There was a scuffle in front of the entire Wanshou Mountain, and all forces were trying to attack the Wanshou Mountain.

For a time, the war on Wanshou Mountain continued, and all kinds of divine lights were everywhere.

In the blink of an eye, it has been hundreds of years, and the area around Wanshou Mountain has long been in ruins.

Mountains and rocks collapsed, plants and trees turned to ashes, fires stretched for thousands of miles, and countless lives were killed and injured.

By this time, the Innate Earth Great Array on Wanshou Mountain had become very thin.

Those monks who guarded the Great Array were even more seriously depleted in their aura, and they had almost reached their limit.

After all, in the face of so many strong people attacking repeatedly, even if Zhen Yuanzi and his disciples were extremely strong, it was impossible to last for a long time.

There are countless monks outside, and they can take turns to rest, but there are only so many monks guarding the big array, they must stay in the big array all the time.

"Everyone work harder, that big array is about to break!"

Demon Emperor Jun once again boosted his morale, looking at the already extremely thin Innate Earth Great Array, he finally saw hope.

After attacking for hundreds of years, they had exhausted the vitality of Wanshou Mountain, so it was impossible for them to give the other party a chance to breathe a sigh of relief.


Donghuang Taiyi urged the Chaos Divine Bell, at this time, he was already angry, as long as he could break the Innate Earth Great Array, he had completely let go, and he no longer had any reservations!

At this time, seeing that the demon clan side was desperate, the other monks also stepped up their attacks one by one.

You must know that after breaking the big array, it is the best time to take away Hongmeng Purple Qi.

However, at this moment, the Red Cloud Ancestor, who had been shrinking in Wuzhuang Temple, suddenly opened his eyes.

After being surrounded here for so long, Hongyun Ancestor couldn't settle down at all, let alone comprehend Hongmeng Purple Qi.

At this time, feeling that Wanshou Mountain was already in danger, Hongyun Ancestor felt extremely guilty about Zhen Yuanzi in his heart, and he no longer wanted to hide behind Zhen Yuanzi.

"Brother Dao, this wisp of Hongmeng purple qi, I can't understand it at all, not only did I fail to realize the Dao, but I also affected Brother Dao, Hongyun felt ashamed!"

Looking at Zhen Yuanzi's pale face, Hongyun Ancestor felt guilty in his heart.

For so many years, Xun Xian asked, only Zhen Yuanzi was really good to Hongyun Ancestor.

This has long been known to the Red Cloud Ancestor.

"Brother Xian, what are you afraid of! With me here, no one wants to take Hongmeng Purple Qi from your hands!"

Zhen Yuanzi stood on the top of the mountain, and the ginseng fruit was swaying in the wind, standing against the sky and the earth, supporting the entire array.

But the Red Cloud Ancestor had already seen that Zhen Yuanzi and the Ginseng Fruit Tree were already at the end of the crossbow.

Hongyun's heart warmed, and he smiled: "If you had handed over this Hongmeng purple qi to Brother Dao, with Brother Dao's qualifications and understanding, maybe you would have been able to truly realize the Dao!"

When Hongyun Ancestor said this, Zhen Yuanzi was stunned, Hongyun's words seemed to be explaining the future!

"Virtuous brother Hugh wants to talk nonsense, this is your chance, how can I fight with you for my brother!"

Zhen Yuanzi hurriedly interrupted the Red Cloud Ancestor and didn't let him continue.

"Brother Dao, now that the ten thousand demons are besieging Wuzhuang Temple, if I don't go out, they won't retreat, and we have only one way to die in Wanshou Mountain!"

With so many strong people besieging them, they really have no ability to resist it.

"I'm going to lure them away, I'm going to see what these monks can do to me!"

Red Cloud Ancestor was furious, and without waiting for Zhen Yuanzi's reaction, he directly turned into a red cloud and instantly floated out of the big array.

"Brother Xian, don't do anything stupid!"

The Red Cloud Ancestor was unparalleled in speed, and Zhen Yuanzi couldn't catch up.

In the blink of an eye, the Red Cloud Ancestor flew outside Wanshou Mountain, and when the countless powerhouses saw the Red Cloud, they immediately stopped attacking and killed the Red Cloud one after another.

"Red Cloud Ancestor is there!"

I don't know who shouted, and all the monks rushed towards the Red Cloud Ancestor.

"Hmph, do you really think I'm a bully?"

The Red Cloud Ancestor snorted angrily, and he turned into a cloud of fire, and immediately fled into the distance.

This Red Cloud Ancestor is not a fool, and if he fights against so many monks alone, there must be death or life, so as soon as he appears, he thinks about fleeing into the distance.

However, there were too many monks here, and even if the Red Cloud Ancestor was unparalleled, he couldn't escape at all.


A golden light descended from the sky, blocking the way of the Red Cloud Ancestor, making him have to stop.

At this time, the Sea Emperor Yujiang turned into a light, and he also hid it, ready to make a secret move.

"Ten Thousand Miles of Red Cloud Array, rise!"

The Red Cloud Ancestor roared angrily, and he instantly laid down a large array of thousands of red clouds, and the infinite soul sand floated and fell in the great array.

All the monks who were surrounded by the great array suddenly heard a miserable scream.

These monks were hit by the Falling Soul Sand, and in an instant, their flesh and bones melted, and the three souls and seven spirits collapsed.

As soon as the Red Cloud Ancestor made a move, it was a killing move, leaving no retreat at all!

The Red Cloud Ancestor's evil aura condensed into a black dragon, roaring again and again, roaring into the sky.

Just when the Red Cloud Ancestor fell into a dead end, outside Wanshou Mountain, a large army came like a black tide.

"Wu Clan, it was the Wu Clan who killed it!"

Some of the monks heard the voice and instantly discovered the identity of the other party!_

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