Three days later, Li Gen's injuries were mostly healed, so he couldn't wait to take Fang Yang back to his general's mansion.

Fang Yang was an "honest man" who didn't want to take advantage of Li Gen. He refused again and again, but in the end he couldn't resist Li Gen's enthusiasm and reluctantly agreed to this matter.

"Brother Fang, this is my sea patrol general's mansion. What do you think?"

The Dragon Palace is rich and famous. Even if it is a sea patrol Yaksha's mansion, it is magnificent to the extreme.

The mansion gate is nine feet high. The gate is all made of fairy gold unique to the deep sea. The steps of the gate are made of a special spiritual stone, which can spontaneously gather spiritual energy from all directions.

"Brother Li is worthy of being a sea patrol general. This is the first time I have seen such a luxurious mansion."

Fang Yang's eyes lit up, like Liu Laolao entering the Grand View Garden for the first time.

"Haha! If Brother Fang likes it, why not live here for hundreds of years. You and I can sit and talk, drink and talk happily, isn't it happy."

Li Gen laughed and made an invitation.

This honest man had no idea that the brother Fang in front of him had searched his soul. If he knew about this, I wonder what he would think.

Fang Yang bowed his hands and politely declined Li Gen.

"Brother Li, you are joking. I still have to continue looking for a master, but I dare not stay too long."

After the two entered the general's mansion, Li Gen immediately ordered people to bring the fairy fruit special to the Dragon Palace, and called a group of clam girls to let them dance the Dunhuang Flying Dance.

Since coming to the prehistoric world, this is the first time that Fang Yang has enjoyed such VIP treatment.

"Brother Li, you have a lot of cultivation, how could you be beaten by someone?"

Fang Yang deliberately led the topic.

Hearing this question, Li Gen's anger came up again. He slammed the table and said hatefully.

"Brother Fang, this is all because I am blind and misjudged the person. To be ashamed, I was beaten by my shrimp soldiers."

He told Fang Yang about his jade pendant being stolen, chasing Liu Kan, and being beaten by Liu Kan.

As he said, he suddenly remembered something.

"That day, it was Chen Li who took me to find Liu Kan. I wonder if the battle between Liu Kan and I affected him?"

Chen Li was the shrimp soldier who followed Liu Kan.

If a celestial being was affected by the aftermath of the battle between the immortals, his fate would be unpredictable.

"Thank you, is Chen Li back?"

Li Gen called a crab general and asked.

In the prehistoric world where all races coexist, it is hard to judge whether Li Gen is a good person, but he is a good boss.

In the prehistoric world, human life is worthless, and the lives of shrimp soldiers are even less valuable. It is common for 100,000 or 200,000 people to die, but Li Gen is worried about a shrimp soldier.

The crab general said: "General, he came back two days ago."


The worry on Li Gen's face suddenly disappeared, and he nodded.

"Very good! This kid is quite smart. Go to the warehouse to get two bottles of elixir and let him practice well."


The crab general took his leave and left.

After the crab general left, Fang Yang said.

"Brother Li, this is unlikely, right? A shrimp soldier, without any magic weapon, can injure you?"

Li Gen frowned and sighed.

"Before this, if someone told me that a celestial being could injure a mysterious immortal, I would never believe it. But I was defeated with conviction. Perhaps he was disguised as a celestial being."

He did not believe that Liu Kan was a celestial being. In his cognition, unless a magic weapon was used, a celestial being could not defeat a mysterious immortal.

Fang Yang looked at Li Gen, as if he wanted to say something, but stopped talking several times.

"Brother Fang, just say it."

Fang Yang thought about it and asked, "Brother Li, where did your jade pendant come from? That shrimp soldier has such a skill, not stealing immortal weapons, not stealing immortal pills, but only stealing jade pendants. Is there any secret in it?"

Li Gen smiled, very proudly.

"Jade pendant? That was given to me by His Majesty the Dragon King, nothing special"

As he spoke, his face froze and he could not smile anymore.

Fang Yang was confused: "That's strange. Since Brother Li's jade pendant is useless, why did Liu Kan steal it instead of anything else?"


Li Gen stood up suddenly, his expression was very solemn, and he clasped his fists towards Fang Yang.

"Brother Fang, I'm lucky you reminded me, otherwise, I, Li Gen, would have become a sinner of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. Brother Fang, you can stay in the general's mansion with peace of mind. I will go to see His Majesty and report this to him."

After he apologized to Fang Yang, he called General Crab and asked General Crab to entertain Fang Yang well, and he left the hall in a hurry.

The Dragon Palace of the East China Sea is the holy land of the Dragon Sea aquatic people and the power center of the four sea aquatic people. Li Gen took the teleportation array and arrived at the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea in a moment.

"Patrol Sea General!"

"Greetings General!"

Seeing Li Gen's arrival, the aquatic people in the Dragon Palace saluted Li Gen one after another.

Li Gen's official position may not be high. In the East China Sea Navy, he can only be regarded as a second-rate figure. However, he once saved the third prince Ao Bing from a vicious dragon.

From then on, Li Gen became a popular figure in front of the Dragon King of the East China Sea and the third prince of the East China Sea.

In the Crystal Palace, the Dragon King of the East China Sea Ao Guang, the third prince of the East China Sea Ao Bing, the fourth princess of the East China Sea Ao Tingxin, the Turtle Prime Minister Jiu Qian Sui of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and the Shark Marshal of the East China Sea Navy were discussing matters.

At this time, Ao Guang was not an old man, he was still a middle-aged dragon, and he had a kingly demeanor when he ruled the four seas.

The fourth princess Ao Tingxin was as brave as a man, and as a woman, her demeanor was not inferior to any man in the world.

Only the third prince Ao Bing looked a little decadent.

In the past, he was an ambitious dragon like his father and sister. However, an incident later made him decadent.

When the Emperor of Earth was in power, he had a conflict with the human princess Nvwa. He was young and hot-tempered and killed Nvwa, which almost brought disaster to the dragon clan.

If it weren't for Shennong's kindness and unwillingness to cause a war between humans and dragons, and if he didn't care too much about this matter, it would be unknown whether the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea could still exist.

"We shouldn't agree. The Dinghai Shenzhen is a spiritual treasure of acquired merit. If we welcome this treasure into the Dragon Palace, our Dragon Palace will never have peace."

Ao Tingxin's voice was crisp and loud.

Marshal Shark said: "It is precisely because the Dinghai Shenzhen is a spiritual treasure of acquired merit that we should welcome this treasure into the Dragon Palace. Emperor Yu promised to allow us to use this treasure to suppress our East China Sea destiny. Just based on this point, we can't refuse."

Prime Minister Turtle nodded repeatedly when he heard this, and he spoke.

"If my dragon clan can form an alliance with the human race, we can smoothly control the rivers, lakes and seas of the nine states of the human race. This will be of great benefit to my dragon clan in washing away the karma on our bodies."

Prime Minister Turtle and Marshal Shark both agreed to form an alliance with the human race, and the balance in Ao Guang's heart gradually tilted towards Prime Minister Turtle and the two.

"Father, don't forget the matter of the earth marriage. The fall of the previous car is a lesson for the future car!"

Seeing that Ao Guang was moved, Ao Ting's mind moved and mentioned the past marriage between the human race and the witch race.

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