Prehistoric: Reborn as a tortoise, with understanding that defies heaven

Chapter 114 The human race’s luck is not good, but humanity’s luck is good

"Please let Daozu Guixuan tell you clearly!"

Kunpeng's sinister face turned bitter.

If you owe a Daozu a cause and effect, you will be wiped out if you are not careful.

What's more, the Daozu in front of you is not an ordinary Daozu.

He is an existence that can fight with Daozu Xuanmen and has a fighting power that can overwhelm the prehistoric world.

Taoist Taixuan did not speak, but pointed his finger, and a stream of light flew into Kunpeng's mind.

Kunpeng was shocked.

A lot of insights appeared in his heart.

Ten thousand years passed in a blink of an eye, and Kunpeng's momentum suddenly increased, entering the middle stage of quasi-saint.

As long as he finds a suitable spiritual treasure, he can kill another corpse.

"Daozu Guixuan is merciful! If Daozu has any instructions, Kunpeng will die!"

Kunpeng said with excitement.

True teaching is a sentence, false teaching is ten thousand books.

He didn't expect Daozu Guixuan to directly teach him the power of the laws of wind and water without missing a single word.

If he is given some more time, the realm of the late quasi-saint will be within his reach!

Such behavior is comparable to the grace of preaching.

Taoist Taixuan said, "There are three causes and effects between you and me."

"One is Beihai Kongyuan's preaching."

Kunpeng was uneasy when he heard this.

However, Taixuan continued, "The second is the way of today's law."

Kunpeng performed a salute.

Taoist Taixuan paused, "The third is the things under your Kunpeng's nest."


Kunpeng was shocked and looked at Taoist Taixuan in disbelief.

But Taixuan said, "You don't really think that the ten thousand feet blood pool appeared for no reason?"

If I hadn't been kind enough to leave you some soup, you would have comprehended the speed law of the avenue.

"Go Xuan Daozu, be merciful!"

Kunpeng looked serious.

Taoist Taixuan nodded, "I know that the River Map and Luoshu are in your hands. This treasure is of some use to me. You can give it to me."

Kunpeng's heart moved, and his eyes hesitated.

The River Map and Luo Shu were what he was going to give to Nuwa in exchange for the cause and effect of his previous betrayal of the demon race.

With this treasure, maybe Nuwa could forgive the demon race for their previous behavior.

If he gave it to Daozu Guixuan today, how would Nuwa explain it?

However, Taoist Taixuan seemed to see what Kunpeng was thinking and said, "I can give you this demon flag. You can use it to exchange for Nuwa's forgiveness."

As he spoke, a stream of light flew out of the demon flag in Taoist Taixuan's hand and landed in Kunpeng's palm.

It was the flag just now.

Kunpeng's eyes shrank, and he had some guesses about what Daozu Guixuan had done.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and with a flip of his palm, the River Map and Luo Shu appeared in his palm and flew towards Taoist Taixuan.

Taoist Taixuan nodded, "Very good!"

With a wave of his hand, Kunpeng disappeared in the human race.

When he opened his eyes again, he had traveled through the endless space and returned to the land of Beiming.

"The power of Daozu Guixuan is so terrifying!"

An incarnation, in the blink of an eye, allowed a quasi-saint to shout at will.

Such power made Kunpeng unbelievable.

"You can go to the Buddha land of the East China Sea to find Hongyun. If you are willing, you can take the position of a Buddha."

The words of Taoist Taixuan appeared in Kunpeng's ears.

Let Kunpeng's eyes shine.

Looking at the demon-summoning banner in his palm, he flew to the direction of the Wahuang Palace without hesitation.


The land of the human race.

Taoist Taixuan looked at the Hetu Luoshu in his hand, and his eyes were bright.

This treasure is ranked as the best innate spiritual treasure, and it is the companion spiritual treasure of Emperor Jun.

It can be used to deduce the mystery of the way of heaven, and for astrology and divination.

The Hunyuan Heluo formation, one of the two major formations of the demon race, was realized by Emperor Jun from this treasure.

It was later borrowed to Fuxi to let him realize the innate five elements and eight trigrams from it, helping him to prove his way.

"This treasure has the ability to deduce the secrets of heaven. I don't believe that Di Jun, as the demon king, can self-destruct so easily."

None of the gods of the prehistoric world is simple.

Di Jun possesses this treasure, but he only understands the formation from it.

It is too unreasonable that the ability to deduce the secrets of heaven is not obvious at all.

The endless power of the soul poured into the River Map and Luo Shu, and in a blink of an eye, 48 innate restrictions were refined by Taoist Taixuan.

Taoist Taixuan's eyes flashed, "Here!"

Soon he found a broken soul in a remote corner of the River Map and Luo Shu.

Looking closely, it was a three-legged golden crow with a weak breath, floating in it motionlessly.

It was the soul left by Di Jun.

"I said, these gods of the prehistoric world are smarter than each other."

While thinking, the Chaos Bell appeared in his palm.

Soon, he found the broken soul of Donghuang Taiyi.

"In that case, you should first go to my world and be the sun."

The power of the soul moved, and the broken souls of Di Jun and Tai Yi were pulled by Tai Xuan Taoist and entered a middle thousand world, transforming into two weak suns, floating in the void.

This is the turtle back world of Gui Xuan's body.

The origin of this world repaired the souls of the two demon kings and revived them again.

I wonder how his demon clan should repay this cause and effect?

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded outside the house.

"Human Suirenshi is here, I hope to see Tai Xuan Taoist."

