Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 97 Wang Shu's Resoluteness

In the chaos, endless chaotic air currents and chaotic winds are flooding!

The eternal Zixiao Palace is located in the chaos!

Daoist Hongjun looked at Luo Hu with a deep expression, and his eyes were full of anger!

What Luo Hu said was too explicit, it was a threat to him, a naked threat!

"Are you threatening the poor Taoist?" Daozu Hongjun looked at Luo Hu and said every word.

"It can be understood in this way." Luo Hu stared at Daozu Hongjun closely, not wanting to let it go!

"Xi He has come to Zixiao Palace, and Pindao has agreed to join forces with her to deal with you? As for who is behind her? Pindao doesn't know, and doesn't want to know. If you fight now, then Pindao will accompany you!"

Daoist Hongjun changed his previous style and said such cruel words to Luo Hu!

You know, Hongjun Daozu in the past was always thinking about everything he did, but today he will face Luo Hu directly!

"Hongjun Daozu, give Xihe the position to me, I don't care about your struggle, Xihe will die!"

Wang Shu spoke suddenly, and it was firm words!

Regardless of whether it was Luo Hu and Hongjun Daozu, when they spoke just now, although one was tougher than the other, there was room for both of them!

Obviously, they don't want to fight now, but there is no room for Wang Shu's words now!

The tone is full of determination!

Luo Hu looked at Wang Shu, he knew what Wang Shu was thinking, Xi He's betrayal left a scar in Wang Shu's heart forever!

There is only one way to smooth things over, kill Xi He!

I'm afraid it's not just Wang Shu who wants to kill Xihe now, even Patriarch Fate wants to kill Xihe!

After all, Patriarch Destiny was Xihe's later master.

Hongjun Daozu looked at Wang Shu complicatedly, he knew that there was no room for Wang Shu's words!

Once Wang Shu and Wang Shu just get up, there is only one result, and they will do it directly in Zixiao Palace!

And it's the kind of immortality!

Daozu Hongjun looked at Wang Shu, and said in a deep voice: "Xi He came to Zixiao Palace and discussed with the poor Taoist how to deal with Luo Hu. As for her position, fellow Taoist, do you think she will sue the poor Taoist?"

Wang Shu glanced at Hongjun Daozu, knowing that this was not a lie, then looked at Luo Hui and said, "This time, I must kill her myself!"

He failed to kill Xi He three times, so Wang Shu must kill Xi He this time!

Otherwise, the inner demon will breed, even Luo Hu can't help Wang Shu.

Luo Hu took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, she will die!"

Afterwards, Luo Hu looked at Taoist Hongjun, the look in his eyes changed, he was thinking about what Hongjun said just now!

Because Hongjun said that he would unite with Xihe to deal with him, then this Xihe must have the cultivation base of the Dao of Heaven!

And I don't know if there is anyone behind Xi He, this is what Luo Hu is concerned about!

If Xi He returns with a world, then this is very dangerous, especially for the current prehistoric world!

At this time, Honghuang is in a state of chaos, and Journey to the West and Conferring the Gods are going on at the same time, so that the entire Honghuang's creatures are in catastrophe!

If at this time, a world came to the prehistoric world to make wind and rain, then the prehistoric world would be completely over!

At that time, there is no need to wait for the top ten worlds to come, Hong Huang has already disappeared in the chaos!

Hongjun is also looking at Luo Hui, just as Luo Hui thought, Hongjun is also worried about Honghuang!

Therefore, Hongjun will definitely not combine the power of the outside world to deal with Luo Hu, even if he wants to deal with it, he will rely on the power of his own world!

When facing outsiders, they will maintain a tacit understanding!

At this moment, two pressures descended at the same time!

It was Destiny Patriarch and Lord Lu Ya, they both came to Zixiao Palace!

Originally, they wanted to inquire before coming in, but they sensed Luo Hu's aura, and they rushed in directly, with Hongjun and Luo Hu joining forces beside them!

But in the main hall, I found two sides at war!

"What's going on?" Lu Ya asked Daozu Hongjun via voice transmission.

Daozu Hongjun did not answer Daojun Lu Ya,

Instead, he looked at Luo Hu and said, "This prehistoric, impoverished dao is the ancestor of Dao, and the whole prehistoric is impoverished!"

Hongjun Daozu's words are obvious, that means, this prehistoric land is mine, how could I invite a pack of wolves to enter?

Luo Hu was not angry, but very happy, because Luo Hu could control himself, but he couldn't control others!

Once there is great power to unite with the outside world, it will be difficult for even Luo Hu to find out!

At that time, the damage to Honghuang will be great!

At this time, Destiny Patriarch looked at Hongjun Daozu and asked, "Did Xihe come to your place?"

