After this Terran catastrophe, all the Terrans began to migrate, and the Terrans who had originally developed near Buzhou Mountain in the middle of the flood wilderness left here and went to the coast of the East China Sea.

Some tribes chose to stay, but most of the Terrans left Buzhou Mountain.

This migration is very difficult for the human race, the flood is boundless, and it is very difficult to migrate.

In particular, it can be uncomfortable to travel from a familiar place to an unfamiliar place.

There may also be various disasters on the way, but the choice of the Terrans is correct, if they continue to stay near Buzhou Mountain.

In the future, when the two lich clans clash, the first to suffer is the human race, as the so-called gods fight mortals suffer.

Now that the Terrans are leaving, it is the best choice, and those Terrans who are unwilling to leave are because the intersection with the Wu Clan is too deep.

When the Terran Tribulation was at the beginning, they were protected by the Wu Clan, and now they are unwilling to leave, and the Three Ancestors of the Terran Race have not said anything.

The human race migrated this time, and the dragon clan helped them out, and they were going to the coast of the East China Sea, which happened to be a place that the dragon clan could take care of, and the dragon clan was naturally happy.

Helping the Terrans this time caused the Dragons to suffer heavy losses, but they knew that everything was worth it, and when the Terrans rose in the future, they would naturally repay them, which was their investment in advance.

Regarding the matter of the human race, Xuan Chen also paid a little attention to it, and then focused on his own world.

Although the Honghuang Terran was created by Nuwa, for Xuanchen, he was still regarded as an outsider, and the Terran in the Eternal Realm was his own.

"Hongjun's origin, after refining, it will also be of great help to me. "

Xuanchen was in the Eternal Realm, observing the development of the Eternal Realm while refining the origin of Hongjun.

This time I want to come to Hongjun's origin, one is to strengthen myself, and the second reason is to weaken Hongjun.

The lack of origin has to be made up, even if Hongjun takes an extremely long time, he just took the opportunity to break through to a higher realm.

After all, in comparison, under normal circumstances, Hongjun's breakthrough must be faster than Xuanchen's, because he is in line with the Heavenly Dao, and he has no bottleneck before breaking through to the half-step Heavenly Dao.

As long as you accumulate enough, you can easily break through.

Of course, Xuan Chen also had other ways to speed up the breakthrough of his cultivation, such as devouring the origin of other worlds.

This time the Lich Tribulation, if he can plan the origin of the desolate world, Xuanchen will definitely be able to break through several realms.

Xuanchen was refining Hongjun's origin in the Eternal Realm, and Nuwa and the others were also honestly staying in Penglai Immortal Island.

Nuwa is refining the Western Plain Cloud Realm Flag, and Houtu is also exploring the avenue left by Xuanchen.

Xihe, Chang Xi, and Wangshu are working hard to break through their cultivation in retreat, and they have been trapped in the peak of the quasi-saint for a long time, and they are ready to impact the half-step mixed yuan realm.

In the midst of the flood, after experiencing the catastrophe of the human race, the demon clan was relatively calm, and the witch clan did not make a move against the demon clan.

The main reason is that there was a conflict within the Wu clan, and there was a conflict between Gonggong and Zhurong, and water and fire were incompatible, so the two of them fought.

Even the two tribes they led had a big conflict, and it was Di Jiang himself who came to resolve the conflict.

only temporarily resolved the contradiction, and the two of them were still unconvinced by each other.

There is another major event, that is, the matter of the saint's acceptance of disciples, Lao Tzu after traveling through the flood and famine, accepted the human race as a disciple, which is Xuandu.

It is also Lao Tzu's calculation to accept Xuandu as a disciple of the human race, which makes it easier to ease the relationship between the human religion and the human race.

Later, Lao Tzu did not forget to preach in the human race, so that the luck of the human race was temporarily stabilized and did not continue to be lost.

Yuan Shi accepted disciples to pay attention to the qualifications of their feet, and also received twelve golden immortals, as well as two named disciples, Antarctic Immortal Weng and Yun Zhongzi.

