The ancient world is like a dream, and you will die when you wake up from the dream!

That's when he will die.

There are nine festivals in crickets, and each festival has a dream.

The four glimpses of life had already made Gui Xuan have some guesses, and now they were finally confirmed.

"There are clouds in future generations, thoughts in the day, and dreams in the night; the nine-segmented cricket transformed into Pangu in the chaos, accompanying him for countless years."

"Isn't this old boy trying to use dreams to resurrect Pangu?"

If it were any other living being, Gui Xuan would still think it was impossible.

But this is Jiujie Cricket, Hongjun Taoist.

During the four glimpses of life, the special rhythm of the nine-section cricket kept changing.

Be it Pangu or the three thousand demon gods, they all come from him.

If Jiu Jie Cricket is really sleeping, then all this is really possible.

"Dreams are impermanent. The fact that Hongjun can appear again makes sense."

Gui Xuan murmured in his heart, hiding in the void, watching the dispute between Emperor Jun and the Wu clan below disappear into the void.

In the blink of an eye, we were in chaos.

"Purple Sky Palace..."

Gui Xuan narrowed his eyes, and the huge power of the soul swept through the chaos.

"Since Emperor Jun can come here, did Hongjun, who appeared in the previous prehistoric world, come out of this prehistoric world?"

With this kind of doubt, Gui Xuan quickly found the location of Zixiao Palace.

Standing in front of Zixiao Palace, the power of law circulated in Gui Xuan's eyes, and his eyes penetrated the gate of Zixiao Palace.

The scene in Zixiao Palace appeared in his eyes.

"An incarnation... indeed!"

In the Zixiao Palace, an incarnation of Hongjun sat cross-legged inside, motionless.

This world Hongjun has indeed gone to his ancient world.

"The power of the laws of time and space between Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin penetrated two different dreams during the battle."

"Emperor Jun followed the power of the soul, saw everything, and his heart collapsed; Hongjun of this world followed Di Jun's trajectory and went to the prehistoric world where I am."

"Tampering with memories, playing with all living beings, Hongjun..."

Gui Xuan felt a little cold.

Even he who came from time travel can't accept that he is in a dream, let alone these prehistoric saints who have lived for countless years.

The collapse of Taoist heart is already easy.

If it were a more serious matter, it would be considered a light thing to directly destroy the world.

"This old boy brought a small textbook and was familiar with the general trend of the ancient world. Did he leave an incarnation to deal with Sanqing, Nuwa and other Xuanmen saints?"

"It's really a good plan!"

Looking at the incarnation of Hongjun sitting cross-legged in Zixiao Palace, one thought after another appeared in Gui Xuan's heart.

Finally, a smile appeared on Gui Xuan's face, "Old boy, since you won't let me change the general trend of that ancient world, then I will let you taste the feeling of having your home stolen."

Now that he has confirmed who Hongjun is, Gui Xuan will certainly not sit still and wait for death.

Thinking of this, his eyes fell on the wild North Sea.

There is a giant turtle with a body length of 1.296 million feet, motionless and floating on it.

It goes without saying that the giant turtle in this ancient world has the same origin as him, and is another version of himself in this ancient world.

North Sea.

A figure appeared on a giant island.

"Old Turtle, wake up!"

Guixuan drank softly, and the sound was like a Honglu bell appearing in the giant turtle's mind.

Wow! !

Huge waves surged into the sky, and the sea water rolled.

"Who is disturbing me?"

A dull sound appeared from the sea water, followed by a huge head.


The roar suddenly appeared.

The North Sea Giant Turtle was shocked, listening to this voice in disbelief, "How is it possible that the same kind..."

As if he had discovered something extraordinary, the giant turtle stared back with a pair of big eyes.

It’s okay if you don’t look at it, but it’s even worse if you look at it.

A giant turtle, slightly larger than him, appeared not far from him and was looking at him.

"Death is imminent and you are still sleeping!"

Gui Xuan looked at the giant turtle in front of him, feeling helpless.

The Turtle Clan's lethargy was taken to the extreme by this guy.

There was a huge beating outside, but this guy was still sleeping.

"As the first turtle in the world, how can you be the same as me?"

Ignoring Gui Xuan's words, the giant turtle asked.

Since he fell into the prehistoric world, he has been relying on sleep to restore his origin.

I didn't expect to meet someone the same as myself today.

What surprised him even more was that, apart from being larger than him, this kind of creature also had the same breath, appearance, and voice as him.

It's like an enlarged version of myself.

The aura is also more tyrannical and cannot be looked at directly.

"I am you in the future. Today, across endless time and space, I am here to tell you that the calamity of life and death is coming, so hurry up and prepare!"

Gui Xuan's ethereal voice spread into the giant turtle's mind.

The giant turtle was stunned, "A catastrophe of life and death?"

Gui Xuan saw that he didn't understand, so he didn't talk nonsense.

The images of the collapse of the pillars of heaven, Nuwa mending the sky, and the giant tortoise slashing the sky with her sword were directly transmitted into the mind of the giant tortoise.


The giant turtle looked at the same kind in front of him in disbelief.

"I am here, I have never participated in any cause and effect, and I have no interest in worldly affairs."

"Why would he, a saint from ancient times, want to kill me!"

Although he didn't believe it, there were already endless waves in his heart and he was very uneasy.

Gui Xuan said quietly, "Chaos gods and demons cannot be tolerated in the world. All chaos demons will be materials to complete the world."

At this point, Gui Xuan reacted.

This old boy couldn't be frightened because he had a nightmare when he was a Eight-Jieted Cricket and was killed by the Chaos Demon God.