As soon as the ancestor of fate said this, Taoist Hongjun was stunned for an instant, and then he thought of a possibility!

"Where did Xihe go to you?" Daozu Hongjun asked hastily.

Ancestor Destiny looked at Luo Hu, Wang Shu and Lu Ya Taoist Lord, then nodded.

"Have you agreed?" Daozu Hongjun's tone suddenly became serious.

"Hmph! Do you think this seat will agree?" the ancestor of fate snorted coldly!

"Okay, it's fine if you don't agree!" Daozu Hongjun breathed a sigh of relief!

Because Taoist Hongjun knew that once he agreed, the consequences would be in his eyes.

Luo Hu looked at the Destiny Patriarch, and so did Lu Ya!

They couldn't understand what the Destiny Patriarch and Hongjun Daozu said at all!

"What are you talking about?" Daoist Lu Ya was a little confused, he couldn't understand at all!

This is still an ally, a total of three people, one thing, two people know, one person does not know, what kind of ally is this?

The ancestor of Destiny looked at Luo Hu, and when he saw Luo Hu's bewildered eyes, he instantly understood that Hongjun hadn't told Luo Hu.

Immediately said: "Xi He has returned, and brought a world with him. In this world, there are three peaks of the Heavenly Dao Realm. They want to unite with me and Hongjun to kill you!"

Luo Hu smiled, looked at the ancestor of Destiny and said, "You didn't agree?"

"What do you mean?" Destiny Patriarch said with a deep expression!

Although he wanted Luo Hu to die, he had his own bottom line, and he would never let outsiders interfere in Hong Huang's affairs!

Even if the people in the wilderness break the sky, it is their own people who are fighting, but once outsiders are added, then the fight will deteriorate!

This is betraying the whole world!

"Do you know how to find Xihe? If possible, I want to enter that world and have a look, and kill Xihe by the way!" Luo Hu said flatly.

"I know, but why tell you?" the ancestor of fate smiled lightly.

How could the ancestor of Destiny not know the cause and effect of Wang Shu and Xi He, he just wants to get some benefits from Luo Hu now!

If there is no benefit, he will say it, after all, the ancestor of fate also wants Xihe to die!

"If you want benefits, you can! During the war, I will spare your life!" Luo Hu said seriously.

Ancestor Destiny frowned, he asked Luo Hu to benefit him, not to make Luo Hu sick of him!

Thinking of this, Ancestor Destiny was furious, but Ancestor Destiny was already used to Luo Hu, and any words could come out of Luo Hu's mouth!

"The place, I can tell you, but you can't enter it now!" the ancestor of fate said lightly.

"Why?" Luo Hu asked suspiciously.

"Once you go in, three powers at the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm will besiege you. Do you think you will be able to come out within a hundred years?"

The ancestor of Destiny looked at Luo Hu with a smile. This sentence directly hit Luo Hu's vitals!

If it goes in, I'm afraid it won't come out within a hundred years, after all, it's the power of the three peaks of the heavenly realm!

In a hundred years, Journey to the West and Conferring the Gods are all over, and by then the Demon Dao may have perished!

Therefore, Rahu cannot enter!

You can't go in for at least a hundred years!

"I'll go!" Wang Shu looked at Luo Hu and said.

This time, Hongjun, fate, and Lu Ya were bewildered. Luo Hu couldn't go, and now Luo Hu's wife went in instead!

Although Wang Shu has a cultivation base at the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm, his round combat power is still a bit behind them!

If you enter that world, you may not be able to come back!

Therefore, Luo Hu directly refused: "No!"

There are three peaks of the Dao realm in that world. As for the powers of other realms, I don't know yet. Once something happens, I'm afraid it will be too late to regret it!

But Wang Shu shook his head and said: "I didn't know Xi He's trace before, so I could bear it, but now I know Xi He's trace, I must kill her!"

century? Wang Shu can't wait for a hundred years!

Even Wang Shu can wait, but the heart demon can't wait!

Luo Hu took a deep breath, he looked at Wang Shu, and Wang Shu also looked at him firmly!

Luo Hu knew that this time, he might not be able to persuade Wang Shu, but it was too dangerous to go to that world!

If they go together, then the magic way will be gone, and those disciples of his will perish!

It is impossible for Luo Hu to leave!


Luo Hu thought of someone!

That is Hou Tu, if Hou Tu can follow Wang Shu into that world, this will definitely make Wang Shu feel peaceful!

However, this is a bit difficult, it seems that Hou Tu and Wang Shu's personalities are a bit different!

Especially recently!

Thinking of this, Luo Hu took Wang Shu and left Zixiao Palace, regardless of whether his personalities fit or not, Luo Hu would let Houtu follow him!

If Wang Shu is alone, it is absolutely impossible for Luo Hu to let her go!

