Prehistoric: Reborn as a tortoise, with understanding that defies heaven

Chapter 116: The Three Saints vs. the Three Pure Ones

After Zhen Yuanzi finished speaking.

The voices of Hou Tu and Minghe Patriarch appeared one after another.

In a blink of an eye, when countless creatures in the prehistoric world did not react, the thirty-six heavens were completed.

On Kunlun Mountain.

The Three Pure Ones looked at the heavenly merits that were rushing down from the sky, and their hearts felt empty.

Yuanshi Tianzun said with a gloomy face, "Brother, our opportunity has been robbed!"

Taiqing Saint and Tongtian Sect Master also looked ugly.

"This authentic saint is too unauthentic!" Tongtian Sect Master said coldly, "It's a bit too much to intercept the opportunity of our Three Pure Ones!"

They had already secretly discussed the three-day completion.

It's just that the time has not come yet, so they haven't done it yet.

I didn't expect these three authentic saints to be so mean, it's simply unbearable!

Taiqing Saint's eyes were cold, "Let's go! Follow me to the heaven!"


The three holy powers suddenly erupted, causing billions of creatures in the prehistoric world to tremble.

"The saints are angry!"

"The fight between the saints, the sky is falling and the earth is cracking~!"

Countless prehistoric saints began to watch.

At this time in the heaven.

Hongjun Daozu Tongzi Haotian sat on the Lingxiao Palace, looking confused.

"What happened? Why are these saints fighting!"

He was just going to let Taibai Jinxing, who survived the war between witches and liches, issue an imperial edict to recruit some prehistoric great powers for the heaven.

Before he finished speaking, why did these saints start to come out one by one.

Although Haotian was confused, he reacted quickly.

After the three saints of the earth completed the thirty-six heavens, he clearly felt that the heaven had become much more complete.

Immediately, he saluted the three saints, "Saints, be merciful!"

As the master of the heaven, he benefited the most from the completion of the thirty-six heavens.

But what embarrassed Haotian was that he had just saluted.

Three violent holy powers appeared on Kunlun Mountain.

Then, the Saint of Taiqing, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian Jiaozhu appeared in the heaven with gloomy faces.

They looked at the three authentic saints in the void angrily.

And glanced at him coldly.

Haotian was shocked, "It's bad, they are going to fight."

Before he could ask, the Saint of Taiqing had already said, "You intercepted the opportunity of our three brothers, aren't you going too far!"

Yuanshi Tianzun followed up and said, "You authentic saints, do you want to commit insubordination!"


It would have been better if Yuanshi Tianzun didn't say this.

As soon as this was said, the aura of Zhenyuanzi, Houtu, and the Styx Patriarch who were originally in the void suddenly increased.

"What do you mean by that, Yuanshi!" The Styx Patriarch looked at Yuanshi Tianzun with murderous eyes, "When did my earthly saint become inferior to you, the heavenly saint!"

Zhen Yuanzi said coldly, "If you don't give me an explanation today, this prehistoric world will never be at peace!"

Hou Tu's eyes were cold, "Do you really take yourself seriously? Heavenly saint? I want to ask for your advice today!"


The books of earth and people appeared one after another.

In an instant, the luck of the whole prehistoric world was rolling, and the luck of the earth was boiling.

The eyes of the Taiqing Saint changed slightly, "Now we are unreasonable."

The saints pay the most attention to face.

When Yuanshi Tianzun said just now, he was just trampling on the face of the three earthly saints under his feet.

Without giving them a chance to speak, Zhen Yuanzi, Hou Tu, and the Styx Patriarch had already killed them with their spiritual treasures.

Endless mountains and rivers appeared, the power of the netherworld flowed, and the killing aura of swordsmanship was pervasive.

The whole prehistoric land was changing, and the sky and the earth were gloomy.

A sense of world destruction followed, and all the millions of living beings were horrified.

"The sky is falling!"

Zhen Yuanzi fought against the Saint Taiqing;

Hou Tu fought against Yuanshi Tianzun;

The Styx Patriarch fought against the Saint Tongtian.