You have always been holding a grudge against them, so you are not afraid of killing all the Chaos Demon Gods like them?

Let me rub it, do you want to look like this?

He was speechless.

An old silver coin has this side, it's really a bit of a fussy thing.

Hongjun, tut tut...

It's just a pity that these later Chaos Demon Gods were clearly arranged without doing anything.

The giant turtle looked at Gui Xuan blankly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Seeing that the time had come, Gui Xuan continued, "You have two paths now. One is to be killed by a saint, reduced to a material for patching the sky, and finally die completely."

"The other way is to take the initiative to mend the sky with your body, gain endless merit, and then be reincarnated as a true immortal with merit."

"I suggest you choose the second option here. After all, I don't want to be implicated by you."

If you don't choose the second option, how can I be sure whether Hongjun has completely controlled the Great Way of Heaven?

The giant turtle was silent.

At this time, he felt endless resentment in his heart.

As the Chaos Demon God, it was okay to be chopped down by Pangu from Kaitian for no reason, but now he was about to be chopped down by Pangu's Yuanshen again.

It’s so unreasonable!

In this huge power of resentment, the giant turtle exuded traces of black aura.

This is going to be a devil~

Gui Xuan sighed secretly in his heart.


The vast sound penetrates the ears.

The black aura on the giant turtle disappeared instantly.

“Don’t make the mistake of yourself!”

Gui Xuan said coldly, "As the Chaos Demon God, you have already been unable to control yourself in the ancient world. If you really want to die, don't drag me with you!"

After saying that, Gui Xuan stopped talking and disappeared into the North Sea, hiding in the void.

"If there are changes in this world and Hongjun is not aware of it, does it mean that Hongjun's control of this world has become very weak."

He didn't believe that Hongjun could control two dreams at the same time.

If it was possible, this old boy wouldn't leave only one incarnation behind.

The giant turtle in front of us is just right for testing.

Time passes.

Since the tenth day, cholera has flooded the sky, and Wu Yi will kill him again.

The conflict between the two Lich clans became increasingly acute.

His son died, Emperor Jun went crazy, and the war between the lich and the lich entered its climax.

If it weren't for the deadline for Daozu Hongjun to expire, the two clans of lich and demon would have been at war with each other.

Even so, the private struggle between the two communities became increasingly fierce.

The ancestral witch and Houtu have compassion in their hearts.

The death of countless living beings made her feel uncomfortable and confused about the future of the Witch Clan.

Among the twelve ancestral witches, Houtu was born the latest and was least affected by the Disha Land.

This also led to some differences between her and the other eleven ancestral witches, and she was relatively sensitive to the general trend of the ancient times.

Feeling depressed in his heart, Houtu wandered around the ancient and wild lands.

The more you move around, the more killing and death you see.

The pain in her heart became stronger.

"Inspired by the way of heaven, or set by Hongjun?"

In the void, Gui Xuan silently watched Hou Tu wandering in the wild land.

This time Houtu reincarnated, he was not prepared to make any intervention.

Firstly, he didn't have time to prepare, and secondly, he also wanted to see what the reason behind the reincarnation was.

It can make an ancestral witch give up his tribe and reincarnate.

As an ancestral witch, no matter how brainless Hou Tu was, he would never be able to ignore the threat of the demon clan and let the Twelve Capital Heavenly Divine Evil Formation lack a corner, which would affect the witch clan's trump card and make him unable to face the demon clan's attack.

After understanding what the prehistoric world is, Gui Xuan has begun to look at these so-called myths from another angle.

"The way of heaven in the dream is the instinct of the dream or the guidance of Hongjun."

If this problem can be clarified, his plan to steal the house can be fully carried out.

In his eyes, Hou Tu walked towards Netherworld Beihai intentionally or unintentionally.

Finally looking at the dark and fierce sea of ​​blood, Hou Tu's eyes were filled with tears.

"This is a bit nonsense."

Gui Xuan sighed in his heart.

In his eyes, there is a pulling force in the void, which is constantly tempting Houtu to go to the sea of ​​blood.

The source of this pulling force is the Zixiao Palace in the chaos.

From the incarnation left by Hongjun.

"It seems that it is really Hongjun's fault. This old boy is using various methods to complete the world and influence the direction of the prehistoric times."

"Are you afraid of being derailed..."

Streams of light appeared in Gui Xuan's eyes.

Under his gaze.

After the earth turns into reincarnation, the path of reincarnation appears.

Various religions and saints allocate and compete for positions in the underworld to their disciples.

"It's still different. After Hou Tu reincarnated, wasn't it the appearance of the Little Golden Crow that led to the final showdown between the lich and the lich?"

"This world is prehistoric, and then the reincarnation of the earth body is behind it, and the sky is in front of it for ten days."

Is it because of the so-called them? ···

Recalling Hongjun's previous words, Gui Xuan was very sure that this world also had the same variables as him.


After Tutu's reincarnation, it wasn't long before the demon clan launched a war regardless of Hongjun Daozu's deadline.

The Lich Showdown begins!

What surprised Gui Xuan was that two emperors from the demon clan actually appeared.

When one of the emperors was fighting the ancestral witch, he suddenly went crazy and shouted, 'Fake! ’.

Then disappeared into the void.

"Time and space are chaotic, and this prehistoric world has been affected by the prehistoric world I am in."

Gui Xuan watched the lich showdown with burning eyes.

Finally, the pillars of heaven collapsed and the water from the Milky Way poured in.

In Gui Xuan's smiling face, a vast voice sounded above Beihai.

"By God, I am a giant turtle in the North Sea..."

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