Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 18 The Proud Monkey King

According to Nuwa's words, the three monsters of Xuanyuan Tomb were overjoyed. They are only golden immortals now, because their understanding is not good enough. In this great world, it is a luxury to become a Daluo Jinxian.

As for the true fruit, it is even more unimaginable, because the true fruit in the great world is at least the realm of quasi-sages.

The three demons are vixen spirit, pipa spirit and pheasant spirit.

Let them mess up the harem, that is definitely the right person.

After Nuwa left, the vixen was the smartest and began to look for a way to enter the palace.

the next day.

When King Zhou came to court, Shang Rong and Bigan stood up together above the main hall.

"Your Majesty, please choose another day to go to the Nuwa Palace to worship and pray for the forgiveness of the Nuwa Empress."

Civil and military officials have also heard about yesterday's events, and they are all worried. After all, Nuwa is a goddess and a saint of the human race. If she is furious, the Shang Dynasty may be exhausted.

King Zhou was very puzzled, Shang Rong and Bigan, one was the old prime minister and the other was the uncle Wang, why did they ask him to go to Nuwa Palace to make amends?

Didn't I drop the incense yesterday?

I also have great respect for Empress Nuwa!

"You two lovers, what is the meaning of this? Could it be that yesterday was not devout enough?"

King Zhou asked suspiciously.

Shang Rong and Bigan almost vomited blood!


How could what happened yesterday have something to do with piety?

"Your Majesty, you wrote a yin poem in the Nuwa Palace yesterday, blaspheming the Nuwa Empress, please go to the Nuwa Palace to make amends."

In order to take the overall situation into consideration, Shang Rong risked his life.

The king deliberately pretends to be confused, and the courtiers should accompany them to pretend to be confused. How can there be someone like Shang Rong?

King Zhou was not angry, but shocked!

He remembered that he was very pious yesterday and did not do anything blasphemous!

But why did the old prime minister say that?

King Zhou was not a tyrant,

Not even a brutal character.

Looking at the civil and military officials, the expression on his face was obviously that he had done some drastic actions yesterday, why did he not know anything about it?

King Zhou was puzzled, but nodded anyway.

"Alright, Gu Ming will go to Nuwa Palace to make amends."

After finishing speaking, the expression in King Zhou's eyes suddenly changed, as if he was a different person.

And all of this, Ya Bigan saw it for real, because Ya Bigan had a delicate heart.

"Sitting alone in Kyushu and all over the world, all the beauties in the world are lonely, why doesn't Empress Nuwa come to serve Gu!"

King Zhou's sudden words made all the civil and military officials in the hall kneel down.

"You know how to kneel. When Gu is facing difficulties, but you can't help Gu, what's the use of you!"

King Zhou was furious.

At this time, the two doctors looked at each other and walked out.

"My lord, Empress Nuwa is a goddess, how could she come to the mortal world, but we know that there is a woman in the mortal world who is as beautiful as Empress Nuwa."

These two senior officials are none other than Fei Zhongyouhun.

King Zhou was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly said: "Okay, as the two lovers said, where is this woman, if Gu Gu finds you, I will make you a senior doctor!"


Shang Rong wanted to say something, but was held back by Bigan.

"Don't talk too much, the old prime minister, and go to my house to discuss countermeasures after the next court."

Bigan whispered to Shang Rong.

"Your Majesty, this woman is the daughter of Hou Suhu of Jizhou. It is rumored that this woman is a fairy who is the most beautiful in the world."

"Haha... I will give you five days to let this woman appear in front of Gu!" King Zhou said loudly.

After retiring from the court, Fei Zhongyouhun asked King Zhou for a letter, and then went to Jizhou.

They want to become a senior doctor, which is second only to the prime minister's official position!

At Bigan's mansion, old Prime Minister Shang Rong came and was invited to discuss with Bigan about matters concerning the palace.

"You are Uncle Wang, why didn't you stop the king at that time, there is no such thing as a king begging a courtier for a woman!" Shang Rong said angrily.

"The old prime minister calmed down. It's not that I didn't say anything, but that I couldn't stop it. You didn't see the look in the king's eyes, and you changed completely." Bigan said.

"What's going on, please explain clearly." Shang Rong said quickly.

"I suspect that the king is controlled by evil cultivators, but after all, the king is the co-lord of the human race and can resist some evil spells. This also presents the scene in the palace. His Majesty's behavior before and after is completely two people."

Shang Rong heard the words and felt that it made sense, but they were only mortals, how could they suppress evil cultivators?

"You and I will write a letter to the grand master together, asking him to turn against the court quickly. With the supernatural power of the grand master, we will surely be able to subdue the evil cultivators."

Bigan said.

Shang Rong nodded, and the two quickly started to move.


The East China Sea Dragon Palace, Ao Guang was really unlucky, a monkey hit the Dragon Palace, and they couldn't fight back.

Because, the aura on this monkey is the Nine-Turn Magic Art, no, it is the aura of the Nine-Turn Hunyuan.

It's the same breath as their Dragon Emperor.

This is the secret method not taught by Mount Meru, even if it is a direct disciple of Mount Meru, there are not many of them who can change the Nine Revolutions of Hunyuan.

But this monkey can, and obviously has a great relationship with the Demon Ancestor.

Therefore, although the monkey's cultivation base is not very good, but they dare not do anything to the monkey, they can only serve it as a master.

"Monarch, please sit down."

"This is the best fairy fruit in the East China Sea. Would you like to try it?"

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was full of flattery.

There is no way, this is the master who cultivated the ninth revolution of Hunyuan.

When he came to the East China Sea, Monkey King didn't expect that the old dragon king would respect him so much, he suddenly felt a sense of arrogance.

Gradually, Sun Wukong had an idea in his heart, that is, the world is so big that he can go anywhere.

"Old Dragon King, my grandson did not come to your Dragon Palace to eat your fairy fruit." Sun Wukong said.

"Oh? What's the matter? Demon Lord, please tell me, if the old dragon can do it, it will definitely be done for the Demon Lord."

Ao Guang said solemnly.

Sun Wukong was very helpful when he heard Ao Guang's words, so he nodded.

"Give me tens of thousands of these fairy fruits first, and my old grandson will bring them back for the monkeys to try."

"It's easy to say, easy to say."

"Secondly, my old grandson is here to find a weapon. I heard that the Dragon Palace is rich. Can the old Dragon King give my old grandson a convenient weapon?"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, Ao Guang laughed, thinking why, it turned out to be such a trivial matter.

Dang even ordered to go on.

"Go get the three-tooth sea fork for the devil."

Afterwards, Ao Guang said to Sun Wukong: "If such a small matter is left to the old dragon, he will definitely find a magical weapon for the demon king."

"Then I would like to thank the old Dragon King." Sun Wukong laughed.

Then he said: "If you encounter any difficulties in the future, just come to Huaguo Mountain and find my grandson."

At this time, Sun Wukong completely regards himself as a great power, and there is nothing Honghuang can't do by himself.

But Ao Guang took it seriously, because Sun Wukong practiced Hunyuan Nine Revolutions.

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