It is worth mentioning that the Lantern Daoist, who is also one of the three thousand guests of Zixiao, also came to apprentice, and even the Yuan Shi felt that it was difficult to deal with the Lantern Daoist.

In the end, let the Burning Lamp Daoist serve as the deputy leader of the teaching, and let the disciples be honored as the teacher of the Burning Lamp Daoist.

In fact, Yuan Shi is very unkind to see the people of the Burning Lamp Dao, who are also 3,000 guests of Zixiao, and you are embarrassed to come to worship me as a teacher, isn't this self-descending.

But the Lantern Daoist also passed the test of Yuan Shi, so Yuan Shi had no choice but to keep him.

You can't slap yourself in the face and drive away those who pass his test.

Compared with the beginning of the Yuan, Tongtian has no scruples about accepting disciples, there is no class, as long as it is a creature who comes to apprentice, as long as the qualifications are good, all of them stay.

Of course, those who stayed were actually only registered disciples, and there were only four true disciples, namely Duobao Daoren, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, Our Lady of the Turtle Spirit, and Our Lady of Wudang.

Compared to the true disciples of Tongtian, there are not as many true disciples as the original true disciples.

After all, the twelve golden immortals are all true disciples of the origin.

"Tongtian, what kind of apprentice do you think you are receiving?"

Yuan Shi frowned and asked Tongtian, they are all some demon clans with fur and horns, and they are too guilty to accept them as disciples.

It is good that Tongtian has no class of teaching, but Tongtian does have some good and bad disciples, and some people with karma have actually stayed.

"Senior brother, you are too lenient, and you are also in charge of this apprenticeship. "Tongtian is very unhappy.

Usually, Yuan Shi likes to preach about himself, and he bullies me as a junior brother just because he is a senior brother?

Tongtian's personality is relatively strong and upright, and he doesn't like to be soft.

Being preached too much is naturally uncomfortable in my heart, and the previous things are just fine, but when it comes to accepting apprentices, Tongtian doesn't want Yuan Shi to point fingers.

"Tongtian, you don't have to know what is good or bad, I am doing this for your good, you see that you disciples who do not cultivate morality and have no education will sooner or later affect you. "

After Yuan Shi was refuted, he felt that he couldn't get over his face, and his speech became heavier.

Tongtian's face turned red with anger, Yuan Shi belittled his disciples for nothing, and Tongtian was certainly not convinced.

"Yuan Shi, I've put up with you for a long time, don't deceive people too much. Tongtian was irritable and directly pulled out the Qingping sword.

"No matter how you don't respect your superiors, it's no wonder you accept such an apprentice, and that's how you are a teacher. Yuan Shi's face was dark, and Tongtian actually faced him with a sword.

"Two junior brothers. "

Seeing that the conflict has escalated, Lao Tzu can't sit back and watch them have a conflict, usually Lao Tzu doesn't care, Lao Tzu pays attention to inaction.

But they can't be allowed to really fight, otherwise they Sanqing won't let others see the joke, and it's their Sanqing who is ashamed.

"Senior Brother, you have also heard it before, what did Senior Brother Yuan Shi say about me, he belittled my disciple for nothing. "

Tongtian put away the Qingping sword, and then said to the senior brother Lao Tzu.

Now that Lao Tzu has the intention of stopping, Tongtian naturally wants to give Lao Tzu a face, and at the same time find a step down.

In fact, Tongtian didn't really want to fight with Yuan Shi, and he was just angry before he drew his sword.

"Hmph, there is no respect for the elders, what did Tongtian just now, Senior Brother Lao Tzu also sees it in his eyes. Yuan Shi had a cold face.

"Alas, the Sanqing family, and other contradictions will only make other saints laugh. Lao Tzu sighed.

In fact, Lao Tzu knew very well that the teachings between Yuan Shi and Tongtian were different, and sooner or later there would be a conflict.

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