Taoist Tai Xuan put away the spiritual treasure in front of him and said in a flat tone, "Come in!"

Suirenshi, I haven't seen this ancestor of the human race for a long time.

I don't know why he came this time.

Seeing Suirenshi again, Taoist Tai Xuan was moved.

This ancestor of the human race experienced the great catastrophe of the human race, led the human race to fight the demon race, and shocked the prehistoric land.

It has a very high prestige among the human race and has become one of their beliefs.

Suiren was dressed in coarse linen clothes, and his thin face looked very majestic.

Compared with before the great catastrophe of the human race, there is a kind of heavier strength in the body.

His cultivation level is one step away from reaching the realm of quasi-sage.

Taoist Taixuan had a smile on his face, "I wonder why Ren Zu came here?"

This time he was introduced to the human race for hundreds of thousands of years, and this was the first time he saw the Suiren clan.

Suirenshi looked at this Taoist who was quite famous among the human race, with thoughts in his mind.

This Taoist's aura was vague and vague; he actually couldn't tell the opponent's strength.

I don’t know which tribe of hermits came to preach to the human race.

Since the Lich War, the human race has been recuperating.

Relying on the strong fertility, the population blossomed everywhere.

In order to worry about arousing the fear of other races, the third ancestor of the human race specifically ordered not to show the strength of the human race.

The purpose of coming here this time is to explore the details of this Taixuan Taoist and see if he is hostile to the human race.

Suiren spoke slowly, "I had something in my heart today. I was traveling in the realm of the human race and heard that Taoist Taixuan was well-known and came here to see him. I didn't expect that the senior was actually a man of high moral standards and a high level of cultivation."

Since the opponent's strength is higher than his, Suiren can only call him a senior.

Taoist Taixuan had a smile on his face, "You kid, when did you become so cunning?"

"The reason why I came to explore the old ways is that there is no need to beat around the bush."

Suirenshi was stunned, "Uh..."

Suddenly a very familiar feeling appeared in his heart.

After a long time, Suiren's eyes widened, "Go back..."

"Okay!" Taoist Taixuan interrupted Suiren and said, "I am here just to preach, you kid, don't think too much."

"Meet the teacher!"

Suiren's eyes were excited.

The Taoist ancestor of Guixuan once enlightened him and asked him to find light for the human race and get rid of the fear in his heart.

In Suiren's heart, he was already a teacher-like existence.

Seeing him again makes him feel happy.

Taoist Taixuan pointed his finger, and a stream of light fell on Suiren's body.

The next second, Suiren's momentum rose, and streaks of bloody and dirty energy continued to fall from his body.

Suirenshi immediately felt that his whole body was clear and relaxed.

"You don't need to recuperate even if you're so seriously injured. You work all day long."

Taoist Taixuan said with emotion.

Throughout the development of the human race, the ancestors of the human race have always been the most diligent.

The Suiren family said with a respectful expression, "The human race has a shallow foundation and has not recovered from the catastrophe. Disciples dare not neglect it."

Taoist Taixuan lifted his hand, and Suiren was lifted up.

"Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, so why do you need to do this?"

"If I don't come, your body can only last for a hundred huiyuan at most; I'm afraid you will die before you see the great prosperity of the human race."

After the great catastrophe of the human race, all three ancestors of the human race were seriously injured. Their injuries have not healed up to this time, but have become more serious.

Suiren's injuries were the most serious.

When Suiren heard what Master Taixuan said, a smile appeared on his face, "The human race has a teacher's inheritance monument, and talented people can understand the method of alchemy and treatment in the inheritance monument."

"We and other injured humans can just provide them with some experience."

This is treating yourself as a guinea pig.

Taixuan felt helpless.

"The Lich calamity has passed, and the next calamity will bring great prosperity to the human race."

"The human race will establish its position as the protagonist of the world during this calamity. There will be three emperors to rule the world. After the three emperors arrive, you and the other two human ancestors will go to my fairy island to meditate."

When Suiren heard this, his face was overjoyed, "Can our human race become the protagonist of the world?"

This is an eternal opportunity!

Taoist Taixuan glanced at him, "Then why do you think the human race can sanctify two saints?"

"Is it just because of your large population? Looking at the entire prehistoric era, which race has a population that is not larger than the human race at the beginning."

Suirenshi nodded.

After his teacher said this, he truly realized the specialness of the human race.

After thinking for a while, he asked again, "Teacher, I wonder if a saint can be born among our human race?"

Whether it is Mother Nuwa or Saint Taiqing, although these two relied on the saints of the human race to become saints, they did not consider the human race at all.

A great catastrophe occurred for the human race, but neither of these two saints came to help.

Regarding this, both the three ancestors of the human race and the surviving human race, although they did not say it in their mouths, were indeed full of resentment in their hearts.

Now when Taoist Taixuan said it, Suiren, who realized the special nature of the human race, immediately wanted to give birth to a saint of his own within the human race.

The so-called backing depends on everyone running.

Only your own is the best.

When Taoist Taixuan heard Suiren's question, he knew what he was thinking.

He smiled and said, "You really think that human luck is omnipotent and can produce saints in batches."

"There are only three things to do."

"The fate of the human race has given birth to two saints. If a third saint is born again, the human race will not be far from being exterminated."

Suiren's expression froze, and he felt bitter in his heart, "Is there no day for our human race to get ahead?"

Being controlled by saints from other races and becoming their pawns, what is the difference between their human race and their playthings?

At this moment, Taixuan Taoist suddenly said, "Yes!"

"Human luck cannot, but human luck can."

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