Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 39 Demon Realm in Palm, Antiy Conference

Above the heavenly court, the Master Taixuan sat cross-legged on top of the twelfth-grade exterminating black lotus, his tall body was full of majesty.

No one knew that Taixuan was just pretending. Although Taixuan's character was not the most lively among the seven great demon gods, there was no sign of dignity either.

He stretched out his magic hand and let Monkey King jump up.

When Sun Wukong yelled 'go'.

In an instant, Sun Wukong made a somersault, and at the same time, Taixuan's magic hand became bigger and bigger.

Even though he flew a hundred and eight thousand miles, Sun Wukong was still in Taixuan's palm.

Sun Wukong is the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and he can turn over a hundred somersaults in an instant, that is to say, Sun Wukong can fly more than ten million miles in an instant.

But so what?

Who is Tai Xuan?

The third Demon God under the Demon Ancestor, the body is Huang Zhongli, the first innate spiritual root in the prehistoric world, with supreme power.

All the gods in the heavenly court looked at Taixuan's palm. In fact, Taixuan's hand didn't change at all. The only thing that changed was that Monkey King became smaller and smaller.

Taixuan's magic hand turned into an immeasurable world, such a world, even if Monkey King somersaulted and cramped, it is impossible to fly out of Taixuan's palm.

The demon world in the palm of your hand, this is the immeasurable supernatural power comprehended by Taixuan, can actually be cracked by Monkey King?

Although Sun Wukong has become the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he is still far from Taixuan, and Sun Wukong's training time is too short.

Even with the same level of cultivation, Taixuan can crush Sun Wukong.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Sun Wukong didn't know how many somersaults he had in Taixuan's hands, even he himself felt dizzy, the palm was too big, even the big Monkey King was a little desperate.

If I had known this earlier, my grandson would not compare his speed with him. How better than change?

Hunyuan Nine Revolutions has a myriad of changes.

But what Sun Wukong didn't know was that if it was more than change, he would lose even worse. Taixuan practiced the Taishi Demon Sutra, which is a change from the Beginless Demon Sutra.

It is all-encompassing and infinitely varied.

If it is to compare the magic weapon, there is no need to compare it. The magic weapon in Taixuan's hands is beyond the prehistoric world, and few people can match it.

All the gods in the heavenly court burst out laughing when they saw Sun Wukong flying hard in Taixuan's palm.

During this period of time, they cooperated in acting, which can be said to be very depressed.

Haotian's expression was full of joy, obviously, he also felt very relieved that Taixuan teased Monkey King.

The expressions of the gods are all in Taixuan's eyes, and now this farce can be brought to an end.

Taixuan's heart moved, and five heavenly pillars appeared in the demon world in his palm.

Monkey King saw the five heavenly pillars, and was overjoyed immediately, thinking that he had come to the end of the wilderness, but thinking about it, he did not know how many somersaults he turned, and it should be the end of the wilderness by this time.

Looking at the bottom, there is no longer Taixuan's palm.

"After all, my old grandson is better." Sun Wukong smiled, and now he is going to turn back and become the emperor of heaven.


Sun Wukong thought of one thing, he came to the end of the prehistoric world, it is true, but what if the gods in the Heavenly Court do not admit it?

Especially the Taixuan leader, what if he doesn't admit it?

Thinking of this, Monkey King took out the golden cudgel and turned it into a writing brush, and wrote the big characters of "dragon, flying and phoenix dancing" on the Tianzhu.

Monkey King, Monkey King, came here for a visit.

After finishing writing, Monkey King showed a mysterious smile. He had to do double insurance, approaching the Tianzhu, and Monkey King was going to release the water.


Monkey King only felt the whole world trembling. He was so startled that he lost the urge to urinate in an instant, and quickly looked up.


Master Taixuan, the gods of heaven? What's the matter?

Monkey King was shocked, didn't he know that he had reached the end of the prehistoric world? Why are all these people here.

"Pohou, you are out of control." Taixuan Hierarch said in a cold voice with a dark face.

Originally, Monkey King was scribbling on his fingers, which already made him a little angry, but he didn't expect Monkey King to want to pee.

This made Taixuan leader intolerable.

"Why are you here?"

"Cheating, yes, you must have cheated, don't count, don't count, my old grandson won't gamble."

Sun Wukong already knew in his heart that the Taixuan leader had great supernatural powers, and he probably was not an opponent. Now he can only renege on his debts, and then feels like leaving the heaven.

When the Taixuan leader is gone, he will seize the position of Emperor of Heaven again.

But everything in the world is not as beautiful as he thought, and this was originally a calculation against him.

"Puhou, I would like to bet and admit defeat."

The Taixuan leader flipped his hand, and Sun Wukong's mana was instantly restrained, and he began to fall down quickly, and Taixuan's magic hand also turned into endless rocks and fell to the heaven.

At the western border of Dashang, a divine monkey descended from the sky, and then countless rocks fell, turning into a Wuzhi mountain, pressing the divine monkey under the mountain.

In heaven, everyone is happy.

Taixuan looked at Haotian and said indifferently: "Thank you for your help, the emperor of heaven, this monkey should also experience some experience."

"Fellow Daoist, you are very polite." Although Haotian is the Emperor of Heaven, his status is still quite different from that of Taixuan, so naturally he dare not put on airs in front of Taixuan.

"Master has something to say, the heavens help the demons, this is in line with the general trend, so the master extended a branch of the World Tree to the heavens for the gods of the heavens to practice."

As Taixuan said, he stretched out his hand and waved, a tree branch stretched out in the void, appearing above the heavenly court, but it was only nine feet long.

Even so, hundreds of gods can practice. This is the world tree, the best treasure to assist cultivation.

Haotian was overjoyed, as expected, following the Demon Ancestor was a hundred times better than following the Dao Ancestor!

"The demon ancestor is merciful and boundless, and Haotian will remember it in his heart." Haotian hurriedly knelt down to the western Mount Sumeru.

The gods also followed Haotian to kneel down and worship.

They are all arrogant gods, but they all know that in the eyes of the Demon Ancestor, they are just ants, even the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is just an ant in the eyes of the Demon Ancestor.

"This is a gourd with three lights, and it was also bestowed by Master."

Taixuan handed a gourd to Haotian, and then disappeared into the heaven.

Haotian was overjoyed, Sanguang Shenshui, this is a rare treasure.

Haotian, who was so happy, hosted a feast for the gods at the Antiian Conference held in the Heavenly Court.

However, the Taixuan Hierarch has already left, but if you think about it carefully, how could the majestic Demon God participate in such a banquet.

All of a sudden, above the heavenly court, the grand Antiian Conference was held, and all the gods came to the fairyland.

There are all kinds of spiritual fruits and fairy fruits, fine nectar and jade dew.

There are even celestial maidens dancing on the dance floor. For a while, the fairyland is very lively.

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