"Damn the demons, you can escape quickly. "

In the Jade Void Palace of Kunlun Mountain, Yuan Shi was furious, and his plan in the Netherworld Mansion actually disappeared.

Of course, who did it can't hide it from him, but Yuan Shi can only be angry at most, but he can't do what he wants to do.

Although the Heavenly Demon Realm was a subsidiary world in the midst of the desolation, as a saint, he could not enter it.

There are Rahu's methods there, and with their strength, even if the five saints join forces to cast spells together, they may not be able to enter the Heavenly Demon Realm.

Yuan Shi was furious, and at the same time, the Western Spirit Mountain was even more angry, and the proud disciple Jizo fell in the Netherworld.

Not even a trace of true spirit remained.

"Senior brother, how about we break into the Heavenly Demon Realm?" the angry Zhun Ti suggested to the lead.

"Don't think about it, the Heavenly Demon Realm is the territory of the Demon Ancestor Rahu, although Rahu was suppressed, but he also left many means, and we can't get into it. "

The guide didn't lose his mind in anger, and shook his head towards Zhun Ti, don't think about the impossible.

"So that's it?"

Zhun Ti was unwilling, and the Western Sect finally managed to have a disciple with great talent and perseverance, but he was killed by the demons.

"Naturally, it won't be like this, the demon clan will eventually appear, and then they will take revenge. "

The guide shook his head, it's not okay to forget it, it's just that revenge is not now, and it can't be revenge now.

"Come to Zixiao Palace. "

At this moment, the Five Saints received the decree of Hongjun Dao Ancestor, and immediately did not dare to slack off, and immediately got up and went to Zixiao Palace.

"Senior brother, what is the reason why the teacher asked us to go to Zixiao Palace?" asked Zhun Ti Xiang Zhi.

"I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the next catastrophe. "

As a saint, he can naturally deduce that the Great Tribulation is coming, but the Heavenly Mystery of the Great Tribulation is obscure, and even the Saint cannot fully know it.

By the time the two saints of the West came to Zixiao Palace, Sanqing had already come to Zixiao Palace, and now the friendship between Sanqing had dropped to the freezing point.

The contradiction between Yuan Shi and Tongtian has reached the point of irresolvability.

At the time of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, there were a lot of contradictions between the exposition of religion and the interception of religion, coupled with the contradictions of the past, and now it would be good if the Yuan Shi and Tongtian did not fight.

As for Lao Tzu, who is the elder brother, he does nothing and ignores the contradictions between Yuan Shi and Tongtian.

Looking at the contradiction between the three Qings, the two saints of the West laughed secretly in their hearts, the bigger the contradiction between the three Qings, the better, and the bigger the chance, the more opportunities they have.

However, although there are contradictions between expounding and intercepting religion now, when facing Western teaching, they are still unanimous with the outside world.

Not long after they all came to Zixiao Palace, Hongjun appeared, followed by Haotian.

When he saw Haotian, whether it was Sanqing or the two saints of the West, their brows were furrowed, but they didn't expect Haotian, the Emperor of Heaven, to be here.

"Haotian said that there is no one available in Heavenly Court, but is there such a thing?" Hongjun asked lightly towards the Five Sages.

Hearing Hongjun's question, the five saints lowered their heads, secretly hated Haotian in their hearts, and now they also know why Hongjun Daozu let them come, it must be Xingshi's question.

Needless to say, Haotian must have come to sue, damn Haotian, I didn't expect him to have this hand.

Haotian did come to sue, but he was also forced, as an emperor of heaven, Haotian felt that he was the saddest emperor of heaven.

After the end of the demon clan, he was canonized as the Emperor of Heaven as a Daozu boy, and he was very happy, but he didn't know that it was a big trouble until he took over.

At the beginning, Dao Ancestor asked Sanqing to help them, but Sanqing completely fooled him and casually sent a few disciples to serve in the Heavenly Court.

But the disciples of the Sage Sect who went there had a very big shelf, and they didn't take him seriously at all because they were under the saint's door, and they dared to speak against him openly, and they didn't listen to any dispatches.

As a result, although Haotian is the Emperor of Heaven, he does not have the slightest face.

Nominally, the saint disciple went to help, but in fact, he invited a group of masters, and as the emperor of heaven, he still had to serve that group of masters.

Haotian, who was in a rage, didn't care whether he offended the saint or not, and came to Zixiao Palace to complain.

"The Heavenly Court, as the place where the heavens and the earth operate, cannot be stopped. "

Hongjun said lightly to the five saints, but the five saints didn't speak, and sent their disciples to listen to Hou Haotian's dispatch?

This is impossible, it is absolutely impossible to let his disciples obey the dispatch of a boy in Haotian.

"That's it, this time Er and the others came here mainly to discuss the catastrophe. "

Hongjun didn't care about the attitude of the five saints, anyway, this catastrophe could solve the matter of Haotian.

"Haotian sued Er and other sect disciples to despise the Emperor of Heaven, did not listen to the dispatch, could not be driven, in the past, the disciples of the Sect committed the immortal murder, and now the calamity has arrived, just set up a list of gods, and the Yuan Shen sealed it for Haotian to drive. "

After Hongjun's words fell, the five saints were not calm at this time, but Haotian was full of joy.

Originally, he thought that even if Hongjun Daozu came forward, it would be useless, but he didn't expect to solve his matter so directly.

"Thank you, teacher. "

Haotian knelt down and bowed respectfully to Hongjun.

At this moment, Haotian didn't see the murderous gaze of Sanqing and the two saints of the West at all.

"Dare to ask the teacher, can I teach in the West in the calamity?" asked Hongjun Daozu.

"This is a flood and a catastrophe, and your and other sects are all in the calamity, and the number of people on the god list needs to be completed to resolve it. "

Hearing that they were also in calamity, he had a bitter face, and Zhun Ti's face was ugly.

Originally, the West was barren, and there were not many disciples, if they were accidentally on the list and driven by Haotian, how could they teach the West to flourish.

"Teacher, I don't care about the things of the East, why are I also in the calamity, it's unfair. "

Zhun Ti couldn't help crying, and wanted to rely on crying to make Hongjun Daozu soft-hearted, wasn't the original position of a saint obtained by crying.

However, Hongjun was unmoved, and then pulled his junior brother, what God has determined cannot be changed, and it is useless to cry.

"Dare to ask the teacher, how many people do you need to be on this god list?" Lao Tzu asked a very crucial question.

"Corresponds to the number of stars in the week. Hongjun said lightly.

Hearing the number of Zhou Tianxingchen, the saints were silent for a while, if they needed one or two, they could take it out, but the number of Zhou Tianxingchen was three hundred and sixty-five.

In fact, there are not many disciples in each sect, and there is only one true disciple in the human sect, Xuandu.

Among the exposition of the sect are the twelve golden immortals, and there are only four true disciples in the sect, and there are not many ordinary disciples in the rest of the sect, most of them are registered disciples.

The true disciples of the Western religion are now only Maitreya and the Medicine Master, and there was originally a Jizo, but the Jizo has now fallen.

In fact, there are more than three hundred and sixty-five gods to be sealed on the god list, these are just righteous gods, there are small gods below, and there are even heavenly soldiers and generals.

None of these Hongjun have been spoken, and if they are all spoken, I don't know how the saints will react.

"Dare to ask the teacher who is on the list?"

Yuan Shi broke the silence and asked who would be on the list, of course Yuan Shi didn't want his disciples to be bound on the list, and he had to be driven by Haotian.

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