Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 56 Here comes the seller of the magic lotus seal

Shen Gongbao's shout made everyone in the square quiet down.

Not far away, thirty-six large sedan chairs were slowly approaching. This sedan chair was extremely gorgeous, like a walking palace.

This is King Zhou's dragon, but this time it was carried by manpower.

There were thousands of imperial guards in front of Long Lun, followed by hundreds of civil and military officials.

King Zhou, Wentao and Wulue, opened up the territory and expanded the land, governed the country in Anbang, and the people of Chaoge City loved King Zhou very much.

King Zhou, Long Huan, landed before reaching the square, and then King Zhou walked out of Long Huan, followed by the virtuous concubine Daji.

It has to be said that Daji is very self-aware. She knows that she is a monster and cannot be a queen, so when King Zhou repeatedly asked her to be queen, Daji always politely refused.

And Daji didn't want Queen Jiang to abdicate, even though Queen Jiang didn't contribute much to Da Shang.

But as a woman, lack of talent is virtue!

All the people bowed down.

"Meet the king, long live the king, long live the king."

"Meet your majesty, your majesty is a thousand years old."

King Zhou walks like a dragon and walks like a tiger, while Daji has a dignified phoenix posture.

The people in Chaoge City also know that Daji is a monster, and they also know that she is a vixen, but none of the people say that Daji is bad.

Because the national policies designated by Daji to help Wang Shu Bigan are all beneficial to the people.

So for Daji, the common people have great respect.

King Zhou is the co-lord of the human race, and his status is equivalent to that of a quasi-sage. Some demon monks on the square also salute King Zhou.

In fact, among the demonic monks watching on the square, there were not many quasi-sages, but they all saluted King Zhou.

Because they more or less felt the co-lords of this life, probably the same as the Three Emperors in ancient times.

You must know that the current Fuxi and Xuanyuan are both at the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

came to the square,

King Zhou looked at the hundreds of thousands of people and raised his hand: "They are all flat."

King Zhou was blessed with dragon energy. Although he was not cultivated, his voice was so loud that the common people could hear it.

Afterwards, King Zhou looked at Jushang, feeling a little disappointed, because Jushang was thin, fair-skinned and handsome, with a pretty fair face.

If this is going to the Western Paradise to learn Buddhist scriptures, how can one endure the hardships on the way.

"Your Majesty, this is the Great Demon Jushang. Today, he fought against hundreds of magicians with tongues. His face is not red and he is not out of breath. All the officials admire him." Shen Gongbao said in front of King Zhou.

Although King Zhou was not optimistic about Jushang, but thinking of what Wen Zhong said, coupled with Shen Gongbao's words, he began to look at Jushang differently.

"Little devil Jushang pays homage to the king." Jushang hurriedly saluted King Zhou.

"The great devil does not need to be polite. Today the great devil stands out. He is willing to become a brother with the big devil, and build a devil temple for the big devil to enjoy the worship of the people of the big merchants."

"Your Majesty can't, how dare a little devil set up a demon temple."

After Jushang knew that he had won, he might go to the west to worship demons and ask for scriptures, and become a brother with King Zhou, which is to go on behalf of King Zhou.

So Jushang will not refuse this point, but the establishment of the Demon Palace is different.

There are so many great powers of magic, but how many have their own magic hall?

I'm afraid I can count them with both hands.

He is just a little devil, how dare he set up a devil temple?

No matter what, Jushang would not set up the Demon Palace. King Zhou was very puzzled by Jushang's refusal, because he didn't know that the hierarchy in the Demonic Way was strict.

In front of hundreds of thousands of people, King Zhou and Ju Shang became brothers with different surnames, and made Ju Shang king.

It was also decided that Jushang went to the west to worship the devil and ask for sutras.

After everything was done, King Zhou was going back to the palace to discuss with all civil and military officials the day to learn Buddhist scriptures.

At this moment, a voice rang out from the square.

"Sell the magic lotus, sell the magic seal..."

"Sitting on my lotus platform, you won't enter reincarnation, hell, suffering, and natural disasters."

"Handling my magic seal can command all demons, call heaven and earth, reverse yin and yang, and move mountains and seas."

An old man in a black robe was accompanied by a boy. On the boy's hands, there was a lotus platform in one hand and a magic seal in the other.

Some curious people asked, "Old man, how did you sell the magic lotus and the magic seal?"

The black-robed old man said: "90,000 taels of gold from the magic lotus, and 60,000 taels of gold from the magic seal. If you have a destiny with my demon, you won't take any money, and you will give it away."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone gasped.

90,000 taels of gold, 60,000 taels of gold, what kind of concept is this?

One hundred and fifty thousand taels of gold!

Jiang Ziya's good friend Song Yiren Zai Chaoge is also a well-known rich man, but all his belongings are not 150,000 taels!

At best, no more than 50,000 taels.

In the entire Chaoge City, there is probably not a single wealthy businessman with 150,000 taels.

It can be said that there are not many big merchants who can afford the magic lotus and magic seal.

I am afraid that only King Zhou can sell it on this square. Some smart people have thought of it, and this is probably aimed at King Zhou.

"The Great Demon Jushang came to discuss the Dao, but he didn't even have a lotus platform, and he was standing there all the time. The old man's magic lotus is a rare treasure, which can be big or small. If it is obtained by the Great Demon Jushang, then it will The majestic magic power of Shangju Damo."

"Indeed, this magic lotus and magic seal are very suitable for Jushang Great Demon."

"But the price is a bit expensive, 150,000 taels of gold!"

"Great Demon Jushang is going to the west to worship the devil and ask for scriptures. If there are magic lotuses and magic seals guarding him, the possibility of obtaining the scriptures will be even greater."

Everyone started talking.

Among the crowd, Hou Tu looked at Luo Hu and said, "I seem to understand a little bit. A play directed and acted by Mo Dao will let the whole Honghuang join in, and use the energy of the catastrophe to attract the origin of the Honghuang. Demon ancestor, you want to use Honghuang The origin creates the heavenly realm!"

"Everything can't escape your eyes." Luo Hu said with a smile.

Although what Houtu said was not entirely correct, he was also quite right.

Sure enough, amidst the discussions, King Zhou spoke out.

"Let that old man come forward and speak." King Zhou ordered.

Immediately, a minister came to the old man in black robe and called the old man to King Zhou.

"The magic lotus and magic seal are really as magical as you said?" King Zhou asked.

"If you believe it, you have it, if you don't believe it, you don't have it." The old man said lightly.

This is a little irritating, which is no different from lying.

King Zhou was a little angry.

But Shen Gongbao said in King Zhou's ear: "Your Majesty, don't be angry. The magic lotus and magic seal should be real. This old man is probably transformed by the power of the magic way."

Hearing this, King Zhou had an idea in his mind, looked at Ju Shang, and said, "My brother, what do you think of this magic lotus and magic seal?"

Ju Shang looked at the magic lotus and the magic seal. For some reason, he felt that the magic lotus and the magic seal had a sense of familiarity.

It seems to be recorded in the magic scriptures.

"Your Majesty, this may be the Twelfth Grade Extinguishing Black Lotus, the Supreme Treasure of the Demon Dao, and the Shi Demon Seal, the Supreme Treasure of Demonic Merit and Virtue, which cannot be measured in gold."

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