afraid he will spit out a mouthful of old blood. This is what a disciple said!

Have you ever seen such a disciple say that the master is respected?

But Luo Hu is destined not to hear it, he has entered a deep retreat now!

He didn't want to miss this great opportunity, and he wanted to break through his cultivation this time!

I don't know how many years, Luo Hu has never felt the thrill of breaking through his cultivation!

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