At that time, Xi He didn't kill him, but threw his life there and it was over!

Seeing Luo Hu and Wang Shu leave, Hongjun Daozu, Destiny Patriarch, and Lu Ya Daojun all looked at each other with joyful expressions on their faces!

Not for any reason, just because Houtu is leaving Honghuang!

As long as Hou Tu left, Luo Hu's biggest hole card would be gone!

At that time, during the catastrophe, they can kill Luo Hu!

For Luo Hu, each of them hated Luo Hu to the bone, and wished to devour Luo Hu. Now that they had such a good opportunity, they were all overjoyed!

"Houtu is about to leave the prehistoric world. If you plan well, you will definitely be able to kill Luo Hu!" the ancestor of Destiny said with a smile.

"Everything needs to be done carefully, Luo Hu is not so easy to deal with!" Daozu Hongjun said quietly.

Thinking of the battle in Taikoo, although the cultivation base was not as high as it is now, the lineup was much stronger than now, but wasn't it also defeated by Luo Hu?

Therefore, Taoist Hongjun will not have any carelessness towards Luo Hu, he will only use all his strength to kill Luo Hu, and will not show any mercy!

"The top priority right now is to seal Journey to the West first, otherwise, because of Journey to the West, the Conferred God will become a party that is beneficial to the Demon Dao!" Lu Ya said.

"Journey to the West? Then what is sealed? The heavenly road has been opened, so it cannot be closed. Unless all the people who learn the scriptures are dead, there will be one, and it will not do much harm to the magic way!" the ancestor of fate said in a low voice.

"Then let the Journey to the West team be wiped out, wouldn't that be good?" Daoist Lu Ya said lightly.

"How do you do it?" asked Destiny Patriarch.

"Xuanmen sent two thousand Hunyuan powers to Buddha and Taoism, and the rest is left alone, just fight against the gods with all your strength!" Lu Ya said lightly.

"Oh? Fellow Taoists have a plan to destroy Journey to the West?" Hongjun Daozu is also excited!

Because he knew that as long as Journey to the West was wiped out, then half of Luo Hu's arrogance would be defeated!

"Fellow Daoist only needs to hand over two thousand Hunyuan powers to me, and within three years, I will let you see the end of Journey to the West!" Lu Ya vowed.

Daozu Hongjun and Daoist Destiny both believed in Daoist Lu Ya, looked at each other, and nodded!

For the Xuanmen eight thousand Hunyuan Da Neng, two thousand can still be borrowed!

Daoist Lu Ya said with a smile: "You two are waiting for news here. Within three years, Journey to the West will be destroyed!"

After finishing speaking, Daoist Lu Ya disappeared in Zixiao Palace!

Hongjun Daozu looked at Destiny Patriarch and said: "Lu Ya has no chance of winning at all, why do you still give him two thousand powers?"

Just now, Hongjun Daozu didn't agree at all, but Destiny Patriarch sent him a voice transmission and asked him to agree!

"Lu Ya will definitely be defeated, but he can hold most of the demonic powers. At this time, Fengshen can kill all the demonic monks in one fell swoop!"

"Also, it's time for Mount Sumeru to change hands!" said the ancestor of Destiny!

At this time, Hongjun Daozu seemed to understand the thoughts of the Destiny Patriarch, this is going to Mount Sumeru!

As long as all the demonic powers are contained, then the empty shell of Mount Sumeru will really be snatched away!

As long as it is a battle of the younger generation, the proud Luo Hu will never do it!

Therefore, it is certain that Mount Sumeru will change hands!

Daoist Hongjun took a deep breath and said, "This poor road of Mount Sumi is occupied!"

Ancestor Destiny stared at Daozu Hongjun with his eyes wide open, obviously it was impossible to agree to Daozu Hongjun's conditions!

Mount Sumeru belongs to him?

how can that be!

The ancestor of Destiny is still in the starry sky, but Hong Huang's luck is above the mainland!

And without the way of heaven, only by sitting on the mainland can you have great luck!

Today's prehistoric!

They are all the ancestors of the prehistoric world. It is impossible to find a sacred mountain and set up a Taoist temple!

So it can only be found from the Dojo of Demon Dao!

Mount Sumeru is undoubtedly the best, because Mount Sumeru is the second sacred mountain in the wild!

If not for the restoration of Mount Buzhou, Mount Sumeru would be the number one sacred mountain in the wild!

Ancestor Destiny has long planned Mount Sumeru, and now that Luo Hu is not here, it is time for Ancestor Destiny to carry out his plan!

Hongjun Daozu's Yujing Mountain was destroyed by Luo Hu, and in his mind, it was only natural for him to take Luo Hu's Mount Sumeru himself!

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