Fang Yang was surrounded by divine light, which shone into the void. Lotuses continued to bloom, and many water tribe monks were stunned.

Huashengzi walked forward calmly and saluted: "May I ask, senior, what is the vacuum hometown?"

Fang Yang made a lotus seal in his hand and said with a compassionate look.

"I am the leader of the Wusheng Sect. The vacuum hometown is a holy land opened up by this seat. It protects all living beings in the heavens and protects billions of lives. Anyone who enters the vacuum hometown will be free and at ease from now on, free from the erosion of foreign ways, and away from all the sufferings in the world."

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

Protecting all living beings in the heavens and protecting billions of lives, this tone is really too big. Does this Wusheng Sect Leader think he is a Daluo Jinxian?

Fang Yang waved his hand lightly, and a white lotus fell from the sky and landed in his hand. Then, he smiled at the flower.

Suddenly, a mysterious artistic conception was conveyed from Fang Yang's smile. Everyone immediately understood who the Wusheng Sect Leader was and what the Zhenkong Hometown was.

It turned out that the Wusheng Sect Leader was really the Daluo Jinxian.

"Greetings to the Daojun! We didn't know that the senior was the Daluo Daojun, and we were rude in our words. Please forgive us."

Yu Guzi stepped forward and bowed to Fang Yang.

He now understood everything. Everything they had experienced was the trick of the Wusheng Sect Leader. The Wusheng Sect Leader wanted to subdue them and make them his subordinates.

However, this was a rare opportunity. There are countless creatures in the world, but only a few can be favored by the Daluo Jinxian.

Fang Yang raised his hand slightly: "You all must be predestined to enter the Zhenkong Hometown. Are you willing to join my Wusheng Sect and become a disciple of the Wusheng Sect?"

To the water tribe cultivators, these words were simply the sound of nature.

They entered the space channel to avoid the pursuit of the dragon clan. Now that they have joined the Wusheng Sect, they no longer have to be afraid of the dragon clan.

Besides, they came to Zhenkong's hometown because of the will of heaven, and they should obey it.

If they go against the will of heaven, even if the leader of Wusheng lets them go, the will of heaven will not let them go.

"We pay our respects to the leader!"

Under the leadership of Huashengzi, the water tribe monks bowed to Fang Yang and became disciples of Wusheng.

Fang Yang was naturally overjoyed. This time, he gained 17 geniuses.

You know, each of them is a genius in the tribe, and each of them has a talent that is not inferior to Ao Moang, the eldest prince of the West Sea.

If they are trained, they can at least become an existence that is not inferior to Zhu Bajie. After the Conferred God, put them in the prehistoric world and make some plans. Maybe one or two Daluo Jinxian can emerge.

Of course, Fang Yang has no intention of accepting them as disciples.

The disciples he wants to accept are either innate spiritual roots, innate spiritual treasures, or innate divine reincarnations.

Fang Yang does not want to accept too many disciples, no more than four at most.

He is so poor that he doesn't have many magic weapons on his body. How can he support a lot of disciples?

Luobao Money, Zhenkong White Lotus, Hupo Magic Knife, Shooting Sun God Bow, even if he only accepts four disciples, these treasures are not enough to share!

Disciples work for you and work for you, but you are reluctant to give them treasures to make a living. When your disciples betray you, don't blame your disciples for being ruthless.

Fang Yang seriously suspects that Yuanshi Tianzun only accepts a dozen disciples because Yuanshi Tianzun is too poor and can only accept these few.

Yuanshi Tianzun's most beloved disciple is Guangchengzi. But for a long time, Guangchengzi did not have a relatively powerful innate spiritual treasure. It was not until the collapse of Buzhou Mountain that he got an acquired treasure that was as powerful as the best innate spiritual treasure.

Not everyone has endless magic weapons like Tongtian Jiaozhu.

In the case of insufficient magic weapon resources, Fang Yang can only pick those with good qualifications. In this way, his investment is too easy to get a return.

Thinking of accepting disciples, Fang Yang couldn't help but think of the world of destiny.

"After returning to the world of destiny, I have to see how many innate gods there are in the world and whether innate spiritual treasures have been bred. Even if the Destiny Demon God was killed instantly by Pangu, there should be some good things inside the world."

After he became the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao, he hurried back to the prehistoric world to prepare for the impact of the Golden Immortal. So far, he has not explored treasures or innate gods in the world of destiny.

The innate gods and innate spiritual treasures in the world of destiny are definitely not as good as those in the prehistoric world, but innate gods are innate gods, and innate spiritual treasures are innate spiritual treasures, which are not comparable to ordinary creatures and treasures.

After this wave of searches, there may be unexpected gains.

After returning to Hengshan Cave Heaven, Fang Yang directly entered the world of destiny.

Huashengzi and others were released, and they were surprised to see the world full of wild atmosphere. But what surprised them even more was that they felt that the bondage deep in their blood disappeared.

"The power of the divine covenant is gone?"

"Not eroded by external ways, indeed not eroded by external ways. From now on, we can not only cultivate to become Xuanxian, but also have hope of becoming Taiyi Jinxian."

"That's right! Ao Guang has the cultivation level of Taiyi Jinxian. As long as we cultivate to become Taiyi Jinxian, we can destroy the dragon clan."

"The dragon clan will be destroyed, and the water clan will prosper. No wonder God wants to guide us to join the Wusheng Sect!"

Many water clan cultivators were so excited that they almost jumped up. Now they saw hope and the future.

In addition to being excited, they did not forget to thank Fang Yang.

"Long live the master! Long live the master!"

The group bowed their heads and kowtowed like pounding garlic.

Fang Yang was also very satisfied with the performance of these followers. He nodded and ordered: "I will send you to the Vacuum Sea. You must practice well. When you have achieved success in your practice, I will let you return to the prehistoric world."

"Subordinates obey your orders!"

The monks said in unison.

Fang Yang waved his sleeves, rolled up a ball of world power, and sent the monks overseas.

These monks have their own heritage and do not need him to teach any skills. He did not accept these monks as disciples, nor was he willing to spend time to deduce skills for them.

After sending his subordinates away, Fang Yang appeared in front of the Sacred Heart Tree.

Without the limitation of space, the Sacred Heart Tree is now more than 3,000 times taller than before, and a branch is as long and big as a mountain.

This is the style that the best innate spiritual root should have.

Seeing Fang Yang appear in front of it, the Sacred Heart Tree made a sound.

"Brother, you are back just in time. Guess what I found in the depths of the earth?"

His voice was full of excitement, more excited than those water monks.

Fang Yang's eyes turned and he thought of a possibility: "Could it be that Junior Brother discovered the Temple of Destiny?"

He is now the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao. Even he can't figure out something, it must be not simple.

Coincidentally, in the prehistoric world, there is something that is not under the control of the ancestor Hongjun.

Pangu Temple.

Except for the twelve witch ancestors, no one can enter the Pangu Temple, not even the ancestor Hongjun.

"How did you know?"

The Sacred Heart Tree asked in astonishment.

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