After chatting with many of his subordinates for a while, Yu Jiang began to practice in retreat again.

After all, he has just broken through, and Yujiang needs to boil up his cultivation, try to stabilize the realm, compress the aura, and make the foundation more solid.

In the blink of an eye, it is another thousand years, and the entire Penglai Immortal Island is full of vitality.

Yu Jiang's cultivation has become more and more stable, the power of his law has been continuously integrated, and his physical body has been continuously strengthened under the nourishment of the law of water.

Feeling the continuous enhancement of strength, the foundation of Yujiang has become extremely solid.

"Looks like it's time for the next step!"

With an excited smile on his face, as long as he cut out the obsession of the three corpses, and then pinned it on the body of the wind spirit, Yu Jiang will completely step into the quasi-saint realm.

At that time, the Sanqing Ancestor, Fuxi Nuwa, these strong people will all be completely thrown away by Yujiang!

Yujiang no longer blindly retreats and cultivates, he wants to go outside.

After all, the beheading of the three corpses does not rely on the water grinding kung fu of penance, but the perception and understanding of the Great Dao.

Three corpses obsession, good, evil, self.

Obsession is innate, incomprehensible, good thoughts, evil thoughts, self-awareness, these are all ethereal and real things.

It is very difficult to grasp these things, let alone cut them out of one's body and merge them into the innate things.

This is indeed very difficult, in the original desolate world, there was a Hongjun Dao Ancestor who opened up this path, and even if the other saints finally succeeded in preaching, they could not cut out all the three corpse obsessions, let alone the three corpses in one.

However, Yu Jiang has no doubts about this, Hongjun Dao Ancestor can unite the three corpses, and he Yu Jiang is confident that he can also do this.

"The most important thing now is to cut out the two thoughts of good and evil first, and then entrust them to become two corpses!"

"The second step plan is to find the other Open Heaven Two Spirits as soon as possible and control them in my hands!"

After Yujiang made up his mind, he quietly left Penglai Immortal Island.

On Penglai Immortal Island, these two goals are obviously impossible to accomplish, and only in the vast wilderness will there be a chance to break through.

Yujiang traveled in the four seas, and after he toured the boundless sea, he came to the desolate land.

In today's desolate land, there is gunsmoke everywhere, the witch clan and the demon clan are in flames, and wars break out frequently.

As Yu Jiang said at the beginning, the desolate world is declining day by day under the two lich races, and it has become full of holes.

Yujiang walked between the mountains, rivers and mountains, and he fought between several ethnic groups.

Death and Birth, Destruction and Creation.

Yujiang always walks alone and understands quietly.

He climbed over snow-capped mountains and walked through muddy meadows barefoot.

I have seen spring flowers and autumn fruits, and I have also seen summer and winter hiding.

Yujiang walked in the wilderness, and he realized the Tao on Buzhou Mountain.

Just when Yujiang was enlightened, his mind suddenly floated, and there seemed to be something echoing Yujiang on the Buzhou Mountain.

"What is calling me?"

Yu Jiang had no waves, and he smiled.

"Just check it out!"

Yujiang climbed the mountain, and now the coercion of Buzhou Mountain has no effect on him.

Even if Yujiang is undefended and does not need the protection of any spiritual treasure, he can easily come and go without going to the mountains.

The mountain peaks and roads turn, the willows and flowers are bright, and when Yujiang climbs over a mountain, a large array in front of it exudes endless divine brilliance.

"This big array contains the qi of Qiankun, and the brilliance is infinite, it seems that a very powerful treasure is born in it!"

Yu Jiang was overjoyed, he had seen many powerful innate formations.

And the brilliance of this large array in front of him can be said to be much more dazzling than all the treasure protection arrays that Yujiang has seen before.

"The treasure in here must be extraordinary!"

Yu Jiang sat directly outside the big array, and he carefully understood.

In this big array, a mysterious aura came, misty, indescribable, and seemed to be a kind of inner avenue.

Yu Jiang went out this time to enlighten the Tao, and he was also eager to take the treasure, but instead he calmed down and concentrated on research.

Spring goes to autumn, and fallen leaves are stacked on the shoulders of Yujiang.

At this time, the qi of heaven and earth emanated from Yu Jiang's body.

"After five hundred years, I finally understood this great array!"

Yu Jiang has gained a little, and his understanding of the formation has become more profound.

With a finger, the Qiankun Great Array, which was enough to resist the attack of the peak powerhouse of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, directly opened a portal.

A powerful treasure rushed into the sky, submerging the entire halfway up the mountain in Ruicai.

"This is, the innate treasure!"

Yu Jiang could no longer be calm at this time, and there was a trace of ripples in his calm state of mind.

In the desolate world, the effect of an innate treasure is very powerful, and it cannot be described in words.

Donghuang Taiyi has the Chaos Bell, how many times he has escaped death, and in the battle with the Wu Clan, how majestic he is!

At least half of the credit for this belongs to the Chaos Clock!

And now, Yujiang is about to have an innate treasure!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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