As soon as Qingfeng Tongzi came out, all the great powers knew what he would give without even looking at his hand.

Ginseng fruit!

Wuzhuang Temple is a place that specializes in ginseng fruit. 100% of the ginseng fruit in the prehistoric world comes from Wuzhuang Temple.

Whether Zhenyuan Daxian is entertaining or giving gifts, he will definitely bring out his own ginseng fruit.

Just like now, Qingfeng Tongzi held a ginseng fruit on a golden plate and walked in front of Yang Jiao.

Yang Jiao immediately looked flattered and expressed his gratitude to Zhenyuan Daxian.

After the quasi-saints of Xuanmen gave their gifts, it was the turn of the quasi-saints of Pangu League.

Although Pangu League was at odds with Xuanmen, it was only a struggle of ideas. Before the sermon in Zixiao Palace, the two sides had joined forces to fight against the magic path.

On the surface, the two sides maintained a certain degree of peace.

Therefore, the great powers of Pangu League also brought out some precious treasures as gifts.

Among them, the most generous one was Xiang Liu. As soon as he gave out a reincarnation talisman, he gave it a reincarnation talisman.

According to him, with this reincarnation talisman, one can commit suicide at the most dangerous time, and the true spirit can escape into reincarnation to avoid the enemy's pursuit.

This life-saving talisman is indeed very useful.

Finally, there is the gift from the saint sect. Compared with the quasi-saints, the saints are obviously much more generous.

As soon as the Chan Sect gave out a gift, it was a top-grade acquired spiritual treasure, giving enough face to the Jie Sect.

The Human Sect, the Western Sect, and the Wa Palace also spent a lot of money, giving a Taiyi Creation Pill, a lotus seed of the twelfth-grade merit golden lotus, and a top-grade acquired spiritual treasure Wuguang Stone.

Yang Jiao's highlight moment ended, and it was time for the great powers to communicate and discuss the law.

In this stage, Yang Jiao was no longer the protagonist, and the protagonists of the conference became the quasi-saints.

The great powers had a lot to do, and it took hundreds of thousands or millions of years to refine treasures and arrays.

Only at special banquets can they gather together.

As they talked, they talked about fighting.

For cultivators, fighting is a must. If you don't fight, what kind of cultivator are you?

So, at the suggestion of several quasi-saints, the great men present sent their juniors to fight with others.

The quasi-saints took out their treasures as a prize and made a small bet.

Many Golden Immortals and Taiyi Golden Immortals were like chicken blood, bursting out with powerful strength, and started a fierce competition with their opponents.

Of course, such a fight, in the eyes of the Daluo Golden Immortal, is just a fight between chickens.

Some Daluo Golden Immortals were bored and stood up to challenge other Daluo Golden Immortals.

For example, Lu Yue shouted across the air that he wanted to have a fight with Fang Yang.

"Fellow Daoist Fang Yang, you once helped Junior Sister Bai Yan of the Wa Palace to suppress the rebellious disciple of our sect, Chang Er Ding Guang Xian. It is said in the prehistoric times that Daoist Daoist has extraordinary cultivation. I want to see how capable Daoist Daoist Daoist is."

When Lu Yue said this, the venue was silent and quiet. Tong Tian Jiaozhu could not help but frown.

Can the matter of Chang Er Ding Guang Xian be said in public?

Colluding with the devil and slaughtering living beings is not glorious, and Lu Yue's words also revealed a hint of revenge for Chang Er Ding Guang Xian.

Only the disciples of Jiejiao are allowed to kill others, and others are not allowed to resist. The Saint Sect is too overbearing!

Even if revenge is sought, Lu Yue should go to Wa Palace. It was Wa Palace that dispersed the soul of Chang Er Ding Guang Xian. What kind of ability is it to seek revenge on a casual cultivator?

The eyes of the great powers in the heavens changed when they looked at the people of Jiejiao, and there was a hint of playfulness in their eyes.

The Saintly Sect, can't afford to play with it?

Looking at Lu Yue who was smiling smugly, the Holy Mother Wu Dang regretted it so much. If she had known this, she should have continued to dig and dug Lu Yue out.

Facing Lu Yue's challenge, Fang Yang was not panicked at all.

Not to mention Lu Yue, he would not be afraid of Duobao Taoist and Yunxiao Fairy.

Under the attention of the crowd, Fang Yang responded directly:

"I heard that fellow Taoist Lu Yue is best at plague and poison. Coincidentally, I have also studied poison. If fellow Taoist really wants to see my skills, why not compete with me in poison."

It is impossible to do it in public!

In this kind of occasion, not only can you not kill people, but it is also easy to expose your own strength. Fang Yang does not think there is any point in fighting.

However, since others have come to the door, he can't escape.


Hearing this, Lu Yue immediately laughed.

In his heart, he is the number one poison in the world, and no one is better than him.

Because his teacher is Master Tongtian, the strongest saint. As the disciple of the strongest saint, he is also the strongest.

"Okay! Daoyou is a guest, and the rules are determined by Daoyou."

Other great powers did not even watch the fight between the younger generation, and shifted all their attention to Fang Yang and Lu Yue.

Fang Yang smiled and said, "The rules are very simple. Since you and I are fighting poison, let's each take out a poison and let the other take it. Whoever can dissolve the other's poison in the shortest time is the winner."

This is an opportunity to defeat Lu Yue openly.

Among the eighty-one Pangu Dharma phases, there is an innate ten thousand poison Dharma phase. Once activated, all poisons are immune. Although Lu Yue's plague is very powerful, it is unlikely to hurt him.

Instead, it is him.

Back then, in the Hengshan Cave Heaven, he collected a lot of Xuanyin Charm Fire Pill poison. Fang Yang wants to see if Lu Yue can break Chi You's poison.

He is a member of the Pangu League, and no one can find fault with using Chi You's poison.


Lv Yue agreed to the duel without even considering it. He reached out and took out a small green bottle from his natal world.

Before the bottle was opened, a shrill roar and cry came out. It turned out that the plague in the bottle had already given birth to spirituality and turned into countless poison gods and plague gods.

Lv Yue pointed at the small bottle and said, "The plague in this bottle should be very familiar to you. This is the plague you gave to my two disciples. It's not too late for you to admit defeat now."

Seeing that Lu Yue actually took out the plague of the Plague King, Fang Yang was speechless.

From top to bottom, Jiejiao likes to copy others' ideas and always takes other people's things as their own. However, he can't say this. If he wants to say it, it should be said by Luohou, Dong Wanggong, and Plague King.

Fang Yang nodded: "It's okay, I don't care about the Plague Lord. Any poison in the world should keep pace with the times."

As he said that, a pill appeared in his hand.

As soon as this pill appeared, endless poisonous gas emerged, and after these poisonous gases appeared, they turned into countless charm fires and charm spirits.

As soon as this pill appeared, the other great powers present looked at each other in bewilderment, and the True Lord Qingxu Daode was even more furious.

Xuanyin Charm Fire Pill!

Some people in the crowd took a breath of cold air.

The Plague Lord's plague poison and Chiyou's Xuanyin Charm Fire Pill, these two people are more ruthless than each other!

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