The six saints started a war, and it was earth-shattering!

"Go to the chaos and fight! I won't stop until we get to the bottom of it today!"

Hou Tu's face was cold, and a netherworld force was released to directly break through Yuanshi Tianzun's defense, and he stepped into the chaos.

The other saints left one after another.

In an instant, the holy power in the chaos was vast and the killing was boiling.

Haotian stood there in a daze, muttering, "Are we fighting now?"


In the chaos.

The Taoist Taiqing held the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Tower on his head and stood in the void with Taiyi whisk in his hand.

Beside him, Yuanshi Tianzun held the Three Treasures Ruyi in his hand, and his momentum increased sharply.

The Qingping Sword of the Master Tongtian was flowing around him.

For a moment, the atmosphere became solemn.

Even Nuwa in the Wahuang Palace couldn't help but appear in the distance and watch from afar.

Taiqing Saint said coldly, "You three saints of the earth robbed us of our opportunity. Are you really not going to give an explanation today?!"

Zhen Yuanzi's earth book circulated, "Explanation?! We fill the gap in the heavenly court to cater to the general trend of the prehistoric world. As saints of the heavenly way, you don't say thank you, but you actually speak wildly!"

"When did my earthly way become inferior to your heavenly way!"


The law of the earth transformed.

It condensed into countless chains in the chaotic void, forming a dragon of law and roaring away.

Taiqing Saint's face remained unchanged, and the whisk in his hand danced lightly, and a long white dragon appeared, "Whether it is the heavenly way or the earthly way; today we are just asking for an explanation!"

The two saints fought each other in an instant.

Several other saints also fought each other.

In an instant, the entire chaotic void was full of holy power, and the void trembled slightly.

The battle between saints is a collision between laws.

The saint is immortal and acts without restraint.

In the prehistoric world, millions of creatures looked up to feel the power of the saints.

However, as the battle continued, the Three Pure Ones suddenly found that they could not defeat the Three Saints.

Not only that, they were even rapidly falling into disadvantage.

For a moment, the Three Pure Ones were a little unbelievable.

This was their first real battle with the Saints of the Earth, and they did not expect it to be like this.

They did not know that after experiencing the No. 2 prehistoric world and swallowing themselves in that world, the strength of the Three Saints of the Earth had already increased a lot.

And this battle was deliberately done by the three of them.

They used the appearance of three days to lure the Three Pure Ones to take action and test their own combat power.

The effect of this test was remarkable.

Although the three of them had different ways of becoming saints, their foundation was not as good as the Three Pure Ones.

After the No. 2 prehistoric world, this time they finally made it equal to the Three Pure Ones in combat power.

When Zhen Yuanzi saw that the effect had been achieved, the Earth Book suddenly shone brightly, directly shaking off the Tai Chi diagram of the Saint of Tai Qing.

Under the control of Zhen Yuanzi, the Earth Book transformed into an immeasurable land and smashed it down fiercely.


The chaotic void was torn apart, and countless dark cracks filled the air.

The face of the Saint Taiqing changed, and the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Tower exuded a dark yellow color, trying its best to resist the attack of the Earth Book.


A slight sound appeared.

In the incredible eyes of the Saint Taiqing, the defense of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Tower was broken!


The Saint Taiqing exclaimed.

This is a defensive treasure, and it is controlled by him, how could it be broken!

Zhen Yuanzi said coldly, "Nothing is impossible! Taiqing, today's cause and effect was provoked by you three Qings."

"You three Qings should also continue!"


Zhen Yuanzi appeared in front of the Saint Taiqing in the blink of an eye.

In the incredulous eyes of Nuwa, a punch knocked Taiqing out and sank into the depths of chaos.

Following closely were Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Jiaozhu.

After a battle, the Three Saints of Xuanmen, the Three Qings of Pangu, were defeated!

Zhen Yuanzi, Hou Tu, and Minghe Patriarch looked at each other, and disappeared into the chaos with smiles in their eyes.

"After this battle, the prehistoric world is no longer ruled by the Heavenly Dao Saint!"

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